Aug 12, 2007 21:28
My laptop died a few weeks ago when Ben came to visit. Maybe it got jealous. Perhaps it's old systems could not handle the sheer AWESOMENESS of his book.
If you like pirates, you will like Ben's band (although he does not own the band), and you should check them out, and oh dead I sound like a pimp. EITHER WAY, they are fantastico and deserve muchos respect.
My laptop is a sony. I like it because it is silver, and has a pentium dual core 2 processor (or whatever), and is wireless enabled (hence me being on the net! In my room! At home!!) and I need to install itunes on it before I go to bed.
This means I can now indulge in my one true love.
and all the other stuff obviously.
Am I the only person who would like to be an anime character? Surely this is not true. We all know that ladies in anime are stunningly gorgeous, with body proportions that cannot possibly exist in the real world, and can do things like RIDE ON DRAGONS and rip out men's ribs merely by bating their eyelashes. These are the kind of things I desire in life. A superhuman ability at any martial art, a body that is beyond this world, and the ability to rip out men's internal organs with minimum effort. Oh yea, and riding dragons. I am not sure why I aspire to these things. Perhaps it would be more realistic if I were to, for instance, aspire to be promoted in under a year, or buy a house by the time I'm 26. Or be married before I'm 30, or, I don't know, get a social life.
I aspire to the impossible, so I am constantly disappointed! I can also point you to a long list of extremely hot male anime characters whose internal organs I would most definately want to stay IN.
MIGGINS - I hope that you and Jed are enjoying the three day summer we have had this year and that everything is going well.
STEPH - I hope that your cat is okay, and I will pay you for BPAL as soon as you e-mail e with price. E-mail my work address? Do you even have that address?
I've decided that I'm going to join a tennis club in reading. I am slightly terrified, but I would like to meet more people with sporty interests (it might motivate me) and I get jealous when I see people playing tennis. IT COULD BE ME!
Dear god, what a post full of utter crap.