When did I grow up?

Jul 20, 2004 00:55

For some reason today I woke up went to the eye doctors went and got my glassess and contacts paid for it all by myself(well w/e the insurance didn't cover) I spent over a hundred dollars on just taking care of myself those things that I needed ya know with my own paycheck my own money and I think that's nutts I am really independent...It blew my mind. My paycheck was 250 that's awesome I waiting to hear about another job I think tommorrow Im gonna get my classes and wensday i'm suppose to head out to cleveland to sing and check this dudes studio so I'm keeping busy.

Life is how it always is if something good happens something bad is bound to follow.

You know what I MISS JEAN!!! I have a bad feeling that i might not ever see him again I wasn't really anybody of significants to him but we were on a level with eachother when we were around eachother. When me and Jean chilled together he usually bitched about his life and I still don't think that he deseved what happen to him no matter what Karma or not he tried to keep his bonds tight but respect wasn't givin where needed that's what the falling out was and I know stuff that I really don't want to know that I won't say to know he was right. SO if anyone hears from him tell him "HE WAS RIGHT!!! and to call me and I'll tell him how I know" I love jean and even when his day was bad if I was around the lil things he said to me made me feel good dispite his situation. He was a a real down nigga he respected everybody tried not to walk on anyone toes and he was a good person (Damn I'm talkin like he died or something)  But if I don't see him or hear from him again these are things that need to be said. I'll miss him alot!

to another day

**End of Transmission**
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