It's 2005 already and I'm here, in Quebec city, 2 hours away from where I live and my mom is sleeping right next to me. My sister (I'm staying at her place) is sleeping upstairs with her husband and her two little boy children. And here I am, alone in the dark and pumping up The Dears in my discman, very stoned from the lot of joints and cigarettes I have smoked with my sister's hubby. We talked about so much stuff including my dad and myself, he seems to think us two are so much alike that it becomes scary. But I disagree. Anyway, I won't tell you my (self to self) wishes for 2005 because it's plain boring but I wanted, in this special occasion, to say something to my friends, to all of you, my dears:
antiquitykin : My dear Texan Tyler friend. I wish that 2005 will bring you all the pleasure and love that you diserve. I cherrish knowing you and you bring me fascination and laughter. Just don't change. HUG
cowboyx : Scott !!!! Wow, I am so deeply proud of knowing someone like you, who is authentic and genuine and will always protect the ones he loves, no matter what. I will always remember when I felt terribly lost and alone and told you how much I could not find friends and you told me I just don't saw all the friends I had around myself, like you. I was so touched that you considerred myself as your friend, not knowing how much of a mess I was. Now you know, most certainly, but you are still here and I know you will, always. And I could never thank you enough for that. Noelix ;)
daakuryu : My sweet J-F, my tourmented silvery dove, that can often appear as a sad crow. One day, I hope you realize how much beautiful you are and spread your wings and show the bastards what you can do.
daerlyn : You are sexy and strong and I will always be thankful to you for that. You inspired me in so many ways and I am so very happy for you and Mnem, I think you make a perfect couple and look very happy. I wish you both all of the best for 2005.
evirus : Mon petit Rodriguez. How could I ever describe my feelings for you. You are so full of everything; comedy, drama, sensitivity, latin dancing. I'll always be there for you.
gr33n : Anthony, what a pretty name anyway! You are loving and delicate (and so young looking !) people had to swear on their lives to make me believe your real age. At least I don't feel like this big fool who is so much older than you :P I know 2004 brought you a great deal of pain and changes and I only wish that 2005 will be your reward year, because even if I don't know you that well, I know you need something else.
kideternity : Toi par exemple, tu es tout un mystère !! I much enjoyed your haikus and your romantic yet childish self. I love reading about your trip to Japan and I wish to you all the best that this country can offer. And all the inspiration that goes with it.
libertin : Même si on ne s'est pas connu très longtemps, je sais que tu es un être incroyablement gentil et généreux. Tu m'as souvent remonté le moral par le biais de ce journal et j'espère qu'un jour je pourrais te rendre la monnaie de tes pièces. Merci.
missclea : Nadzine, ma belle fée des ténèbres, tu es la plus belle femme (je vais switcher car je veux que tout le monde puisse le lire) you are the most beautiful girl that I haver ever met (and ever will). You are everything I wish I could be and you complete me to an extend that is beyond words. I would do anything to make your life bright up with sunny skies and pink faieries flying all around your most perfect head. You are my angelic friend, no matter what you say, I will always see you as a muse. I love you and will simply always be there, just damn fucking happy I know you.
mtlchick : It's such a shame I didn't get to know you better when we were working at, you are simply my kind of girl. I love your view of life, your wit and honesty. I hope 2005 will bring you all the best and I give you a major big hug.
nessim : Tu n'es pas avec moi ce soir mais j'espère que tu t'amuses bien. Je t'aime et j'espère que cette nouvelle année sera remplie de belles surprises pour nous deux, et que nous serons encore plus amoureux et forts. Tu es une personne merveilleuse. Tiens, Yeah, Rocks Off.
sachiel : Francis, comment te dire, c'est difficile. Tu proviens d'une race rare où les hommes sont sensibles, amoureux et écoutent les femmes et ça ne peut tout simplement pas me laisser indifférente. Il ne s'en fait pas beaucoup de ton genre tu sais, sois fier. Je te serre fort dans mes bras et j'espère que 2005 sera généreuse avec toi.
salmacis : My dear adventurous friend. I admire you so much and I hope you are enjoying a perfect holiday surrounded with people that love you (and I know there are MANY). I will be audacious and wish you to find the man of your life in 2005. I know you don't need a man to complete you but a pretty and perfect lady like you can't go on like that without being noticed. I wish that one day, I will meet you in person. Have a wonderful year my friend and I send you plenty of warm, heart-felt french hugs.
sohnyrin : Ma petite ninja des ombres. Te rencontrer a été quelque chose de tout sauf ordinaire et je suis vraiment contente que nous gardions contact encore aujourd'hui. Tu m'as toujours laissé des commentaires qui m'ont fait réfléchir et qui m'ont souvent mis du plomb dans la tête. Ça a l'air fou de même mais je t'aime beaucoup. xxx
squidmark : My little hoolie of love. You are sweet and tender and one of the prettiest soul I have met in my stupid life. I wish you so much love in 2005 that you will burst into bright rainbows and glittering hearts. Always keep me updated, I love you. Kiss kiss !!
techsta_girl : Aussie beauty queen rave girl. I feel so proud that you keep me in your friends list so I can read all about what is going on with you. I know I don't reply so often but I follow you, from far away and you are simply amazing. So intelligent and crazy at the same time, yet so touching. And might I add that you are hella beautiful. Thank you for being there and may 2005 harvest the most colourful and plump fruits for you.
weaselnation : Kyle! I'm glad to be able to read your thoughts and feelings. I relate so much when I read you and you make me feel like nobody is alone out there, in this crazy world. For 2005, I wish you a great big carreer move and a lot of recognition for your talent. Oh and the love, lots and lots of love.