Philosophy! (Or just some random thoughts)

Feb 15, 2008 00:37

Just cos everyone else seems to be talking about it, why not post some of my thoughts?

I'm atheist, in fact I'm special. I've tried Christianity, and never found my self to have faith. The whole god thing never caught on with me, even though I like a lot of what it tries to teach, like what Ghandi said "I like your jesus, but I'm not so sure about the christians". So I've described my self as a Christian, sans god, the bible, going to church etc. I still turn my cheek, etc, etc. But Rather than saying "I'm nice to people because god tells me too" I say "I'm nice to people because it makes sense and I should be nice."

Also people seems to like to use the argument "Look how complicated things are, ergo god exists" I like to say "Look how complicated things are, ergo it's incredible that anything exists, which is awesome, enjoy how awesome things are".

I mean we started off in caves and we have scrabble a game that links words on a grid, and cars which *explode* gases. Where else in the universe do these things happen? It's so unlikely to have happened it's awesome that it has.

But some people then say how tiny the world is and get a bit depressed....and yes we're infinitely small compared to the universe, and compared to it we don't matter. Well the rest of the universe doesn't matter to me. How many stars without planets, and planets with out life are there? They're negligible. What matters is what is close to you. That's incredibly important.

Anyway, random ramble over.

life, ramble, deep

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