Title: Peanut Butter
Fandom: Hairspray (movie, 2007)
Pairing: Link/Tracy (also features Penny Pingleton)
Rating: PG if any
Summary: Link is stuck in detention hall on an empty stomach...that’s when he meets Tracy and Penny...and Mama Turnblad’s amazing Peanut Butter sandwiches. Fluffy, One-shot
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*claps* Oh I do love when someone enjoys a phrase or line in a story and then points it out...it is such a joy for a writer that it was appreciated. :) Thank you so much for that. ♥ *twirls*
I wrote 2 more and they are here at LJ and at FF...this was the first one. I actually wrote all of them before the movie came out. You could say I'm a big fan, haha.
I believe I've read both of your other 2 fics (shameless Trink fangirl heh), and I must say that I've enjoyed them very very much. Keep writing, girl! You're doing a great job so far. :]
Oh shameless Trink fangirl here, so you're in good company! *high fives* LOL. *blushes* Thank you...its been a while since I wrote a Trink fic. Real Life is being utterly pesky. But I need to write again..when my Photoshop isn't distracting me. ;)
EDIT: I apparently cannot spell today. :p
And it IS nice to find a fellow Trink fan! There aren't many here who join me in squeeing over Hairspray. Fangirling gets a little lonely sometimes. :[
Oh I see and yeah you guessed right-I don't read slash. :) D/B...Danny/Betty from Ugly Betty? Oh goodness. :D Would you message me if you write and post that? Coz I'd be so there. Danny/Betty are another Trink like pairing...the girl next door and the playboy....love them!
*points to icon* I adore Ben...adore is prob putting it mildly coz I'm burning a hole in my photoshop iconning him. And Narnia fic is ironically my next project too. The bunnies have been taking up residence in my house, lol. Though I'll be writing more gen fic, funny stuff and het ships. :D
EDIT: Why do I press post too soon? :p Bring on the fangirling. The Trink love is quite strong on some LJ comms though. Have you visited any of them? :)
And yes, D/B as in Daniel/Betty. I'm still a bit oogy on Daniel's character, though, so I think I'll just stick to Betty's POV for the time being. I'll definitely let you know if/when I do post it up! :]
I adore Ben too (I have this THING for British males -- Alan Rickman, anyone?), probably because he's simply so NICE to LOOK at. And good luck with the gen fics -- I'm HORRIBLE at characterisation, so I prefer to leave the retrospective fics to other people. :]
And no, I HAVEN'T visited any pro-Trink comms. My fangirling so far has been contained to endless Hairspray marathons, and the occasional trawling through of FFNet for fluff. I like fluff. Especially when Mr. Larkin is involved. Mwee.
Right now, I'm stuck halfway in Chapter 3. I've got my characters in one place, and I know where I want them to go, but hell if I know how I'm gonna get them there! Grah. And yeah, gen fics don't ship anyone, AFAIK, which is PRECISELY why I like to read them. I think it says a lot for an author to do a psychoanalysis of another author's characters.
God, dialogue. Give me third person narrative any day. >.< I think my main problem is character development -- I've got this really bad habit of not thinking through my characters very well. Horrible, I know.
And out of curiosity, what exams are you having? Trust me, I know how it's like to have plot bunnies abound, but you're forced to hit the books. Usually, I end up writing snippets of fics on my notes, so it's kinda embarrassing when someone asks to borrow them LOL.
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