Aug 30, 2004 20:06
So you want to know about my life eh? Here goes:
No. of bowls of porridge I had today: 3
No. of times I told my mother I love her yesterday: 7, thus me = good daughter (for a day).
No. of dollar spent of mother's birthday gift: 90$
No. of people solicited for adjectives for college applications: 38
No. of responses: 9 and growing, for am very popular.
No. of times I've been to Maggie's since I'm back from Barcelona: All I know is, it's more than I've seen my mother.
No. of times I cried at Dawson this semester, it currently being week 2, with 6 days covered: 3
No. of times it hasn't been all in my head: 1
This is sort of boring me already. I kind of just want to be an adult already. Just have this uncertain time pass me by. I feel it already with a lot of people. Like today, I was talking to Jarrad, Jesse, and Hannah, and I somehow felt we were all childhood friends, the mature kind, who have known each other for so long. Whatever attraction there has been (lord knows I loved Jesse) has completely gone, and it has been replaced by comfortable conversation, the predictable kind. I wish I was settled like that with everybody. I wish that I could be comfortable with everyone, and more so with myself.
I want someone to really know me. There's a lot of people who know me, and either don't really know me, or know me well enough to be bored/annoyed of me. I want to stop being worried that people will get bored of me. I want to stop worrying.
I want to stop.