sneezing out a haiku

May 08, 2008 15:29

finals' haiku

all I can think now
is what to do this summer
though i should study

sneezing thoughts ... have you ever noticed that people sneeze differently? Some do a single sneeze, others multiple ones. Some sneeze so quiet that you could still hear a pin drop and others so loud, the neighbors are like, "WTF was that?!" In my case, it's a bit different because my sneezes and coughs sound the same and people can't figure out what I'm doing. Nonetheless, I get extra bless you's from these wanabe priests. Anywho, I just wanted to say that my favorite is when people sneeze like a fart. I mean, I KNOW you were trying to sneeze but why fart out a sneeze? You only get people looking at you to double-check you.

body language, finals, sneezing, haiku, poem

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