Feb 14, 2005 23:10
Two weeks ago I saw Dr.G my Orthro. They took a ton of fun X-Rays. I say fun cause I got to turn this way and that way. Stand, bend my knees. Don't bend my knees. Poor X-Ray people have to make them think when I saw my knees don't bend that far. Hehe. Anyway so my bones all looked good and fine. Nothing out of place. But there is a bad thing to that, Why does my knee still hurt like crazy? I've stumped them all. We all got therories though. Yay for that eh? Anyway so he says he wants me to see this other doctor cause he might see something Dr.G missed. I say why not? So I'll be seeing a Dr.L on friday. Dr.G also wanted me to go back to the pain specialist, which is a nifty way of saying "You're in a ton of pain and it ain't going away anytime soon, so let's see what things we can try to take away some of the pain." I told Dr.G I wanted a pacemaker thing that they put in your spine and the moment you feel any pain you push a button on your remote control and it stops the pain signals to your brain. But he said he wanted to try other things first but it is another reason for you to agree to see Dr.M (the pain guy), cause if we do go with that, he'd be the one setting it up. So I agreed.
Dr.G ALSO wanted me to try PT (Physical Therapy). Uhg. Somehow he talked me into this one too by saying he's perscribe more of a massage therapy type of treatmeant. I normally do not like PT's cause they all tell me I'm walking wrong and I just want to scream to them, "Ok then you get your bones fused like mine and see how 'normally' you walk! And if I was supposed to walk 'normally' I'd not have been born this way you stupid moron!" But I never do cause that'd be mean.
On friday I saw my new PT and we went over all the reasons I was there and what type of things she would try. I also told her nicely that past PT never worked because the focus soon changed to trying to fix the way I moved instead of working with it. She promised me she wouldn't do that. I was happy to hear that but you never know right? Anyway the first visit is mostly talking and evaluating rang of motion. While talking to her I started to believe she'd be cool about it all she seemed like the kind of person who actually listens to the patient. I just got a good vibe from her. I think it helped that she's only two years older than me and she's kinda like a down to earth person. Anyway She did some streaches with me and massages which felt alright. Also I'm seeing her for my back because it's hurting alot more often as well. Anyway so she pulls out this nifty lil machine called "electroids" and they put the lil circle sticky things on your back in certain areas then turn it on and it runs what feels like mini shocks on your back. OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT MACHINE! It felt sooo good. She just about won me over with that. hehe. Today was my second visit and still she's cool she is still doing simple streaches and massages. There was one streach that was tough for me to do, after a few minutes of us trying to figure it out and it not working she said "ah screw it, we'll get it another way." I was like wow that's a first, YAY. And at the end of the sesion she gave me the electro thingy again, which again made me oh so happy. It completely relaxes those back muscles. Way cool! So I am liking this PT this time around which is a complete shock to me after so many bad experiences I didn't think it could be this way. For a few weeks I'll see her two times a week and may up it to three when we get into groove. The knee pain is still there but really it was only one time that we got to work on it but her massaging didn't hurt. It felt ok but not like it was with my back. But who knows. I'm going to stay hopeful about this since it turned out so different than I thought it would.