So here's how it's done...
Comment on this post saying you want to play. I'll choose seven userpics from your profile and you'll reply here (or you know, your own journal, whichever), explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.
_jems_ asked me about these icons...
Friends bloopers, FTW! The PIVOT!!! scene was such a hysterical scene in the first place, but somehow knowing there was a blooper behind it makes it even funnier. LOL There's also something about watching someone totally crack up that makes me smile, no matter what my mood. Plus, Chandler/Matthew Perry is my favorite of the Friends actors/characters. ;D
Another Friends/Chandler quote. I mainly use this one as a mood icon, whenever I'm having trouble making a decision or frustrated over something. lol
Boy Meets World! (Yes, I'm a closet BMW junkie. lol) Eric being all lazy, slouched on the couch in his robe, eating chocolate syrup out of the bottle. I'm pretty sure this was also the ep where he was moping about the "good lookin' guy" too. LOL! It's my, depressed, binged, wanna stay home all day and watch TV icon. LOL
This was from a hysterical Prison Break interview with Wentworth Miller and Sarah Wayne Callies over what people were picturing their S2 reunion to be like. And Wentworth Miller jokingly made this comment about how things might go...on a cable network. lol It was the happier days when Michael and Sara actually had a future. *sigh* Sadly, FOX saw it fit to screw everyone and actors alike. :/
DEAN! lol ALL of Jensen's expressions crack me up and are beyond classic, but the combination of his expression and the food reference was too much to resist. lol!
This was a Prison Break quote by Lincoln about Michael's plans. But the comment became very appropriate during the whole Sarah Wayne Callies "coming back/not coming back" situation. Unfortunately, reality DID kick faith's ass in the end. I suppose I could still use this icon for other contexts, but now the reminder would probably just be too painful. I really need to clean out some of my PB icons. lol
Wilson from House. Sadly, this text is waaayyy too true. lol And any general, all inclusive fandom references are great mood icons, IMO. So this is really less of a House icon, and more of a fandoms/ships/spaz icon. ;)