All I Want Is You 11/?

Aug 17, 2017 03:13


One Month Later.

“How fresh are the muscles?!”

“They're fre-“

“Frozen fresh?!”

“Well, I-“

“So, they're frozen.” Miranda cut in. “Okay, we aren't eating the muscles.”

“What about the veal?” Andrea asked.

Miranda flipped pages of the menu to the veal section. “Which one?”

“The red wi-“

“Not in the mood for that.” She cut Andrea off.

“I recommend chefs choice; pesto stuffed chic-“

“Had that last night.” Miranda cut the waitress off. It was true. Cassidy had been craving something with pesto.

“Ah, hi, sorry can you give us a moment?” She heard Andrea ask, looking up to the waitress.

“I'll come back again shortly.” The waitress replied, looking at Andrea with sympathy.

“Thanks.” Andrea said, waiting until the girl was out of earshot to speak. “Sooo, I'm going to guess the meeting with Irv didn't go well.”

“No. Worse and it has nothing to do with Irv, shockingly.” Miranda responded, putting the menu down in disgust. She wasn't disgusted with the food options but the mood she was in.

“What happened?”

Miranda sighed. “I found out that Eric has cleaned out more money than once thought. Most of my shares that I have been building up for over a decade now. That money was to go towards the girls' future retirement so I knew they'd be okay and not have to worry about anything.”

“Oh, darling...” Her lover said, reaching out for Miranda's hand before remembering where they were. “What can I do?”

“Honestly I don't know. I don't understand how he could do this.” Miranda rubbed her eyes.

“How much do you have now?”

“Enough. The girls' education funding for the next two years I'll be able to make up. The University funding will be tight, but I'll manage. Recreational funding I'll be able to make back easily before they need it. Then straight after University there's Medical school for Cassidy and funding for Caroline's flying career. Not to mention it'll take me years to get their personal trust funds to the amount they used to be. The good thing is they don't need retirement money for decades. One of the shares was money to go towards my future funeral and all the costs that comes with that. The headstone the girls and I picked is, now that I think of it, absurdly overpriced. It's perfect for me though.”

“That's sombre. I don't like thinking about that...”

“Correct but at least I knew that all arrangements would have been made and they won't have to worry about a thing.”

“Makes sense.”

“Mmm, but now that’s going to have to be delayed. Then I'm meant to be purchasing Cassidy a Lamborghini when she gets her license but I don't think that will be happening. Not for several more years.”

“Wow. That’s, ah-“Andrea laughed. “An expensive first car.”

“Long story short I lost a bet and now I have to owe up and eventually buy her one.”

“Miranda Priestly, losing a bet, I don't believe it!”

Miranda snorted. “I should never have opened my mouth that afternoon.”

“Oh, this sounds juicy!”

“Then Caroline is going to be devastated I won't be able to purchase that jet she wants.” Miranda sighed, running her hand through her hair. “This is all just a complete mess. I had everything sorted. I knew that man was an idiot, but I didn't think he was this much of an idiot to steal from his family, hard earned money, years of working... for all of those long hours... he knows how hard it was for me at the start. And yet... to do this disgusting act... I never want to see his face again. I haven't even been able to tell the girls yet. It's going to break their hearts.” She said, looking at her for the first time that night. “I need to get out of here before I really lose it. I know it's our special one month together but I can't deal with being here right now.”

“Let's go for a walk?” Andrea suggested. “We can figure out something to eat later. I'm not hungry yet anyway.”

“I'm sorry. I know this isn't how tonight was meant to go.”

“We aren't having dinner, so what?! We are still celebrating a phemonemal month of being together. We can come here some other time! Right now all I care about is you. We could just go home and I wouldn't mind.”

“No, darling. I don't want us to go home. I think a walk sounds lovely. Will be a good way to try and clear my mind.”

“Let's go then.” Andrea said, squeezing Miranda's hand before picking up her bag beside her. “Hey Erin, we're going to take a rain check on dinner.”

“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We look forward to seeing you again next time.”

“You too. Have a good evening.”

Erin replied and thanked her, they said their goodbyes before they exited the restaurant.


They wandered the streets of Brooklyn, for how long she had no clue, until they came across a street vendor that had Andrea's eyes lighting up with childlike excitement.

“Crepes?” Miranda commented, raising an eyebrow.

“With NUTELLA! Oh, Miranda, they are sooo good! Best crepes you'll ever have, I swear!”

“Hmm. Well, I suppose if they're the best...” Miranda began walking towards the vendor knowing that Andrea was shocked that it had taken no convincing to get her to give them a try.

They purchased their crepes where Andrea quickly pulled out her GUCCI wallet.

“They're on me.” Her lover said, smirking before they walked a block around the corner to her and Doug's favourite spot. A spot that would now be their favourite also.

“I will never tire of that view.” Miranda commented, looking out at the NYC skyline as they sat down on the park bench which looked out over the water and the city looming in the distance.

“I know right.”

“It's magnificent.” Miranda said with awe.

“Picture perfect.”

“Mmm, quite right.” Miranda replied, beginning to open her white foam box and the sweet goodness of NUTELLA filled their senses.


“I must say they do smell delicious.”

“They really are.” Andy replied, watching Miranda take a forkful into that luscious mouth. She got the response she wanted with her lover curling her lips into a smile and instantly cutting another piece as she licked her lips. “Told you.”

“It's terrific!” Miranda said, eyes wide. “Oh, we're going to have to come back here with the girls!”

Andy beamed at those words.

“What other vendors do you have around here that you can take me to next time?” Miranda asked, surprising the brunette.

“There are lots and lots!” Andy replied.

“We're coming back here this weekend with the girls because these are divine.” Miranda chuckled. “My goodness, I can't remember the last time I ate a breakfast item for dinner!”

“Gosh, Doug and I do it all the time.” Andy laughingly replied.

“I would have been six or seven the last time I did something like this for dinner!” Miranda said, shaking her head. “I've been missing out!”

“You really have been.”

“This can be our new tradition.” Miranda suggested.

“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea!” Andy replied as they continued to eat with light chatter, whilst enjoying the view, each other and of course the crepes!




Andy looked up from her laptop, smiling at her lover who stood in the door way of her living room. “Hi. Did you have a nice shower?”

“I did. I missed you in there.”

“Aww, I'm sorry, but I do have a verrry demanding boss.” She winked and watched as Miranda smirked. “What are you doing just standing there? Come read my piece with me!”

“Oh, as enjoyable as that sounds I have another idea in mind.”

“Oh okay, sure!” Andy replied, saving her work and closing her laptop. “What's up?” She asked, and halted all movement when her lover dropped her night gown. “Oh, sweet shit in a bucket.”

“Not what I was expecting to hear.”

“Wake up, Sachs, you’re dreaming!” She loudly voiced as she took in her lover.

Miranda Priestly stood in nothing except for a strap-on covering her sweet spot with a purple dildo hanging off of it. “You... I... um... okay!” she spluttered, heart racing as she launched herself off the couch and in Miranda's arms.


Andy cried out in ecstasy, whole body quivering as she experienced the most intense orgasm in the entire history of orgasms!

Miranda's continual thrusts pushing into her again and again, how long for she had no idea, but boy oh boy has it been a phenomenal night!

“Never has anyone...” Andy breathlessly trailed off. She was speechless. “That was honestly the greatest sex I've ever had!”

“I never thought I'd ever witness something so extraordinary.” Miranda said in awe. “Watching you let go like that... you've soaked the sheet... I made you do that and you were so beautiful, trembling in my arms, moaning my name.”

Andy could feel how wet the sheet was underneath her. She bit her lip. “I've never... done that before.” It had also been the loudest she's ever been in bed. She was glad they had been at her apartment instead of the townhouse where the girls were being looked after by Cara.

“Never?” Miranda seemed surprised.

“You took my squirting card.” Andy responded. “It felt amazing. I want you to feel that too.”

“Oh darling, I'm not sure I could handle it.”

“Mmm, I think you could.” Andy began kissing her lover.

“Another time.” Miranda responded.

“Definitely, darling.” Andy replied, moaning softly as her lover pulled out of her, falling down beside her.

They both stared at the extremely wet dildo turning to each other and grinning.

“Look how wet you make me!” She replied as she began kissing down Miranda's neck, paying serious attention to those beautiful breasts, then trailed her tongue down her lover's exquisite body where she took the dildo into her mouth.


Miranda was taken aback by the extremely erotic scene before her. She had never enjoyed doing such an act but watching her lover perform it on her and how expertly Andrea was at it with no gag reflex made her sex clench with desire. She couldn't believe it. She knew if Andrea continued she would cum at the sheer sight.

Her arousal was heightened when Andrea reached up and squeezed her right breast. She couldn't believe how much her body buzzed with sexual energy without even being penetrated.

“I'm so close.” She whispered a few seconds later.

“I can tell.” Andrea murmured, licking up and down the dildo, taking the tip into her mouth.

Of course she can. It’s like she can read my mind!

“I want my tongue inside you though.”

Miranda nodded, lifting her lower body, the strap-on was quickly and urgently taken off. She watched it being thrown over Andrea's shoulder before that gorgeous mouth made instant contact with her vagina. Her mouth dropped open in a silent O as her head fell back against the slightly lumpy pillows. “Ohhh darling.” She softly moaned, legs trembling now.

The brunette always did know how to hit the right spot with efficiency.

“I love how you taste... how my tongue feels inside you... how you clench around my tongue... amazing.” Andrea paused to say, looking up at her with awe and hungry eyes. “How you wrap your leg around my neck before you cum... I love everything about you.”

“Andrea. Ohh.” Miranda's body froze before beginning to tremble again as her sexual desire for Andrea flowed from her, her lover lapping up her juices greedily. That has to be the quickest she has ever climaxed!

When it became too much she softly pushed Andrea's head away, their eyes connecting, and a grin on that flawless face.

She watched as Andrea wiped her mouth against her thigh before crawling back up to lay beside her, their mouths instantly connecting, tongues dancing and fingers diving into each other's hair.

“I love you so much.” Andrea whispered as she kissed her cheek, her neck, and back to her mouth. “I love knowing I get to kiss you like this with each new night. I will never bore of you. I will always want to make you tremble, to moan my name. You're my whole life now, Miranda Priestly.”

Speechless once again, Andrea constantly made her so with how fiercely strong her emotions and feelings were, she simply began kissing her lover again, portraying how she felt through the passionate action. “I love you too.” She whispered when they pulled apart for air.

Andrea covered a yawn.

“As much as I want to continue getting lost in those beautiful eyes it's getting late and I would like to take you out for breakfast.”

“Or we can have a lazy morning in bed.” Andrea winked.

Miranda licked her lips at how eager her lover was to make love to her again. “Or we could do that.” She said, body already buzzing at the thought of what the morning will bring.

“I hope you have sweet dreams.” Andrea said, giving her one final kiss before putting her head down.

“I hope you do too, darling.” Miranda replied, resting her own head on her pillow, watching as Andrea closed her eyes.

“Good night my beautiful, Miranda.”

The older woman's heart swelled at those words. I have become the luckiest woman alive! In this moment she knew that if she were to lose all of her money she wouldn't care as long as she had this stunner beside her as well as her daughters.

Smiling she closed her eyes still unable to believe what she had made Andrea do. It has been a night to remember!


The Next Morning.

Andrea was so mesmerised with what she was doing that she failed to notice what she did. “There's someone in the apartment.”

“Oh please, are you still freaking out over that horror movie we watched the other night?” Andrea asked.

“No, I mean there is someone in the apartment!” Miranda firmly responded.

Andrea stopped sucking on her clitoris, still continuing to move her fingers inside her though - auto pilot, she knew her lover couldn't help it - and looked up at her under the duvet which covered them. “Sure you aren't imagining it? I get you don't like this neighbourhood but no one can get insi-“ The sound of the window closing drew her attention. “Shit. You're being serious.”


“What do I do?!” Andrea questioned, they both knew that Doug wasn’t in the city and wouldn’t be for the next four days as he was in Canada for a work related thing.

“What do you do?!" Miranda couldn't believe her ears. "You're the one who sleeps with a baseball bat for this very reason!” She whispered as Andrea stayed in the exact same spot. “Do something!”

“Maybe they won't see us.”

“Oh sure! They will walk straight past the lump on the bed between my spread eagle legs.” Miranda spoke, she too having frozen up not knowing what to do.

“Whoever is out there you better turn right back around and get out of my place the way you came in before I smash your fucking head in!” Andrea said in a deep kind of male sounding voice. “I have a baseball bat and I know how to use it!”

“Andy! You are home!” They heard footsteps just as the bedroom door flung open. “I thought you must have been at work and I couldn't find your spare key so I climbed up the fire escape and your window was unlocked, which by the way is so not cool. You're lucky it was only me and not some murderer coming in to stab the liv-“

Miranda heard the male voice stop talking abruptly and straight away she knew he had seen them.

“Oh holy shit, Andy, oh man. Oh fuck, I'm just going to pretend I never saw this!!!”

“Dylan!” Her lover shrieked, hearing the half opened door creak fully open. “Get the fuck out!”

Blushing a deep shade of red Miranda snapped her legs closed once Andrea moved away, sitting on the edge of the bed her back to the door leaning forward, grabbing one of her bed time tee-shirts continuing speaking to the person, whom she assumed was her lover’s brother because the name Dylan rang a bell, who had been quick to retreat from the bedroom.

“Didn't our mother ever teach you to knock before entering a person’s bedroom?!”

“I didn’t think you’d be…! I needed to use the toilet and it's through your bedroom!”

“You didn't stop to think that oh maybe I might be in bed having a lazy morning with someone?!” Andrea asked, standing from her bed and pulling on a pair of sweatpants.

“It’s a week day! Normally you’d be at work! Not to mention you haven't told me you're seeing anyone and you always tell me when you are!” Dylan replied as Andrea burst out of the room.

“You're an idiot!” Her lover said, the sound of Andrea punching her brother was heard.

“Okay, I deserve that!” Dylan laughingly replied.

“Come here you big meathead!” Andrea responded, and as she slowly sat up in bed she watched as her lover pulled her brother into her.

They embraced tightly for a couple moments.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Andrea asked when they pulled away.

“Oh, no no, first you have to tell me who is in your bed!” Dylan responded, grinning.

“It's still very new.”

“That's why you haven't told me. You haven't wanted to jinx it.”


Miranda smiled at those words.

“But after what I just saw you've got to tell me!”

Knowing she should get out of bed for the inevitable meeting after an awkward moment Miranda began to get dressed.

“That was your own fault, meat brain!” Andrea punched her brother again.


“Ohhh, don’t be a wuss! It doesn’t suit you!”

“Are you going to tell me who it is or not?” Dylan impatiently asked, not giving up.

“Hold on.” Andrea said, turning around and moving back into the bedroom where Miranda was now fully dressed and putting her red Prada heels on. “Ah, so, that's my brother out there. He's a meathead. He's also my best friend and you're my best friend among many other things.” Her lover licked her lips. “You're someone very special to me, and I know it's still early days, but I would love for you to meet him. Dylan.”

“Meeting family members has never been my strong suit.” Miranda replied, standing from the double bed.

“That's because you were married to bastards with snobby families.” Andrea said, cupping Miranda's face. “I'll understand if you don't want to meet Dylan. We have only been together one month today and I know it's probably still too soo-“

Miranda stopped Andrea by kissing her softly. “Stop.” She murmured, kissing Andrea once more. “Yes, it's soon, but it's been one month and this is the longest I've truly been happy romantically. You're different from the rest. You're... I can't believe I’m about to say this...” she let out a shaky breath. “The way I feel... oh, darling, you might actually be the one for me.”


Andy’s heart skipped a beat. “Really?” She whispered, surely this, what she had just heard, was too good to be true.

“Yes, really, and because of this I would very much like to meet one of your family members who is very dear to you.” Miranda replied.

“Oh, Miranda!” Andy lunged herself at the RUNWAY editor, who was make-up free and absolutely breathtaking as always, and began kissing her passionately and soundly.

“I really do need to use that toilet!” Dylan's voice floated into the bedroom.

“Even though I want to fall back into bed with you I also really want you to meet Dylan.” Andy grinned, bouncing excitedly. “You're going to love him!”


Miranda simply smiled at her lover who was beaming with excitement as Andrea took her hand, tugged on it, and they walked out of the bedroom where she came face to face with a very handsome young man. The Sachs gene is extraordinary.

“Dylan, this is Miranda, my... girlfriend.” Andrea said, beaming at her words. “And Miranda this is my little brother Dylan.”

“Who she loves bossing around every chance she gets.” Dylan said as he held out a hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Miranda.” He spoke seemingly un-phased by the fact his sister was romantically involved with a much older person who happened to also be female.

A pleasure? Miranda mused wondering how true that was and how much the young man along with the rest of the Sachs family have heard from Andrea's tenure working for her the first time.

“You must be incredibly special to Andy if she has kept you hidden for all this time.” Dylan spoke. He was being very genuine.

“It's been a month that we’ve officially been together.” Andrea excitedly told her brother.

“And a wonderful one at that.” Miranda murmured as she accepted the hand shake. “It's wonderful to meet you, Dylan. Andrea speaks about you very highly.”

“I'd hope so. I am after all the best brother in the whole entire world.” Dylan responded, smirking.

“And completely up yourself!” Andrea laughingly replied.

“She secretly knows I'm correct.” Dylan softly said to her.

The RUNWAY editor chuckled as the siblings continued their stirring banter.

“I really do need to use that toilet!” Dylan reminded a few moments later.

"Go on then!" Andrea said, watching as Dylan walked through her bedroom before turning to her. "You better not destroy my toilet!" she yelled over her shoulder before lunging at her once again.


Danielle's Waffle House.

Feeling very satisfied from the breakfast omelette she'd eaten Miranda sat back and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She looked to Andrea and Dylan's plates which were still half full because they couldn't stop talking, catching up on this and that, not to mention the random chatter like now.

Her brunette beauty was looking for her Chap Stick when they both began quoting a movie. “Well could you do me a favour then?”

“What?” Dylan asked.

“Can you bring me my Chap Stick?”

“No Napoleon!”

“But my lips hurt REAL BAD!”

“Just borrow some from the school nurse! I know she has like five sticks in the drawer!”

“I'm not gonna use hers, you sicko!”

“See ya!”

“Uhh! Idiot!!!”

They burst into laughter then.

“But my lips hurt REAL BAD!” Dylan repeated just as loudly as Andrea had spoken causing them to erupt with more laughter.

Once they got their laughter under control they fell silent, continuing to eat for a few moments before her lover turned to her, mouth half full.

“Do chickens have large talons?” Andrea questioned, looking curious.

Dylan nearly spat out his mouthful at the question, trying to stop himself from laughing, as he too watched her curiously.

“Do they have what?” Miranda asked, baffled, taking a sip from her steaming coffee.

“Large talons.”

Dylan laughed, spitting out some of his waffle this time.

Miranda shook her head. “I don't understand a word you just said.”

At her words the siblings burst into laughter again.

“Oh shit, now that was some classic shit right there! You quoted the farmer spot on! Are you sure you've never seen Napoleon Dynamite?” Dylan asked.

“I've never heard of it.” Miranda replied, placing her napkin down.

“We need to educate this woman in the realm of movies!”

“That's what I've been saying to her!” Andrea responded. “Oh man, you're going to freak out when you see Cassidy and Caroline's DVD room.”

Miranda bit her lip. She knew it was extremely over the top but she had the mini arcade made right after the divorce with Eric as they had been having a hard time coping and it was the only thing she could think of that would be able to distract them. It had worked like a charm and they still use it every day even dragging her in there to play a game of Pool or Darts now and then as she refused to play Foosball. She created new LEGO with them too, not that they needed the help, she enjoyed it. It was therapeutic.

“This is seriously the greatest waffle and deep fried chicken I've ever had!” Dylan couldn't stop raving about the food.

Miranda didn't know why anybody would want to ingest such a combination, a deep fried piece of breast chicken atop a perfectly golden waffle (the waffles were to die for) smothered in Maple Syrup with bacon rashers on the side. It was too over the top for her. One sure way of a heart attack!

“Where is this Danielle?! I need to meet her and tell her how friggen good this meal has been!” Dylan said, looking to her. “Is she here today?”

Miranda shook her head. It was still morning so no. “She works every afternoons from 2-10PM.”

“We're coming back here!” Dylan said eagerly to Andrea.

“Just tell me when!” Andrea replied, finishing the rest of her own chicken waffle.

“Did you enjoy it?” Miranda asked.

“It was absolute heaven!” Andrea responded, eyes fluttering. “We're definitely coming back here again for breakfast but next time we have to bring the girls.”

Miranda's heart swelled at her lover who always wanted to include Cassidy and Caroline whereas Stephen was never like that and Eric was always too busy with work constantly flying to this part of the world and back until she learned he was interested in a flight attendant and broke up with her to see what happened with the young woman. At least they remained together. “That sounds wonderful, darling.”

Andrea beamed at her before turning to Dylan. “What are your pla-“

Her lover stopped speaking when her phone began ringing.

“It's Bryan. He'll be looking for an update which I don't have to give him!” The brunette laughingly replied.

Dylan also laughed, and they both watched as Andrea walked away. The sibling turned to her.

“So, you're really in it for the long haul with Andy?”

Miranda swallowed down her sip of coffee.  “I'd be stupid not to be.” She responded, watching as Dylan studied her. “Yes.” She nodded. “As long as she wants to be by my side I am in it for the long haul.”

“You work long hours.”

“Correct, but since my divorce I've made sure to be home at an earlier time to be with my girls and now Andrea is included which makes me even more eager to get home. She has always been different... She makes me a better person. I'll never hurt her.”

“If you do though I'm going to hunt you down. You're not a man so I can't punch you so I'll just have to do something more drastic... like burn a heap of your magazines and clothes. Super-duper new ones.”

Miranda laughed at those words. “You don't have to worry.” She said, finishing her coffee. “How do you feel about this...?”

Dylan shrugged before leaning back and putting his hands behind his head. “All that matters is that Andy's happy. Who she decides to spend her life with, and as long as they aren't a jerk, doesn't bother me.”

“You're a very mature family.”

“We practically raised ourselves when Mom and Dad had to be working all the time to keep a roof over our heads. There was no time for slacking off when there was school, house and farm chores to do. Of course though we did have plenty of times to just be kids... running amok, annoying Grandma and shit stirring Grandpa… throwing dead snakes on his lap.”

Miranda's eyes widened.

“Oh yeah! We were real shit heads and got up to a lot of no good, but they friggen loved it! We kept them on their toes.”

“Kept who on their toes?” Andrea asked as she came back to the table, sitting down.

“Grandma and Grandpa.”

“Ohh that we did!” Andrea responded, grinning. “Remember that time we put cling wrap over the toilet seat!”

“Grandpa’s urine went everywhere!” Dylan responded, softly though as the clientele was of a higher class, and the siblings chuckled. "He didn't stop swearing!"

“And when we poured marmalade into the back of his pants!”

“And the super glue incident!”

“Ohhh the super glue incident! You had to be there for that one!” Andrea said, looking to her.

“And how we pulled a HOME ALONE stunt-“

“The first movie.” Andrea said, looking to her.

“He walked into the shed and the bucket of honey covered him and the fan blew all the pillow feathers you and Harrison threw at him from those two huge bucket loads.”

“Mom was sooo angry when she realised we ruined all those cushions and pillows!” Andrea laughingly said.

“Until she heard what we did and she couldn't stop laughing!”

“Yesss!” Andrea laughed. “I still think we should have done the prank in the first movie where he puts all that black sticky shit on the stairs... we would have done it in the shed... and his shoes would have gotten stuck!”

“That was Harrison's fault why we didn't do it. He was too much of a scaredy cat because the stairs would have been too hard to clean.”

“He's always the party pooper!”

“You don't need to remind me!” Dylan replied, sighing exasperatedly about this brother of theirs.

Andrea's phone buzzed again. “I'm supposed to be in Philly right now.”

“Oh shit, Andy, I'm sorry. I should be letting you get back to work!”

This was news to Miranda too.

“Fuck no!” Andrea softly said, putting her phone onto silent and putting it away. “It's work that I can easily do by the end of the week and have ready in time for Monday. Right now you, my awesome baby brother, has surprised me and I'm not going to ditch you!” She turned to her

“You did ditch me that one time at the Carnival so you could make-out with Alexander.”

“Oh god, Alexander! I haven't thought about him for years! Is he still-“

“Just as pimply? Yes.” Dylan cut in.

“That wasn't what I was going to say!” Andrea replied, but her eyes widened. “Is he really though?”

“Yeah, he was given such an awful oily gene! I feel for him, man.”

“Is he still working at the high school?”

“Yep, he's still there. Pretty sure he got married last year to Penelope something...”

“Penelope Hudson?!”

“Yeah, that one.”

“No way! He had a crush on her for years!”

“Apparently she felt the same way. They're now expecting their fourth child.”

“Awww! Good for him! I'm thrilled he found someone!”

“Yeah especially after you shattered his feelings at the Carnival two weeks after you made out and said you were going to build a house together.”

“I was 13!”

Miranda smiled at those cute words. Ah, young love.

“He had such a saliva mouth!” Andrea spoke.

“I know, but he's somehow managed to control that now.”

Andrea laughed. “Really though, oh, I'm so happy for him!”

She really is so sincere. How did I get so lucky?

“Are we all finished here?” The waitress came over.

“Yes, thank you! This was incredible!” Andrea replied, holding up her plate that the waitress took along with Dylan's.

“I would come here every morning for this meal if I could!” Dylan replied.

“I'm glad it was enjoyed so thoroughly.” The waitress replied.

“It really was.” Dylan responded.

“Was there anything else I can get for you?” The waitress asked, picking up Miranda's plate but never taking her eyes away from Dylan's.

“What can you recommend me to have for dinner later tonight when I come back?!” Dylan questioned.

The waitress lit up then. “Oh! You're coming back?!”

“What did I tell you... he's a real charmer.” Andrea whispered, leaning closer to her.

Miranda smirked, turning her eyes away from Dylan's and to her lover's. “You weren't wrong there.”

“There are some boxes that I can't pick up out in the storage room. Do you think I could get your help?”

“Show me the way.” Dylan replied, turning back to them. “Ooooh, she’s cute! I'll be back soon.”

“Oh Jesus.” Andrea said, shaking her head. “You're such a man whore!”

Miranda's eyes widened. “Are they really-“

“Yes, no doubt.” Andrea replied, as if this was incredibly normal. “That's Dylan for you. When he doesn't have food and alcohol on his mind it's always women!”

“He's one of a kind.” Miranda commented.

“I know he's a bit full on but I hope that you like hi-“

“I like him, darling, most definitely. He's quite the character. I can only imagine what the rest of your family is like.”

“About the same. Just as loud and talkative.” Andrea laughingly replied. “Harrison is like Dad though… much more quiet and reserved until he gets to know someone but once he does he won't stop talking your ear off about cars and business.”

“What does Harrison do?”

“Pharmcutical's rep. Our Gramps did the same job. Same as the drinking.” Andrea laughingly said. “But that's not why they died. Gramps had an accident on the farm. Grandma was never the same. Quiet and reserved. Didn't move from her arm chair often. Then one night she just... popped off. Joined her husband and love of her life up in the clouds.”

“Oh darling.” Miranda reached for her lover’s hand.

“It's okay, I'm okay. We cried, and we still do, but neither of them would want us getting emotional.” Andrea replied. “They're together again and that’s all that matters.”

Miranda nodded.

“You know that skirt I wore the second day.”

Miranda snorted. “How could I forget?!”

“That was my grandma's.” Andrea smiled fondly, shocking her with these words. “She gave it to me for my 16th birthday and I have cherished it ever since.”

“I didn't know.” Miranda replied, swallowing hard, feeling a little bad now.

“It's okay.” Andrea said, her lover squeezing her hand. “And I know you still think it's hideous which is okay too. But it will always be special to me.”

Miranda smiled. “Of course it will be. It's something for you to remember of her always.”


A Little While Later.

“Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last Summer again?” Dylan asked as they walked out of the restaurant.

Miranda watched as her lover looked incredibly frustrated.

“I told you! I spent it with my Uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!” Andrea responded.

“Did you shoot any?” Dylan asked.

“Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?”

“What kind of gun did you use?”

“A freakin' 12 gauge gun, what do you think?”

They cracked up laughing as the town car pulled up and they got inside.

“Where's Roy?” Andrea asked.

“Picking the girls up. They're taking half the day off. Cara is taking them to Delaware for the weekend because the school is doing renovations this afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea for them to go somewhere new and visit Cara’s family.” Miranda responded.

“That will be fun for them!” Andrea replied. “You didn’t tell me they’re going away!”

“That's because you kept distracting me.” Miranda responded, her drivers having signed contracts that they are not allowed to speak about anything they hear inside the town-car, as her lover leaned in to her.

“I can’t wait to hear all about this little trip of theirs!” Andrea replied, so excited for her girls.

Smiling Miranda looked down at her phone as Andrea began speaking to her brother again.

“Oh my god! I haven't told you about France!” Andrea said, turning to Dylan. “You're going to freak out!”

“This sounds super juicy! Do tell!”

Andrea filled her brother in excitedly on their trip to the South of France after a divine night in Milan, how they stayed at her little Villa, and had two afternoons of swimming then gorging themselves on cheese and bread. And then each other, but she left that part out.

“It was divine. And the bread and cheese! Freshly cooked, fresh berries too!”

“I'm so jealous!” Dylan responded. “Especially about the bread! I love my bread.”

“I love my butter.”

“But most of all...”

“We love each other!” The siblings chorused, absolutely beaming, and cackling once more.

Miranda couldn't believe how much they quoted movies and TV series. “Madeline?”

“Yes! We grew up watching Madeline!” Andrea responded.

“It was our favourite!” Dylan replied. "Seriously, who doesn't love Madeline?"

“And do you constantly quote movies?” Miranda questioned.

“Yeah, it's kinda our thing.” Andrea beamed.

“Don't even get us started on FAMILY GUY.”

“The JAWS scene!” Andrea laughed and both siblings began singing.

“Hey. I'm gonna eat 'cha. I'm gonna eat that hairy leg. I'm gonna eat that other one, too. I can see right up in them shorts. Got lots of rows of teeth to chew you with. Dun-na, Dun-na, Dun-na. Oh, I did eat a fat kid on a raft earlier. That's OKAY though, I have been swimming a lot!”

They stopped singing and instead started laughing again as Dylan looked at her. “JAWS then eats the swimmers.”

“Yummy!” Andrea laughingly said.

Miranda watched as the privacy divider went up without even having asked about it. She heartily laughed at how obviously annoyed and unimpressed the driver was. She on the other hand was completely enthralled by the non-stop, quick thinking, chatter from the siblings which was unlike anything she has ever witnessed before. She was enjoying herself so much and hated knowing she had to leave this lively energy to go to work.

As if knowing she had been thinking of work her phone began ringing. She looked down to see Nigel's name. “What's happened?” She answered and listened to the dilemma currently happening.

Sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose she nodded. “Calm down, breathe and I'll be there shortly.”

“What's wrong?” Andrea asked.

“The Book file on the computer has somehow been deleted and no one can recover it.” Miranda replied, she herself beginning to freak out, but she knew that wasn't going to help matters and so she tried her best to remain calm.

“Is there anything I can do?” Andrea asked.

“Do you know how to work a computer and retrieve a file?!” Miranda questioned.

Slowly her lover shook her head. “No... but I do know Natalie.”

“Who's Natalie?” Dylan asked.

“My hacker contact. She'll be more than thrilled to help! It'll just take her two hours to get here.”

“No. We can't wait that long. Where does she live and I'll get a helicopter to fly her in.” Miranda said, typing away on her phone.

“A helicopter?” Dylan whispered. “As in a private helicopter?”

“Yep!” Andrea replied.

“If you want a joy ride let me know.” Miranda chimed in, glancing at Dylan whose eyes widened.


“She doesn't kid around.” Andrea replied.

“I'll send you details and you can go on a helicopter ride, one of those touristy type over the city but in a much more comfortable helicopter.” Miranda said as she lifted the phone to her ear.

“You don't have to do that.” Dylan responded.

“I want to.” Miranda replied just as the other end answered. “Patrick, darling!” She spoke, turning away to look out the window. “Please tell me you have back-up files for every photo you take?” She asked, photo's which had only been taken yesterday.

“Can I come and see where you work?” She heard Dylan softly ask.

“I'd love to show you!” Andrea replied. “I reckon you'll love Bryan.”

“I wanna see RUNWAY too!” Dylan insisted.

“Duh, that's first and then AUTO UNIVERSE!”

“Can I meet Emily?” Dylan questioned. "She sounds like a real character."

“If she's around.”

“Is she single?”

“You're not her type.”

Dylan frowned.

“Unless you're tall, sexy, and Brazilian.”

“Ooh she has a type. I can convert her.”

“Her type is female, honey.” Andrea softly said causing Dylan's face to drop.



“There you are.” Andy said, walking into the empty Art Department.

“They've not recovered any files! I swear this team is useless! At least all the photos from the shoots are able to be reprinted but the rest...” her lover shook her head. “It's all going to have to be redone and reprinted.”

“I have all my articles saved still.”

“The rest don't. They think it's better to shred and delete everything once it's done. I swear it’s like they think they’re working for the NSA!” Miranda rolled her eyes, looking down to study one of the photos. “Is Dylan enjoying himself?”

“Thoroughly. I left him upstairs talking cars with Bryan. I can imagine they'll be quite a while.” Andy said, looking to her watch. “Nigel and the rest are on their lunch break.”


“Come.” Andy said, taking Miranda's wrist and tugging on her lover's arm, pulling them back towards the photo development room.

“Ohh darling... this is too risqué.”

Smirking Andy shut the door and captured her lover's mouth. “Which makes it even more fun, and I can see in your eyes how much you want me inside you.”

“You're so bad.” Miranda replied, softly moaning and collapsing into her arms, giving up the fight and giving in to her.

“That's the way baby.” Andy whispered, kissing down Miranda's cheek down that flawless jawline and to her lover's neck. “I bet you've never been fucked right outside where your employees could walk in at any time.”

“No.” Miranda softly cried, keening into her, wanting her between her legs.

“I wonder what they'd say if they knew... your former lowly assistant from Cincy taking you up against the photograph development room.”

“Fuck 'em!” Miranda responded, surprising her with her own familiar words. “Just...” her lover gasped. “Fuck me.”

Grinning Andy nipped her lover's earlobe. “Gladly, my darling.”


Miranda opened the door to make sure the coast was clear. She knew she still had a flushed face, and possibly red kissed lips so she needed to bee-line it to her bathroom.

The Art Department was still empty but across the hall employees worked busily and she knew they were too distracted or scared to even look in her direction.

“Okay, I'm going to go now.” Miranda said, turning back to Andrea who kissed her once more.

“Don't worry about anything. Natalie will come and find all the files.”

Miranda breathed calmly. “I will try, darling.” She responded however she was already relaxed thanks to her brunette beauty which meant she was less likely to snap at the souls walking around the building. However she knew she shouldn't be snapping when she didn't know how the file became lost in the first place.

Was it an employee’s fault or did the computer system have a glitch? She'll never know.

“See you later.”

“Yes.” Miranda replied, putting her RUNWAY face back in place. “Wait a few moments before exiting.”

“I will. Love you.”

Smirking Miranda exited the small room and then the Art Department and as expected she was able to make it to her office without anyone looking at her.

Sighing in relief she entered her bathroom and smiled at her flushed appearance. I'm absolutely glowing. Thanks to that exquisite woman.

As she finished fixing her hair and make-up she got a text from Andrea.

That was thrilling! We need to be risqué more often ;)

Licking her lips she typed back. I might be open to the idea... xxx

Oh yes, you're full of surprises, my love <3

Chuckling Miranda sent one last text. As are you <3

She walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by a frantic Nigel. “If you don't calm down you'll give yourself an aneurism.”

“How can I calm down?! Oh my god, you've lost your marbles if you think I can remain calm!”

Miranda simply chuckled at that response as she sat down at her desk and began sending back important emails.


user: pure_ecstasy6

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