I'm tired, but I accomplished a lot today.
- I cleaned the Rec Hall, including sweeping, washing the desks, and mopping
- I served many people at cash, and actually got to practice my French.
- I helped unload 180 bundles of wood
- I helped deliver a canoe
...it seemed like a lot more a few hours ago.
And I drove to and from work. Didn't make my own coffee, though.
We rented movies. Got one free. Happy day.
I'm exhausted because my mind decided that it was too scared to sleep last night. And it was its own bloody fault.
LAURICE SKIP THIS. I was certain that a huge spider was crawling around on my pillow. Keep in mind that this was 1 AM. This spider could have been a complete figment of my imagination. BUT naturally, I kept waking up and checking my pillows and blankets, because said spider was big enough for me to not want it anywhere near me. Stupid overactive imagination. This morning I saw no evidence of a spider. Grr.