Title: The Invitation
Fandom: Roswell
Pairing: Michael/Maria (Candy)
Rating: PG
Summary: Michael gets a surprise visit on Christmas Eve (fluffy one-post, written from Michael’s pov).
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Roswell and its characters are owned by the writers of the book series and the TV show. I own nothing.
Author’s Note: This is somewhat AU
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BTW you own and LJ right? Would you like to be LJ friends coz we could keep track of each other here. :) How have you been, love? BTW princess_narnia is my FO journal,
And Candy wise...its been a while. I have a partly written fic at the moment. Must finish that and then Christmas fic....I can certainly look at it. :)
But I should get cracking on the fic over December. Its gonna be busy but hopefully I will get a little time to myself to work on it. :)
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