i believe in a thing called love

Feb 08, 2005 16:06

this is going to be a long one... umm fri i went to the movies with marykate and steph and cried haha mk i hate you. then we wnt back to my casa and chilled. then sat i had ODP and then me kt shannon and ashley went out w=to bill grays afterwords. then i went home showered and went shopping with marykate and hiary. i saw kt there again! i<3 her haha. then i had an amherst game that we tied 0-0. then sun moring i had soccer practice then amherst soccer practice then i came home slept and watched the superbowl. mon me ellen and rosie saw some gross kid puke in the hall, it was funny and the most grosest thing i ever saw in my life. hahaha. then i went to rosies after school. sooooo mcuh fun. um lets see we had a fish tank water war, played some really crazy game, watched peter pan and did stuff that you wouldnt even understand. hahh then we went to target and acted like 4 year olds. it was alot of fun. you should try it. haha then i went to soccer pracitce then homeowrk and blah. um today i found out that my final average is an 86 which i guess is better than what i expected. haha.

Does anyone want to make a new layout for my livejournal?? it needs to be changed? please? hahah thanks <3

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