This is how it goes:
I dare you ... yes I dare you to find your 10 favorite pics of each Jared and Jensen and the two of them together. In or out of character I don't care.
Ok, let's start with Jensen:
I love the whole look, I wish those grey pants whould've been in this pic too. Those nice, tight pants... But I still love the scruff and the lip bite. Oh yes I do!
I agree with
lasamy on this one and I too wish there were hi-res pics of this shoot somewhere!
I think Jensen as Priestley is seriously HOT! I love the eyeliner among other things...
Just absolutely drop dead gorgeous black and white pic.
He looks hot/naughty/dirty in this one and me likes!
Oh yeah, spread those thighs for me baby!
Another beautiful B&W pic.
He's wet. Do I need to say more?
Sleepy Dean FTFW! I had a hard time picking just one of the many sleepy Dean/Dean arse/thighs/etc shots but I trust you know how hot they all are.
The look on his face plus those lips they just kill me!
And moving on to Jared:
Hello Jared/Sammy's naked, wet chest!
I love this promo shoot! Sammy/Jared looks almost as pretty as Jen :P
Who could say no to those arms? GUH! Plus he's dirrrrty! RAUR!
I find this one really beautiful.
More Sammy/Jared. And simply just GUH!
Grrrr rawr!
B&W and simply beautiful!
Just because.
So damn CUTE!
And then the oretties TOGETHER!
I love it when Jared tries to climb Jensen like he's a fucking tree or something! Jensen humping...
So cute giggly and in love!
As I mentioned before (yes, I'm going to pretend you listen to me) I love this photoshoot!
Since I had hard time picking only 10 Jensen pics I decided this counted as J2 since you can see Jared on the background. How sneaky am I?
Mmmm... Kinky!
Oh the LOVE!
Kissy kissy! Plus Jensen's lips are obscene.
There's just something about this pic that makes me want to jump them both. Because usually I don't want to do that at all. Nope. Not me.
And because he's damn hot too I give you JDM:
All done! Took me only about a million hours. But was so worth it!
No, I don't have a life, thank you for asking!