This Mess We're In 9/?

Aug 18, 2009 16:27

Title: This Mess We're In
Rating: R for series
Paring/Characters: Whole team, Jack/Ianto
Summary: Completely AU. Ianto Jones works as a secretary for an ad agency based in Cardiff, spending his days making coffee and fending off the continuous advances from his boss, Jack. He tells himself it's because he's not interested in the man, but deep down he knows theres much more to it than that...

Thanks to my wonderful beta mjswrtings for checking this over.

A/N This went a bit fluffy, but I thought you guys deserved it after all the angst and drama :)

Tosh threw the door open as soon as she saw Ianto heading up the path, running out in her bare feet to greet him. Ianto crushed her in a hug, relieved to find her safe and in one piece.

“What happened?” He asked as they parted, one reaffirming hand squeezing her shoulder. Tosh shook her head, looking slightly sheepish.

“I... I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, I just--” She stopped talking as her eyes drifted to the man stepping out the car Ianto had arrived in. Ianto watched her eyes light up and followed her gaze, mentally kicking himself when he saw who had gotten her attention.

“Morning, Tosh!” Jack called cheerfully as he strolled up the path, slipping a hand around Ianto’s waist as he reached them. “Everything okay?”

Ianto felt a flush creep up his neck as Tosh’s eyes flitted between them, eventually settling on Ianto with a cocked eyebrow. “Uh... Yeah. Everything’s fine, I think...”

Jack grinned and clapped Ianto on the back. “See, I told you not to worry.”

Ianto ignored him and turned his attention to Tosh. “What happened?” He asked again, taking a casual step away from the man behind him as his hand began to wander.

“I don’t know... nothing, really. I guess I just got kinda spooked after everything that’s happened. I’ve been jumping at every noise.”

Ianto frowned. “Well, something must have set it off. What did you hear?”

“I’m not sure. I thought I heard voices, but I guess that could’ve been the radio...” She looked between them, chewing on her lip. “Maybe... since you’re here, you guys could check it out anyway?”

Jack smiled and stepped past her, Ianto hot on his heel. “Don’t you worry, Tosh,” Jack called over his shoulder as he walked up the path, “if there’s any monsters in there, we’ll catch them.”

Tosh grabbed Ianto’s arm before he could enter the house, holding him back as Jack wandered through the hallway. Ianto could feel his face burning before his friend had even spoken.

“So,” Tosh began, turning to him with a grin, “you’re with Jack.”

Ianto shifted on the spot, anxiously fiddling with the material of his suit trousers. “Yeah,” he said eventually, watching Jack’s back as he moved down the hallway towards the living room. Tosh smiled and nudged him in the side.

“You wanna elaborate on that?”

“I was just... in a spot of bother. Jack helped me out. No big deal.” Ianto swallowed and looked away, praying Tosh wouldn’t ask more questions.

“I see.” Tosh was unconvinced, but let it go for the moment as Jack came walking back through from the kitchen.

“No monsters in here, Tosh.” He told her, coming over and leaning against the door frame. “Haven’t checked upstairs yet though,” he paused and looked between them, his eyes eventually settling on Ianto, “talking about me, are we?”

“You wish,” Ianto muttered, pushing past him and heading through to the kitchen to make tea. Jack grinned after him before offering his arm to Tosh.

“Shall we?”

“Oh yes,” Tosh giggled and linked her arm through his, nudging the door shut with her foot before they went to meet Ianto in the kitchen. Ianto was fussing about with mugs and cutlery, organising everything into neat stacks and rows, despite it being his friend’s kitchen. Tosh was used to it now and let him do as he pleased.

“Jack, go and check upstairs while I make the tea.” Ianto commanded, not even glancing up as he filled the kettle and set it to boil. Jack stood up without protest, waggling his eyebrows at Tosh as he whispered, “He’s so masterful.”

Tosh muffled another giggle with her hand as Ianto shot Jack a death glare and ushered him out the kitchen. As soon as he was gone, Tosh came rushing over to Ianto’s side.

“Come on. What’s going on?”

Ianto smiled innocently and dropped a teabag into the pot. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh, don’t even--” Tosh yanked the teapot from his hands and turned him around to face her. “You’ve been with him all night, haven’t you?”

Ianto just shrugged. “I told you, he was helping me out. We were at his house.”

“You went to Jack’s house?!”

“I--” Ianto sighed and gave in. Tosh was bound to find out sooner or later anyway. “When I left you last night, I... I was followed. I wanted to get away and my house was too far to walk, so I ended up at Jack’s.”

Tosh’s eyes widened and she lowered her voice to a whisper. “Does he know?”

“...He knows.”


Ianto chuckled at the uncharacteristic swearing and poured the tea into three mugs, “Yeah.”

Tosh paused, her brow furrowed while one hand played distantly with a strand of hair, a pose Ianto recognised as Tosh deep in thought. “So... Did this heart to heart with Jack lead to anything else?”

Ianto opened his mouth to respond, but it was at that moment that Jack came strolling back in, deliberately leaning over Ianto to grab an apple from the fruit dish. He took a large bite and tried grinning with his mouth full.

“Miss anything good while I was gone?”

Ianto rolled his eyes and shoved the hot mug of tea into his hands. “Not a thing,” he said, pushing past Jack to move to the living room, “in fact, Tosh and I were just enjoying the moment’s peace.”

Jack followed, eyes fixed on Ianto’s arse as they moved down the hallway. “You’re not exactly the quietest yourself if last night was anything to go by.”

Tosh giggled behind them while Ianto just huffed and muttered something under his breath, falling into the nearest arm chair. Jack perched next to him, one arm splayed out across the back.

“You two must be exhausted,” Tosh said, and then flushed a deep shade of pink when she realised how that had sounded. “I... I meant... what with the...” She gave up and shot Ianto a pleading look.

“I know what you meant,” he assured her, smiling as they fell into a slightly uncomfortable silence. Ianto swallowed as he felt fingers creeping along the back of his neck, eventually slipping beneath the collar of his shirt. He delivered a warning pinch to Jack’s leg, but the other man ignored him and began slowly massaging the skin on his shoulder.

“So... do you guys want to stay tonight?” Tosh asked, breaking through the silence, much to Ianto’s relief.

“Well, I...” He turned to the man next to him with a raised eyebrow. “Jack?”

Jack shrugged. “Suits me, if Tosh wants the company. Don’t you need to see to the dog though?”

“Oh, crap. Yeah. I guess I should probably go--”

“I’ll go.” Jack insisted, removing his hand from Ianto’s back to place his tea down. “Someone’s got to stay with Tosh, and you can’t exactly drive my car over there.”

“I could just walk...” Ianto protested weakly, but it was clear Jack had already made a decision for the both of them.

“I promise not to snoop around. I’ll just feed the dog and come straight back, okay?”

Ianto nodded, though looked slightly wary. With a sigh, he pulled his house key from his pocket and placed it in Jack’s palm. “Here. Just be quick about it, yeah?”

Jack smiled warmly and dropped the key into his top pocket. “I’ll be back before you know it.”


Jack arrived back exactly thirty minutes later to Tosh and Ianto spreading sheets out over the sofa bed. He grinned when he noticed the bed was a double, and couldn’t resist a quick grope to Ianto’s arse while Tosh was fiddling about with the pillows. Ianto carefully disguised his surprise and slapped Jack’s hand away.

“Jack,” he scolded playfully, and for a moment Jack felt like they’d been doing this for years. He took a step forward and leaned in closer to Ianto’s ear.

“Gonna punish me?” He breathed, darting his tongue out to tease a spot below his ear. Ianto shuddered at the touch but swiftly stepped out of reach as Tosh turned around to face them.

“Right, that’s the bed done. Are you two... you don’t mind sharing, do you?”

Jack smirked and flopped down onto his back. “Not at all, Toshiko. Shame it’s not a single, really.”

Tosh smiled and turned to Ianto. “Do you need anything else before I head back upstairs?” Ianto shook his head and gave her a quick hug.

“This is plenty. Just shout if you hear anything else, we’ll be right up.” He pulled away and watched her back until she disappeared down the hallway, before shedding his suit and climbing in next to Jack. Jack flung an arm out to pull him close and nuzzled his neck.

“Was Myfanwy okay?”

“Fine,” Jack murmured into his shoulder, “I think we bonded a little.”

Ianto laughed softly, one hand resting lightly against Jack’s hip. “Not trying to use your charms on my dog, I hope. She’s not that easily fooled y’know.”

“Well, I figured the way to her heart was through you.” He lifted his head just enough to press a brief kiss to the corner of Ianto’s mouth, before rolling onto his back and entwining their fingers against his hip. They lay side by side in silence for a few moments, neither of them willing to break the spell. Ianto was grateful for a chance to just switch his brain off for a while. He had a lot to digest for one day, most of it revolving around the man stretched out next to him.

“Ianto?” Jack whispered finally, pulling their joined hands up to his chest and stroking a thumb over Ianto’s knuckles.


“Can I keep you?”

Ianto blinked and blinked again. He turned his head to find Jack gazing at him quizzically, his hand frozen over Ianto’s. Ianto allowed himself a minute to consider it, before he smiled softly and dropped a kiss onto Jack’s forehead.

“For now.”

fic, jack/ianto, au

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