Do I even have anything to saaaaay

Aug 07, 2010 23:37

And the answer is nooooo

Um, I gave myself a mild concussion last week at work and bashed my head on the boiler? I now have a dent in my head. *sighs* And I have a UTI or something right now but it's painful and I worked half the day today and all day tomorrow and I can't get to a doctor til Monday. It'd better be bloody busy at work tomorrow so I can get my mind off it.

Fun fact, friends: I'm a pretty big fan of Vanessa Hudgens. *awaits mass defriending* She's not the best actress or singer but she has this energy and seems like a genuinely lovely person. Anyway, she's currently in RENT at the Hollywood Bowl as Mimi and I am rather angry the two reviews I have found say she 'doesn't suck' or 'she flopped.' I don't know why. Part of me's like SHE HAD TEN DAYS TO REHEARSE GUYS and the other part of me's proud she did it and the OTHER part of me is furious she didn't eclipse expectations. Being a fan of former Disney stars: harder than you might think.

I did manage to have fun at Whitby and Forbidden Corner despite having said concussion. Forbidden Corner is a garden of follies. Rich eccentrics built little gardens with puzzles and random jets of water and mazes. This one was bigger and badder than all of them. You have to go through a mouth to get in. It burps as you walk through.

That's the mouth.

Part of the magical mystery tour. I've got the umbrella. It didn't work. Fiona set off the sensors and the water comes from the ground up and then I fell in and ruined my shoes. NO LAUGHING AT THE BACK

Underground it got scary. I won't spoil it for you, but there are seven doors and whispered Latin...

Cairfax Abbey, on the contrary, looks a place of peace and rest rather than AAAAH FEAR.

My only regret is not buying a £45 bit of jet jewellery, a silver and jet spider pendant. OH WELL.
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