Questions from
lifeatemymuse .
Reply to this with GO GIGANTES and I'll give you 5 questions.
1. Are you nervous or excited about November approaching?
Both! I'm eager to get started on this novel. Over the past few days it's been boiling around in my mind and certain elements are starting to take shape. That part's exciting. On the other hand, I'm worried the plot won't withstand or that I'm going to get too embroiled in details. And I have some college assignments to take care of before November rolls around. That part is nerve wracking!
2. What made you want to write a YA Steampunk novel above other things?
The heart of this novel is a gift for my best friend. She's a total romantic, and loves an adventurous YA book. The Steampunk element comes from our joint love of the fantastical and period pieces. Stephen King (in "On Writing") recommends writing for your "Constant Reader," and she would definitely be mine. I hope she loves the story.
3. What will cause disruptions in your writing this coming month? [If Any]
College mostly. I have a couple of big assignments that are going to take up big chunks of time but that are entirely necessary. I have a big family trip coming up as well, and of course the holidays approaching. I'm handmaking some of my gifts this year, and those must be worked on.
4. When you are stressed, what do you usually do to relax?
I love casual games, and usually wind down my days by gaming for a couple of hours. That, reading, and calling my SO always make me feel better.
5. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?
It seems to change every week! But today, it's definitely parents who don't control their children. I was at a restaurant with some friends and a little girl behind us hit one of our party members on the back of the head and started the giggling. The mom's reaction was to laugh! Seriously, control your child!