So I am NOT getting the skis I wanted. The wretched company decided to take my money, then conveniently forget to tell me that they have no 158cm Celebrities in stock. So I am now getting last season's ones, then when the next season's come out, I will return them, change my bindings over and waltz off with a lovely brand-spanking new pair of skis! The other suggestions were that they give me the 165cm skis, but as I'm only 155cm tall, I'm pretty sure I would just die.
Anyway, here are the skis that should hopefully get here TOMORROW or THURSDAY (oh the excitement, ooh I can't wait!): Only four more weeks of guests after this one! Can't believe the season is nearly over - could be back in England in about 6 weeks, oh the horror! I will enjoy the sleeping I will be able to indulge in, but this place really feels like home now and I will miss everyone so much.
Yesterday for a change, Jane, Chris, Jo and I skied over to the Funiculaire in Arc 1600 and after a bit of nifty bribery involving a marmalade gingerbread cake, we were able to leave our skis at the top of the lift, and rode down to Bourg St Maurice. We had a lovely day shopping, we went to a HUGE supermarket, which was amazingly exciting, and Chris bought some new skis, and the other girls and I looked longingly at clothes, and then we nearly missed the last lift back home, but it was just so good to get out of resort.
Work time now. But day off tomorrow!