It's been a long time coming...

Nov 11, 2004 17:50

Gee, hasn't it been a while since I had a rant about how annoying the Xpress writers are? Anyway, my gripe is as follows:

Running The Gauntlet
"The man with the voice that makes the ladies faint, Nathan Gaunt, is fired up from having the last month off and is ready to get back down south to revisit some old friends and more than likely make some new ones"

What they DON'T tell you is that these fainting ladies were anaemics with low blood pressure, so it may or may not have been caused by him. And since when has Gaunt been fired up? I suppose anything this side of enthusiastic has to be considered 'fired up' for him. And is it just me, or does Xpress always make really guarded insinuations? They're a few words away from saying 'Gaunty's doing down south to shag some old bitches, and find some new ones to shag too.'

Hahahaha. Xpress are so lame. As long as they keep using the term 'Gaunty', they shall forever be lame. But they did have Powderfinger on the cover. Mmmm, Coggsy.

In other news, you know how you used to really love something, but never realised how much until it was taken away? And then brought back for you to re-realise your love? Secret Life of Us is back on TV. I TAPED it today cause I had to go to TAFE, and couldn't bear the thought of missing it. Even though I have most of the first season on DVD (note to self: buy rest of SLOU on DVD). I caught it the other day when I was sick, and couldn't believe how much I'd missed Evan and the gang. It was so....familiar. Like visting old friends. And now I'm older (ie overage) I can see so much of myself and my friends in those guys. Plus, my retarded love for St Kilda does help. Been twice, experienced both the hippie St Kilda and the yuppie St Kilda. Yuppies can die and go to hell. Going to St Kilda during the week is the biggest waste of time. But I digress. Woo! Secret Life! Can't wait until the bit when Tidy and Christian come along. Season 2? And the bit where Joel grows his hair and becomes hot. Mmmmm.

Best show ever. Apart from all those other good shows.
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