Aug 30, 2003 02:51
Hey, it may be like 3:00 am in the morning but that doesn't stop me from writing in here. The only thing that puts me to sleep is a shower and I didn't have one last night because I was at Ashley's house. Ashley is one of the only people who understands me. We both have anxiety, we both have problems sleeping and we understand each other. What keeps me awake is my anxiety and I'm so restless and eager to do things I need to do something. Its like morning for me. You'd think I was a vampire! I'm serious. If I got sleep at night I wouldn't be so dull in the morning. I guess its just me. Most libras are like that. I can't sit still! Argh! I drive myself crazy! It is so unfair. I wish I wasn't so restless so I could get some sleep! Every little damn noise bothers me, god..I hate it. I am going to be such a crank in the morning. Well, maybe that depends if I'm tired or not. I'll write about my day later...right now I just wanted to vent.