Nov 07, 2006 13:45
Well I'm up to my 12th attempt at making a cross compiler for these new boards...
In the last two weeks I've not managed to achevie very much. Uni has sucked big time with a lecturer I work for being a bloody back flipping politition with everything (hey, I don't mind on the whole, but man he changes his instructions to us, then when they get questioned by students, comes out with something less making us look bad...)
Spent the week end working on tachyon (which is now up and running again!!! YAY) and watched a show on guy fawkes. The show was very intresting, since they were comparing the event to september 11, which in many ways it was worse then (worse in the attempt and goals, better in that it was stopped..) so if someone tells you Catholics would never do any kind of terrorism like muslims and al-Qaeda, ask them what they count the gun powder plot as. hehe yeah I know it's kinda inflamitory, but they should get down off their high horses and what else do u expect from me..
In other boring news, my sleeping paterns are completely fucked again. There may be something medical about it like Mav mentioned, however I'm not sure, and am really too lazy to get it checked out.