Oh NOES, bubbly happy Paladin of Nicenice has
banned me for treating
my fangirl in a way she
doesn't mind being treated. Watch me slit my wrists and drown in my woes while crying a single tear of blood for my loss as my eyeliner runs and Dashboard Confessional plays on my trendy iPod. And then I'm going update MySpace telling everyone how horrible of a person she is! D: D: D:
I know the irony's there, and it's intended. Don't bother restating the obvious, please.
But don't worry, I won't do the same back, because I know how you all just love asking me stupid questions and babbling at me about things completely unrelated to the topic. If this is the way you all answer questions in class, I fear for the teachers.
"You. What is x if 2x + 4 is 6?"
"Excuse me sir, but I have a name and you could be nicer, and the way you carry that ruler could be perceived as threatening and [insert other pointless drivel about feelings and identity here]"
Come on, girls, time to shape up. Class is about to start.