Nov 07, 2004 19:16
A real lesson in 'don't say shit on the internet that might get back to the person.' It wasn't anything bad, but I was very very spun out that he actually knew this particular information. Went to Mills to buy End of Fashion single, rambling chatter about Hugh and stuff. The he said 'I won't ask you if you've voted for me, cause I know you already have.' Me: 'Huh?' Him: 'Cause Stu told you to.'
After the initial shock of the fact that he knew I was an Eski Joe Forumer Kid, I thanked my lucky fucking stars I don't bag him out on there the way I do on here. Don't quite know how he knew/worked it out, but I was a little bit 'I don't know if it's weird or not' afterwards.
Considering making Live Journal friends only to stop any tragedies like that happening here. Imagine if Rossco stumbled upon it. Sheesh.
After the Mills heart-stopping experience, I went to the CD Library and bought WAMi 2003, and the chick working there liked/knew of Gaunt, and we spent five minutes bagging him out, and making fun of his vapid nature. Fan-tastic. Everywhere, there is someone up for a bit of Gaunt-bashing.
I love Perth.