Music meme

Feb 08, 2009 22:48

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

tabularassa gave me an S for sex-ass, because that's what I am. I'm a sex-ass. Deal with it.

Also, picking JUST five songs that start with an S is bloody hard! So I just picked 5 that I'm absolutely addicted on at the moment.

1. Shed Some Light by Shinedown.

2. Silent Lucidity by Queensrÿche

3. Sing for Absolution by Muse

4. Song to Say Goodbye by Placebo

5. San Francisco by Scott McKenzie

Also, I would like to point out that they have released a new, proper trailer for season 3 of TORCHWOOD and there was BOYKISSING! And I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED! I also know that I have to wait for ever for the season to air but at the moment I DON'T CARE! BECAUSE THERE WAS BOYKISSING! AND IT MADE ME HAPPY! AND YES I'M SAD BUT I DON'T CARE! BECAUSE BOYKISSING!

And I'm done.

WHEE! TORCHWOOD!!! *retarted seal clap*

Hmmm... I really need to make myself a nice Torchwood, Janto icon. Yes I do.

"life", death by fangirling, i live for tv, me likes, squee, torchwood, me horny, boy loving, meme, yay, me excited, boy kissing, tv is my life, life what life, guh, boy touching, pathetic fangirling, miniperving

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