Jul 21, 2005 02:44
Time started: 2.46
*Name: Autumn
*Nickname: alfredo and others
*Single or Taken: single
*Sex: yes please!
*Birthday: august 7th...(16 more days bee-otches)
*Sign: lion, baby! hear me roar! *ROAR!!!* hehe ^.^
*Siblings: yes...>.<
*Hair color: redish
*Eye color: greenish/blueish/brownish but they change
*Height: 5'0" migits united bitches!!!
*Where do you live: under your bed
*Righty or lefty: righty
*Who are your closest friends? Deanna,kyle
*Do you have a bf or gf? no
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: HOT TOPIC!
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? ears, and hopefully mi nose
*Color: pink & black
*Number(s): 21
*Boys name: undecided
*Girls name: undecided
*Subject in school: recess
*Animal: any animal is fine with me
*Drink: coca-cola bitches!
*Celebrity(s): lerch (deanna!, lol!!)
*Sport: baseball
*Veggie: salad, lol
*Fruit: tomatos
*Fast food place: burger king (because u can have it your way)
*Place to visit: anywhere but my house
*Juice: strawberry-kiwi
*Finger: middle...because it has character, lol
*Ice Cream: black cherry
*Favorite cartoon character: jimmy nuetron!!
Have You Ever
*Smoked: yes
*Bungee jumped: not yet but its on my to do list
*Broken the law: yes
*Made yourself throw-up: yes but i HATE throwing up
*Gone skinny dipping: does my bathtub count? if so then yes
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yes
*Eaten a dog biscuit: yes
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: not a frozen pole..a frozen metal table wen i was 6
*Loved someone that made you cry?: yes
*Played truth or dare: yes ...i had to lick things, lol!!
*Been in a physical fight: yes
*Been in a police car: no
*Been on a plane: no
*Been in a sauna: yes
*Been in a hot tub: yes
*Swam in the ocean: yes
*Fallen asleep in school: yes
*Broken someone's heart: yes
*Cried when someone died: yes
*Flashed someone: yes
*Lied: yes, who hasnt?
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: always!
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes
*Saved e-mails: yes
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: nope..well i dont think so n.e ways
*Been rejected? too many times
*Been cheated on? yes
*Been dumped? yes
*Done something you regret?: yes ALOT!
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: blood
*Blue: man group
*Happy: deanna
*Autumn: y me?
*Greenland: irish people
*luck charm: cereal
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: ive done way too many stupid things, idk
*Your most prized possession: cd player and CDs
*Last thing you ate: leominade lol
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yes
*Sore Throat: yes
*Cold: yes
*Stitches: no
*Bloody nose: no
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: yes, sometimes
*Enjoy parks: not really...unless it has lots of stuff
*Like school: not entirely
*What schools have you gone to: samoset, south st., memorial, northwest, southeast
*Hate anyone: yes
*Who is the last person that called you: deanna
*Makes you laugh the most: Deanna
*Makes you smile: deanna
*Can make you feel better no matter what: deanna
*Was the last person you touched?: me
*You talked to last: brother
*You hugged: my kitty
*Massaged: timii, lol
*You yelled at: my mom (she started it!)
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: no
*Do you get along: with everyone but most of my family
*Do you do drugs: not really
*Color your hair?: yes
*Habla espanol?: no i dont speak spanish lol
*Stolen anything ever? yes
*Obsessive: only about certain things/people
*Compulsive: what the fuck is it?
*Anorexic: fuck no!
*Depressed? at times
*Suicidal? never would commit it, just have thoughts about it at times
Final Questions
Girls Fill Out (for girls ONLY)
*Boxers or briefs: BOXERS!!
*Older, younger, same: doesnt really matter just not under 13
*Tall or short: taller, but not by too much
*Good or bad guy: is good but can be badd ;)
*Ear peirced or not: dont care
*Stubble or neatly shaved: as long as they dont look like a bum i dont care
*Hot or cute: cute...or hot, hots good too!!!!
*Dark or blonde hair: dont care
*Curly or straight hair: dont care
*Dark or light eyes: perferebly light
*Hat or no hat: um...
*Long or short hair: depends
*Tan or fair: dont care
*What do you notice first about guys?: face
*Shy or outgoing: out going
*Six pack: that'd be nice
*Muscular arms: YES PLESE!!