Jan 24, 2004 17:06
There are times where u just wanna say fuck everything and it seems like right now is one of those times... from basketball, to school, and back to parents. And dont let me forget teachers... sometimes i wish i had a knife to stick in my teacher's heart everytime they try to get me in trouble for shit that really isnt neccesary. Now im not gonna name any names because thats a subject u can't touch unless you wanna end up with some kind of trouble with the law. Basketball seems more like a chore now as opposed to being fun and enjoying whats going on.. I can blame my coach all i want. I can blame my teachers, or I can blame my parents but its time to start taking serious responsibility for my actions. Yeah ive been fucked over more than once by a teacher and yeah I've been treated unfairly by a coach but I've decided that I'm not going to let that get in the way of what I love to do... Ive made some mistakes that im not very proud of but who hasn't? I have a lot going on right now with a lot of stressful situations.. It seems like the only thing that makes me happy at the moment is my soon to be girlfriend and I know feel comfortable with the title. All I cant do is try to not let my problems get the best of me and look at life in a new perspective... Even though i still wanna fuckin kill my math teacher... so until next time my friends... we'll see where it takes me...