The Power Of Love. 3 Part 2/2

Aug 02, 2017 02:04

Chapter Three:
Our Future, Our Legacy.
Part Two.


It had been a long day working on the tree branch that covered the entire door to the bunker on the island. Their bodies were sore, and they were exhausted. It felt like the tree branch was never going to get smaller.

The love birds had fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow unlike every other night where they had made love for hours on end.

Lexa awoke with a startle. She jolted up in bed. Since having the Flame back in her she was feeling much more like herself, and instantly in this moment she knew something wasn't right.

Looking down she saw Clarke, looking beautiful as always, sleeping soundly with a small smile on her face.

Relaxing, only slightly at knowing Clarke was okay, she gently pulled her lover's hand away from where it was resting over her stomach, placing it onto the bed, and quietly stood.

Pulling on her night gown she walked over to the window. She stared out into the darkness, the moon a sliver behind them, and had she been anyone else they wouldn't be able to notice what she did.

Way in the distance she could make out a small light and seconds later more appeared from over the hill. Her heart began to race as her horrible feeling worsened.

Hearing movement coming from the bed she heard Clarke get up, and fully nude, walked over to her. If it weren't for her current feelings she wouldn't be able to tear her eyes off Clarke's divine body. She pointed out the window.

Turning Clarke looked out. "I don't see anything." She replied, furrowing her brows. "What has your attention?"

"Just over the hill... see those little white lights."

It took Clarke a couple seconds, because they were so dim, but once she did she smiled. "I see them. What are they?" She asked, turning to look at Lexa and instantly her smile went away as she saw the panic in her girlfriend’s eyes. "Lexa..."

"It's the Ice Nation." Lexa replied.

"How can you tell?" Clarke asked. "They might be survivors of Praimfaya looking for refuge."

"No. This feeling-" she placed her hand over her stomach. "It's the feeling I get when something bad is about to happen. I was woken for a reason." she turned to Clarke, her eyes widening. She knew what was about to happen. "It's the Ice Nation. War is coming. They've always wanted my City..." she clenched her fists. "And they're not going to get it."

Clarke watched as Lexa stared out at the dim lights. They were miles upon miles away. "What are you going to do?"

"It's time this war ends once and for all." Lexa said, voice firm and laced with anger. "I'm sick of fighting for my home, for my family. It ends today!" She angrily spoke, moving away from the window and began getting ready.

Clarke watched as Lexa began putting on her warrior face paint. "I want to be out there with you, to help fight for our home."

Lexa looked over her shoulder, eyes wide and mouth open in shock at what she heard. "Clarke-"

"You know that line you were talking about? We were standing right here when you asked me to stay. Well, that line... It's already been drawn, has been for a long time now, and I will always be on this side of it... with you." Clarke said, putting a hand over Lexa's chest where she felt the steady beating. "And because this is my home now I need to be able to fight for it, for you, for us."

Lexa's lips parted. She still couldn't believe her luck; not only was Clarke back in her life but she wanted to stay with her in Polis.

"Plus I'm not leaving your side ever again nor am I going to allow something like what happened happen again which means you aren’t fighting them without me." Clarke said, knowing she would do whatever it took to keep the both of them safe.

Lexa leaned into those glorious lips that kissed her neck, along her jaw and then on her lips.

They pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes. She opened her mouth again to speak, but nothing came out. She was speechless. This was okay though, no words were needed in this moment, their eyes and their lips conveyed to Clarke all that she felt.

"I should be getting ready..." Lexa said, in-between kisses.

"They're at least two hours away... this won't take long." Clarke replied, smirking, putting a hand under her girlfriend’s gown and slowly moved it up to cup one of those glorious breasts.

"Ohhh, you're a bad influence."

Clarke heartily laughed at her girlfriend’s words as she pushed Lexa down onto the bed. "You wouldn't have me any other way. We need to feel refreshed for battle."

"And this will help, will it?" Lexa smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure will." Clarke winked as she pulled open Lexa's night gown, dragged her tongue down Lexa's body, settling her head between gorgeous legs.


An Hour Later.

Lexa and Clarke walked out of the tower where the Ice Nation men, along with a handful of women and some warrior children, grew closer to them.

The Commander swallowed hard, out of sight from Clarke.

"There's more than I thought there'd be." Clarke said. There were about fifty and they only had twenty which was including them. "How did they survive?"

"I'm not sure." Lexa replied. "But there's no time thinking any of this. You need to be focused on what's about to come."

"I am, Lexa, I'm ready." Clarke replied, she had a sword, a hand gun and a shot gun slung over her shoulder as well as a knife strapped around her lower leg.

The brunette sighed. She shook her head. "You aren't even trained for battle."

"I'm stronger than I look." Clarke responded, giving Lexa a reassuring smile. "Trust me."

"I do, you know that, I just-" Lexa stopped when the leader came into view with full white war paint covering his face just like the rest of them who stopped a couple steps behind him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the she beat him to it. "There's no point talking about why you're on my land when we all know why, and I'm here to tell you now that you're not taking my home... I might have less warriors than you, but I assure you that you will not win" She firmly and confidently said, gritting her teeth. "You will all die today."

The Ice Nation leader laughed, shaking his head. "You're all talk, young girl, and you're nothing but skin and bone. My soldiers are ten times stronger than you."

Lexa smirked. "Don't talk about something you don't know when you've never seen me fight." She said, words familiar that she'd said to her girlfriend years ago.

"You may have taken out the Prince and our Queen a few years ago, but I can see from here how weak you are. You died and somehow came back to life. You've lost a lot of your training from spending too much time in bed. You won't be able to defeat us. This place... your tower will soon be overrun by the Ice Nation and your head along with your girlfriends will be hung above my bed." The leader said, laughing as if it was the most hilarious thing. "It will be a sight to behold, but don't worry, I'll make it quick." He said, coming to a stop in front of Clarke, looking her up and down slowly and then doing the same to Lexa. "Unless you want it to be long..." he touched Lexa's jawline.

"Get your hands off her!" Clarke angrily said.

This was the exact reaction the Ice Nation leader wanted. He laughed again. "You like the feisty girls, don't you.”? He said, staring deep into Lexa's eyes who was unmoving and emotionless. "Costia was just like this new one of yours, all talk and feisty until I had her by the neck up against the wall."

It was then Lexa's cheek twitched at those words, she did her best to remain calm, to not react like he wanted her to. It was hard when people talked about Costia in such a way.

"The way she cried, and cried, begging for mercy. Offering whatever it was we wanted. She was ready to give you up, to trade her life for yours."

Lexa swallowed hard, her cheek twitching again, she wouldn't believe any of this.

"He's trying to get into your head, don't listen to him, it's all lies." Clarke firmly said. "And I've had enough of it."

The sound of Clarke's sword being pulled out was heard and it quickly and swiftly made contact with the leader’s neck before he could even reach for his.

It was the blondes turn to laugh. "Not so fast." She said, motioning for Lexa to grab his sword. "By the smell of your breath you've been up all night on a whisky binge and because of that mistake you're going to lose."

Lexa wanted to grin at Clarke's words watching as the Ice Nation's so-called leader tried to find something to say.

"I may be a drunk but at least I don't lie with my own gender."

"Pathetic." Lexa said, pulling out her own sword. "Good luck trying to defeat me and my people."

"You're the first person I've come across who’s a homophobe." Clarke commented, shaking her head. "And it is disgusting." She added, watching as Lexa kicked him in the stomach and he went stumbling backwards.

The leader pulled out his own sword as his soldiers dismounted from their horses.

It was time to end this ridiculous war and so Lexa charged at the drunk, screaming and began moving in such a choreographed way that Clarke couldn't help but to stare in awe until she had to shake herself out of it when a female Ice Nation soldier came stalking over to her.

"Bring it on." Clarke said, her sword hanging comfortably in her hand. It was worth mentioning that she had three burly Grounders right behind her who would never let anything bad happen to her.



"My men!" Lexa yelled. "My brothers, my sisters!" She sliced a man in half, spinning around to slice her sword across another’s throat. "Built this city with their own hands! I warned you, told you that you couldn't and wouldn't defeat me!"

There was one Ice Nation soldier left and she charged at him, he withered at the sight, dropping to the ground and held his hands up. "I beg for mercy!"

"You... don't... get... mercy." Lexa angrily yelled, circling the man who was sobbing now. "You come to my lands expecting to kill me, and my love for it... no man deserves to live if he will do something as evil as that." She stopped in front of him. "You brought this on yourself. You have three seconds to make peace with that." She said, continuing. "And I'll make it quick for you." she said, repeating the leader's earlier words and with that plunged her sword, her mother’s sword, into the man’s forehead. She pulled it out, lifting her foot and kicking him onto the ground. "Your gonplei ste odon." She said, turning around and watched as Clarke withdrew the sword from the chest of a burly man.

"Told you I could do this. I swear this nightblood inside me makes me stronger, invisible." Clarke joked, grinning.

"Stupid monsters! I told them they should have walked away!" Lexa angrily said, putting her swords back into their straps as Clarke looked around to stare at the fallen men around them, a dozen of them were their people. It was true sacrifice. Her stomach dropped at the sight of blood trickling down, quite heavily, from her girlfriend’s right arm. "Clarke." She gasped. "You're bleeding!"

The blonde looked down to where Lexa stared. "I didn't even feel myself get cut."

"I knew I shouldn't have let you fight with me!" Lexa replied, racing over to Clarke.

Clarke snorted. "It's just a cut."

"It looks too deep. What if it gets infected" Lexa firmly said, feeling extremely worried.

"You're worrying for no reason." Clarke responded, pocketing her own sword. She hadn't done much fighting, her girlfriend doing the brunt of it as the Ice Nation had beef with her girlfriend instead of herself.

"I just got you back, Clarke, of course I'm going to worry!" Lexa replied, taking the blondes hand. "I need to patch you up!"

Clarke smiled. "Are you going to take care of me?"

"I will always take care of you." Lexa firmly responded, as they began walking into the tower, blood dripping from Clarke's arm with each step they took.


Clarke hissed in pain.

"Are you sure I'm doing this correctly?" Lexa asked, pausing in the task in which she was performing.

"You're suturing like a pro." Clarke replied, watching as her girlfriend did the last three stitches with impressively steady hands before tying it off. The cut had been deeper than once thought, and she needed thirteen stitches. "You're the sexiest nurse."

Lexa snorted. "You're ridiculous." She responded, beginning to put the bandage around her girlfriend like Clarke had instructed. The blonde hissed again and she frowned. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's just a scratch."

Lexa gave Clarke a stern look.

"Yeah, it hurts, but it's nothing I can't handle." Clarke responded, touching the bandage before taking Lexa's hand. "Thank you for patching me up, baby."

"I'd do anything for you." Lexa whispered, leaning into Clarke, their mouths meeting.

A shiver went through Clarke and unfortunately it wasn't one of arousal.

"I'll get the fire going." Lexa said, kissing Clarke once more before standing. "And then maybe we can get in the tub? It'll help you relax."

Clarke smirked. "Mmm, that sounds amazing. I love how your mind works."


Walking into the bathroom which felt like a sauna the scent of her favourite smell, aside from Lexa of course, filled her senses; vanilla with a hint of peppermint (peppermint being Lexa's favourite, it was a favourite among many of the Grounders) and Clarke stared at the tub which looked gloriously inviting.

The water had flower petals floating atop it and there were candles lit all around the small room.

It was the most romantic sight she had ever seen. No one has ever done this for her and she would cherish this moment for eternity.

Hearing bare feet padding on the ground behind her she smiled as she felt Lexa's arms going around her waist and her girlfriends chin rested on her shoulder. "Babe, this is... it's too much!"

"Nonsense, Clarke, it's everything you deserve." Lexa responded, kissing the side of Clarke's neck, sending a shiver through her girlfriend. She smiled, and pulled away only slightly to take the bottom of the blonde’s shirt and began tugging it up and over her lover.

Clarke remained where she stood, allowed Lexa to undo her bra, before she turned around and let the black lacy material fall to the ground. She watched as Lexa's eyes instantly moved down past her chest and to her breasts.

Lexa lipped her lips at the gorgeous sight. "Beautiful." she couldn't help but say these words every time she stared at Clarke. She leaned forward, their lips connecting as her hands palmed Clarke's breasts.

The kiss was brief as Lexa pulled away and knelt down. She unzipped Clarke's muddy pants and let them drop to the floor. She leaned forward and kissed Clarke's abdomen before taking the waist band of her lingerie, pulling on it, letting it hit back against her girlfriend’s skin.

Clarke sighed at the slightly rough sensation before Lexa's hot mouth was on her skin once more. That deliciously talented tongue made her feel so many different things as the brunette hooked her fingers into the underwear and roughly pulled them down. She looked down, watching as Lexa breathed her in, pressing kisses in the small patch of hair above her clit.

"I love you so much." Lexa said, staring up at her, her thumb making contact with Clarke's clit.

"Ohhh god." Clarke said, instantly pushing herself into Lexa, their eyes still connected in such an intense gaze "Yessss."

They remained like that for a while, Lexa eating her out until her girlfriend pulled away.

"In the tub. Now."

At the fierce command, a shot of another intense arousal went through Clarke and she instantly did as she was told. A loud moan escaped her parted lips at the sensational feeling of the hot water hitting her skin.

They settled in the water and instantly Lexa was in her arms, mouths sloppily connecting as fingers found their way between her legs, diving straight into her.

Lexa leant down, taking Clarke's left breast into her mouth, biting gently before sucking and twirling her tongue around the erect nipple.

The blonde cried out, arching into her.

Lexa was rubbing at Clarke's clit with a fervor.

"Ohhh, baby." Clarke cried out, clinging onto her Commander. "Yesss... like that." She whimpered loudly. "Just like that."

Lexa popped her mouth away from the breast and moved to the other to give it the same attention, her tongue swirling around the nub. She loved how the erect nipple felt against her tongue.

"Go inside me." Clarke said, arching her lower body into Lexa's talented hand, her sex searing with heat. She knew she was dripping wet as her lover plunged three fingers inside her and she cried out in pure ecstasy.


Through her buzzing ears she was sure she heard her voice being called out by a panicked voice coming from the distance. It sounded like her mother’s voice, but Lexa didn't stop which meant she was imagining it no doubt because of the silly dream she had last night where her Mom was trapped forever in the bunker. She gripped Lexa's arms, trembling as those talented fingers continued pumping inside of her. She whimpered uncontrollably into Lexa's mouth which was now sloppily kissing hers as she came undone in Lexa's arms. "Ohhh."

"Clarke!" She heard her voice being called out again and this time she heard footsteps that came rushing into the room they currently occupied as their mouths continued moving together.

The footsteps came to an abrupt stop just inside the room.

"Oh my god, Clarke!" The voice belonging to her Mom loudly said, causing Lexa to tense up in her arms, fingers stopping inside of her.

The Commander pulled away from her red kissed lips, staring at her with wide, shocked eyes.

"Mom!" Clarke loudly said, trying to shield the both of them but it was no use. Her whole body had turned a deep shade of red along with Lexa's.

"Oh my god." Abby repeated her words, and as Clarke looked over Lexa's shoulder she saw her Mom turning away from them, from this horribly embarrassing sight she had witnessed. "I heard whimpering, and I... my god, I thought you were injured!"

"What are you doing here?" Clarke asked, feeling as if her whole body was on fire after knowing her Mom had seen her in the throes of passion with Lexa. "I mean... That tree was still blocking the door."

"Everyone from the other bunker have resurfaced. They came to the island and used a rover to pull the tree away..." Abby explained.

"We have been cutting the tree apart. We've been trying to get you out of there."

"We noticed there were hacksaws." Her Mom responded. "I'll go and wait downstairs." she said, beginning to walk away.

Taking a deep breath, face also red, Lexa pulled away causing Clarke to gasp due to Lexa's fingers retreating out of her. Her heart raced in her chest as Lexa reached for a towel as her Mom disappeared. "Okay." she said, her words no doubt falling on deaf ears. She watched as Lexa stood, wrapping her body in the towel before grabbing one for her. She covered her face. "Please tell me that didn't just happen."

Lexa swallowed hard. "Unfortunately, it did." She replied. She wanted to be angry that someone had dared to storm into the privacy of not only her bedroom but her bathroom, but as she remembered the sight they had left outside, the sight of a bleeding Clarke and the trail of nightblood that would have dropped to the floor leading to their bedroom she understood why Abby had done so.

"I'm never going to be able to look her in the eye again." Clarke said, taking the towel and the offered hand Lexa held out to help her up.

"It wasn't ideal. However, she thought you were hurt. Thought your whimpers..." her face reddened even more knowing Abby would have heard such an intimate sound. "I could hear the panic in her voice. All of those dead bodies... the blood trail your arm left behind..."

"Shit. All of that devastation outside." Clarke said, looking to Lexa. "She must have thought the worst."

Lexa nodded.

"I need to man up and face her, tell her what happened."

"I'll have those who survived the battle gathered in the throne room. We will meet in fifteen minutes."

"Okay." Clarke kissed Lexa before they both stepped out of the magnificent tub and began getting dressed.


"The Commander will not be happy I barged in like that." Abby said, pacing the length of Lexa's throne room, trying her best to ignore the image she had walked in on, the sounds she had heard coming from her daughter in such an intimate moment. "I showed no respect. I should have known better."

"Abby, please... you need to calm down." Kane said, stopping Abby and putting his hands on her shoulders. "Look at what is outside... bodies, some of them children... the blood is fresh and trailing right up to Lexa's room. You were concerned, as was I, and you stormed in there because you thought Clarke was hurt. You weren't to know that they were otherwise engaged."

"She'll never forgive me!" Abby worriedly said, staring at Markus, knowing how rough Lexa could be when it came to feelings. "I know I wouldn't if I were her."

"You wanted to see, Clarke, she will understand that." Kane replied, squeezing Abby's shoulders. "Please, calm down and take a few deep breaths. I think it's clear to say that what matters to the Commander right now is Clarke."

Abby opened her mouth to speak once more when the doors to the room opened.

Clearing her throat Clarke walked inside. She looked over to Kane who nodded at her. She nodded back in acknowledgment. She watched as her Mom slowly turned around and as soon as their eyes connected a burst of laughter escaped Clarke's mouth. She had no idea how else to react. She cupped her mouth, shaking her head. "You know, I always thought it would be me scarring myself for life and walking in on you and Dad... or now with you and Kane not the other way around..." she said, biting the inside of her lip as her cheeks reddened. "I'm really sorry you had to witness that."

Abby shook her head, walking over to Clarke. "I was the one who barged in, I thought you were hurt."

"It's safe to say next time we'll know to lock the bedroom door." Clarke replied, laughing as she allowed herself to be pulled into her Mom's warm and familiar embrace. She was hugged tightly and she did the same back. "I've missed you." she whispered, burying her face in her Mom's shoulder.

"I've missed you too." Abby whispered, tears falling from her eyes. She pulled away from her daughter, cupping Clarke's face and staring into those beautiful eyes so much like Clarke's fathers. "You have no idea how happy I am for you." she said, clearing her throat upon seeing Lexa appear in the door way. "For your reunion with Lexa. I'm glad that... you're together again." She smiled widely, seeing the delight and excitement in her daughter’s eyes.

Clarke with cheeks still flushed replied. "I still can't believe it... she's actually really here." She looked over her shoulder, feeling Lexa's eyes on her. She motioned for the brunette to join her.

Lexa walked in, stopping next to Clarke. A closed lipped smile on her face she looked confidently into Clarke's mother’s eyes thankful that her demeanor didn't falter and her cheeks didn't flush. Years of training her emotions- she never thought she'd be more grateful. "Abby." She acknowledged. "It's good seeing you again. You look very well. I'm glad the island helped keep you safe these last five years."

"It was lucky I got there when I did or this one mightn't have made it." Abby responded, looking to Clarke. "The first couple of weeks were scary, but we got through it."

"Mightn't have made it?" Lexa furrowed her brows, turning from Abby to Clarke. "What is she talking about? Did you get injured?"

Clarke sighed, she hated thinking back to it. "My space helmet got a crack in it, my face turned all blistery and ugly for a while, but I knew I'd get through it thanks to Luna's nightblood. I didn't tell you because it was in the past and there was no need to bring it up when I want to forget about it."

Lexa turned back to Abby. "I can't imagine how scary that would have been."

"Mmm, but she's a fighter our Clarke."

The Commander smiled turning back to her girlfriend. "That she is." She replied just as there was a knock at the door. "Enter."

All of their people entered the room and she walked up to her chair, sitting down. She motioned for everyone else to so after Clarke said her hello's and whatever else needed to be said with the Sky People she hasn't seen in years.

Looking around the room Lexa's eyes connected with Octavia's and they both gave a nod of acknowledgement. "What happened today won't happen again. The bloodshed and those lives of our people lost... it's unforgivable. We are going to go straight to the source and make sure they don't come here again. If there are more there won't be many left and with the numbers we have we'll be able to defeat them."

Everyone looked to be on the same page as her. They all detested the Ice Nation.

"It has been a long journey back here for you all, there is enough room for each and every one of you. Go, get the rest you need and we will convene again tomorrow where we will talk about defeating the Ice Nation tomorrow and then tomorrow night there will be a celebration of our reunion." She said, watching as a few were surprised by her latter words, and others simply relieved that they were safe and out of that bunker. "It will be a grand event."


That Night.

Putting down her fork Lexa sat back in her chair feeling full and extremely satisfied. "How did you learn to cook like that, Clarke?" She asked knowing that the blonde wasn't a cook, at least not five years ago. This evening lover had cooked minced rabbit atop an herb crusted bread and it was delicious.

"It's a bread that-"

"I taught Clarke to cook." Niylah's voice cut Clarke off as the older blonde walked into the dining room. "I'm sorry that I'm late."

Clarke swallowed her sip of moonshine. "Niylah." she said, standing from the chair. "It's... wow, it's great to see you."

The other blonde smiled, motioning for Clarke to sit back down. Her eyes remained on Clarke for longer than they should, but deep down she ached for her and she couldn't hide that.

"Niylah." Lexa said, studying the other woman seeing the look that was in the woman's eyes, how much she still wanted Clarke. This was okay, she understood why Niylah was attracted to Clarke. "It's wonderful to meet you." she said, holding out her hand over the table.

The Grounder guards standing around them watched in shock. The Commander barely shook anyone’s hand and Niylah knew this however she tried to not let said shock show as she quickly accepted the hand shake.

"It's truly an honour meeting you, Heda." Niylah said, dropping Lexa's hand a couple seconds later. "I can't believe how overwhelming it must feel being back home."

Lexa smiled. "Extremely overwhelming, but it's not hard settling back in. There's a perfect room for you that I'll have my guard look over and make sure it's clean and ready to be slept in. I am confident you'll enjoy it."

"Thank you, Heda." Niylah replied. "However, I will decline your immensely kind offer to stay."

Lexa raised an eyebrow. Normally people were too scared to say no to her. "Oh?"

"I would prefer to head out there, set up my own place." Niylah replied.

Clarke swallowed hard, she could see how much Niylah hated that Lexa was back in her life, how much Niylah wished the two of them could go out and set up home and live happily ever after. "We don't know how safe it is out there." she said, voicing her concern.

Lexa nodded. "Clarke has a point. I would hate for something to happen to you. After all, you cared for Clarke when she needed it the most. Please, stay. At least just until you find a place of your own."

Niylah was hesitant, but she slowly nodded. "If you insist, Heda."

"Call me Lexa." The commander replied, smiling softly. "And you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need."

Niylah simply smiled in response and picked up a fork beginning to eat.

Dinner was a quiet affair and Clarke continued to feel four sets of eyes on her; Lexa's eyes and Niylah's eyes. She never thought that she would have two beautiful women that desired to be with her, but here she was, and she hated knowing that she couldn't be the woman for Niylah.

Once their plates were mostly empty Kane cleared his throat. "That was very tasty. Thank you for sharing all of that food with us, Lexa."

Lexa smiled. "It is my pleasure however it was Clarke who cooked for us. I wish I could say that there would be dessert, but with supplies running so low..." she trailed off.

"Never mind. Maybe next time." Kane replied, smiling.

Clearing her throat Niylah stood smiled at both Clarke and Lexa as she put down her fork and knife. "Thank you for dina." she said, eyes connecting with the blondes. "You've outdone yourself with that herb loaf."

Clarke smiled. "I did learn from the best."

Niylah said her good nights before exiting the room.

As soon as the door was closed behind her Clarke dropped her head in her hands. "That was the most awkward dinner I've ever been a part of."

Lexa wiped her mouth, putting down her own fork. "What are you talking about? It wasn't that bad."

"I've hurt her so much, Lexa, I should never have gotten with her in the first place when I was still grieving you." Clarke said, sighing and wanting to hit herself in the head.

A hand from both Lexa and her Mom connected with hers.

"You weren't to know I was alive still."

"And you didn't mean to hurt her." Abby softly said. "You can't go on blaming yourself. It was only natural for you to want to have someone else’s company."

"I'm sure Niylah knows this." Kane softly chimed in.

"Well, either way I'm not happy with myself." Clarke replied, sighing loudly and picking up the last of the moonshine. "I just hope there's more where this came from."

Kane laughed, standing from the table. "Now that's something I can help you with."

"Darling." Abby cupped Clarke's face. "Niylah and I spoke before we came here. We've had more than the one conversation about all of this over these last few weeks and she always knew what she was getting in to with you, that your heart was always with Lexa, and that it was never a serious commitment."

"She would have wanted serious in the future."

"Which would only be natural." Lexa chimed in. "Anyone would be crazy to not want that with you."

"Niylah told me that she knew deep down if somehow Lexa came back to life that she would have to let you go and be with Lexa, that she has come to terms with this long ago. She is beyond happy for you, baby."

"Should I talk to her?" Clarke asked. "I mean, privately."

"Of course, Clarke, there is no reason why you shouldn't." Lexa replied.

"We never really did get to have a proper goodbye."

"Then you'll say goodbye to give her closure." Lexa replied, leaning forward and kissing Clarke's cheek before collecting their plates.

"Why are you so calm about this?" Clarke asked, watching Lexa closely.

Lexa smiled. "Years of practice of controlling my inner emotions." she winked.

Clarke simply laughed.

"That was delicious though, Clarke, I think you'll have to cook more often." Lexa seriously spoke.

"You can have more. There are plenty of leftovers." Clarke responded as they began walking into the kitchen.

"I couldn't eat anything more." Lexa replied, rubbing her stomach.

"You sure about that?" Clarke softly asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"Well..." Lexa replied, licking her lips, cheeks reddening. She looked over to the back of Abby on the other side of the room as Clarke put a hand down the back of her pants. She let out a shaky breath. "I always want you."

"That's what I thought." Clarke chuckled, squeezing Lexa's butt cheek, leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend. She then pulled her hand out and began walking away, looking over her shoulder to wink at Lexa.

"Oh... tease." Lexa whispered which caused Clarke to heartily laughed.

"What's so funny?" Abby asked, looking over her shoulder.

"An inside joke." Clarke lied, watching as Lexa exited the room. She bit the inside of her lip. She loved working Lexa up like so. "Let's get this done as quickly as possible."

Abby watched Clarke quizzically. "You never willingly help with the dishes. I always have to bribe you."

Clarke laughed again, shrugging. "Clearly I'm a changed person."

"Hmmm, clearly." Abby replied, she turned back to the dishes knowing this bubbly persona was all to do with one Commander and she couldn't be happier for her daughter.


Later That Night.

Sensing she wasn't alone anymore Abby looked up and saw the Commander standing in the door way.

"May I come in?" Lexa asked, the fire crackling beautifully in the corner.

"Of course." Abby replied, watching as the young woman walked over. "We haven't had a chance to talk privately. I wanted to apologise for this morning-"

Lexa held up her hand. "It's already forgotten." she quickly spoke, wanting to forget about the whole embarrassing moment; a scene like that a parent should never witness. She could feel her cheeks reddening under the dim lightning and she knew Abby could see. She bit the inside of her lip, suddenly nervous.

Abby nodded, remaining quiet. "Drink?" she broke the silence a couple seconds later, pointing to the jug of moonshine.

"Yes." Lexa replied, sounding as nervous as she felt. She watched Abby pour a small amount of the liquid into a cup before it was handed to her. The older woman was looking at her quizzically, wondering what brought her in here. "I wanted to speak to you..."

"Alright... what can I help you with?" Abby asked, sensing it was something serious.

"I came in here prepared to give you this big speech, but I... I'll keep it short. Since meeting Clarke my life has never been the same. "

Abby nodded, focusing her whole attention on her.

Trying to squash down the nerves Lexa powered on. "I knew I loved her the first time I saw her, and these last five years, eight weeks and nine days without knowing who I was, who Clarke was except this distant, faint and confusing memory. It was a horrible feeling, knowing that this very important person was someone I couldn't remember. When I did remember I had a new round of emotion surface; had she survived? The thought of her not surviving, that wrecked me... not knowing. They were the worst days of my life and I never want to feel that agony again." she spoke, and the emotions she's been feeling all these years came flooding back as her eyes welled with tears. "I know you may not understand the two of us loving each other, because we're both girls, and how I betrayed Clarke and... you, your people. It was a head over heart decision, but I would never do anything like that again. My decisions now on will always be about keeping Clarke safe by my side." she let out a shaky breath. "What these last few years has shown me is how much I am in love and never want a life without Clarke beside me. When I think about how she must have been when she thought I was dead." her tears fell silently now. She stared into Abby's eyes who were warmly watching her with a kind of caring persona so similar to Clarke's. "I hated knowing that she thought this and that for a long time I had no way of getting a message to Clarke, but when I remembered I sent Madi and other nightbloods to find Clarke." she wiped away her tears and smiled. "Now that we're back in each other’s lives I want it to stay like that for eternity which is why I am here with you now." she paused, taking a calming and deep breath.

Abby's eyes bored into her own. They also had tears in them.

As the older woman watched Lexa she had a feeling she knew what was about to be spoken, and her heart fluttered happily.

"I would like to ask Clarke to marry me, but I would prefer to have your blessing before I ask... I know how strong your relationship is and it wouldn't feel right if I went ahead without talking to you first."

"Oh, Lexa." Abby responded, taking in everything she had heard, smiling. "Seeing Clarke struggling without you and knowing there was nothing I could do to take that pain away was the worst thing because as a mother I would do anything to keep my daughter from being hurt. When word came that you were alive I didn't want to tell Clarke until I could be sure this source was correct so that she wouldn't get her hopes up however-" she stopped to sigh, having a sip of alcohol. "I'm not a nightblood. I couldn't get to the village you were supposedly at. I knew I couldn't keep this information from her, because I'm a terrible liar, that if you were really were out there she deserved to know even though it meant she would be leaving the safety of the bunker to find you. The look in her eyes when I told her... I will never forget it. Pure love and adoration, exactly the way I felt for Clarke's father. I used to worry that Clarke wouldn't find love the way I had experienced, but as soon as I saw the two of you together on that very first day-" she smiled, tears falling down her cheeks. "I knew you would eventually become the one for my Clarke. Of course, I had reservations about this. I didn't know you and the harsh ways of your people, once I started to see more of who you are, your strength, your courage... I knew you were exactly who Clarke needed. The two of you strong together, challenging each other... together you're equals."

Lexa watched as Abby paused, collecting her thoughts. They were words so similar to what Anya had told her and her heart welled with happiness.

"The fact that you're both girls never once worried me, in fact I had known early on that Clarke liked both boys and girls and that's okay. All that matters is that my daughter is happy and healthy and knowing that she is both of those with you makes me tremendously happy and hearing you asking me to marry her... I am absolutely delighted." Abby spoke, wiping her eyes. "I think my answer is a very obvious one... yes, of course I want you to marry my daughter. You're the perfect fit." she said and watched all of the emotions pass Lexa's face as a new round of tears flowed from a mixture of grey and blue eyes as Lexa processed everything and realised what her answer was.

A wide smile broke out on the Commander's face. "Really?" she asked, voice full of awe and looked as if she was paranoid she'd imagined her words of acceptance and permission.

Abby heartily laughed. "Yes, really."

"I... I don't know what to say." Lexa replied, feeling so many different emotions that it caused her to be completely speechless.

Abby took Lexa's hands. "When are you going to ask her?"

"Tonight." Lexa replied, heart racing. "Thank you, Abby."

"No. Thank you for loving my daughter." Abby responded, squeezing Lexa's hands.

Lexa continued smiling, still unable to believe this was happening. "This isn't spoken of with my people, but a lot of the men own their wives. I want you to know that I would never own Clarke. She is and always will be her own person and can do whatever she dreams."

Abby hadn't known about these Grounder men, but it didn't surprise her after the way she'd seen some of them act. She smiled at Lexa, nodding. "I know you would never be like that, but thank you for assuring me."

"I would do anything for Clarke." Lexa vowed, her heart skipping a beat at her own words. "Absolutely anything." she added, softly that time more to herself than to Abby. She sipped at her drink for the first time. It wasn't a very nice drink, but she did enjoy the buzz now and then. The Grounders traditional wine will always be her favourite.

Her nerves now gone she relaxed into the sofa as her body buzzed, not from the alcohol but from her excitement. She knew that Clarke felt as strongly as she did and she was extremely confident as to what her girlfriends answer will be.

A yawn was heard next to her and she looked at Abby who cupped her mouth.

"After such a long journey, I think it's time I retreat to bed." Abby said, standing.

Lexa stood along with Abby who surprised her with a warm embrace. She returned the hug after the initial shock went away.

"Welcome to the family." Abby happily said.

Lexa's heart swelled with so much love. "Thank you, Abby."

Abby smiled. "Enjoy your evening. We both know the two of you deserve it." she replied, smiling widely.

Lexa also smiled. She was eager to go back into Clarke's arms having been away from her longer than anticipated. "Reshop, Abby."

"You too, Lexa." Abby replied, squeezing Lexa's arm before walking away.

Lexa finished her drink, put the now empty cup down before she left the room for her own bed chambers where her blonde beauty waited for her.


Hearing the door opening behind her Clarke turned around from where she stood at the opened window, the cool breeze hitting her body, her eyes connecting with Lexa's in the dim lighting. She was about to move when Lexa held up a hand.

"No. Don't move." Lexa said in awe, staring at Clarke whose body was illuminated by the moonlight shining in behind her high in the sky. "You're so beautiful." She shook her head. "I can't believe you're mine." Clarke's beauty never ceases to amaze her.

"For as long as you want me." Clarke breathed, itching to move to Lexa to pull her girlfriend into her, crushing their bodies together. She watched as the brunette looked her up and down multiple times.

"I'm trying to capture this image in my mind."

Clarke smiled, heart fluttering. "It's times like these we wish it were the 21st century where we would have cameras to keep these memories alive in photos."

"I don't need one, not with you, I can always see you when I close my eyes." Lexa replied, beginning to move closer to Clarke. "My mother had a camera. It only worked for a little while, but it was her most treasured possession."

"We had a few on the Ark. it was shared around amongst us all. Unfortunately, the crash would have ruined them." Clarke replied. "The one thing I hate the most is that I don't have a photo of my Dad. I'm scared of the day I'll forget what he looks like."

Lexa moved more quickly, pulling Clarke into her. "I won't lie, it's hard. Sometimes I'll wake up in a panic thinking that I can't remember what my Mother looked like, but then I relax, close my eyes and there she is..."

"Thank you." Clarke whispered. "You always put me at ease."

The brunette smiled. Their mouths connected and they kissed for a few moments.

Pulling away slightly Clarke cupped Lexa's face. "Where did you go off to just now?"

Lexa smiled. "I had to go and get something."

"Oooh, sounds quite mysterious there, Commander." Clarke smirked.

Lexa laughed softly as she tugged on Clarke's hand and they walked over to the crackling fire. "Sit with me."

Clarke raised an eyebrow. "You sound suddenly serious. Should I be worried?"

"Of course not." Lexa replied. "I just want to sit with you." She added, her eyes not once leaving Clarke's this whole time. "I can't stop staring at you."

Clarke smiled, stomach full of butterflies. "I know the feeling." She responded as they settled down in front of the fire. She watched as her girlfriend stared at the twinkling flames as they remained quiet. She opened her mouth to speak, but Lexa beat her to it.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time now." Lexa began, turning cross legged to look her girlfriend deep in her eyes. "You know that I want this new world of peace and next to no violence to be our legacy, and I want you and I to always be a team."

"Yeah, and it will be." Clarke smiled, the warmth of the fire hitting her skin wonderfully.

Lexa nodded, speaking again, getting straight to her point. "Clarke Griffin, for as long as I live I will always have your best interest at heart, I vow to never betray and hurt you again, or frighten you by thinking I am no longer alive because my fight is far from over and I want to spend the rest of my days with you by my side who I swear my undying fealty to. Will you be my wife and live here in Polis with me where I will give all that I have to you and more?"

Clarke stared at Lexa who was waiting with baited breath for her answer, staring from her eyes to her lips to her eyes again. "Yes, yes, god yes!" She responded after recovering from her shock of what Lexa had just asked, lurching forward and throwing her arms around the Commanders neck, holding the brunette tightly.

Lexa heartily laughed as she held onto Clarke with all her love as they fell back onto the floor, bodies entangling deliciously, as their mouths connected in a fierce kiss.

"Yes, I want to be your wife." Clarke said, cupping Lexa's face as their mouths met passionately. "For as long as I live."

Their eyes remained connected as Lexa slid the ring onto Clarke's finger. She looked down to the blonde’s hand, smiling. "I knew it would suit you."

Clarke looked down, tears flowing from her eyes now. "It's perfect." She cried happily. "You're perfect!" Their lips met again, this time more ferociously as their hands and tongues began exploring each other. "I hope you don't have any plans on sleeping anytime soon."

Lexa laughed once again. "Oh Clarke, you can keep me awake for as long as you desire." She replied, moaning when Clarke cupped her between her legs, pushing firmly into her.

Clarke grinned into the kiss. "Good." She replied, her hand disappearing into Lexa's pants.


It was late into the night and they lay entangled enjoying the warmth of each other's body heat.

They had been silent for quite some time. No words had to be said in moments like these. The silence was comfortable and they simply basked in their love for one another.

Softly kissing Clarke's shoulder her blonde fiancé opened her eyes, smiling sleepily. "In our world, being warriors there's always so much uncertainty, we don't like wasting time."

"Mmm, I figured that out long ago." Clarke murmured.

"When a Grounder couple gets engaged its tradition that we get married the next day, usually at lunch time." Lexa said, worried that this might be too quick for Clarke having come from the Sky where their traditions were no doubt much more different. "However, it's our own world now, we can make or own ru-"

"Getting to marry you tomorrow?" Clarke cut her off, absolutely beaming after taking a few seconds for those words and this whole surreal moment to sink in. "I want more than anything to be your wife and sooner rather than later is better with me. We were pulled apart for far too long and I don't want us wasting anymore time."

Lexa smiled, feeling silly for having been worried for those short moments. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, knowing you want to be my wife."

"You know what this means?"

"What's that?"

"You have to train me to be a fully quipped Grounder wife." Clarke laughed softly at her own words, winking at Lexa. "I need to know everything about your ways."

"And I will teach you everything that I know."


The Next Morning.

The doors opened and Abby watched as Lexa's mouth dropped at the sight of Clarke.

Heart welling from the reaction Abby turned around along with Markus and just like the night they became the 13th clan Clarke walked into the throne room looking a vision. Her daughter was breathtaking and once again her beauty took her aback. How she gave birth to such a stunning daughter she'll never understand, but as she stood there watching as Clarke joined Lexa out on the balcony both looking gorgeous, hand in hand, and swearing to love each other for eternity was extremely overwhelming for her as tears fell down her cheeks and she saw tears falling down Lexa's as well.

"For as long as I live I will love you the way you deserve." Lexa finished her vows, slipping the wedding band onto Clarke's finger.

Clarke began crying now and Lexa wiped her tears away. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. "I'm speechless. All of this, you being alive, Polis still standing and being back here with you together the way it should have always been... I fear that I'm dreaming and any minute I'll wake up to find none of it's real." She voiced her fears and Lexa squeezed her hands.

The words tugged on Abby's heartstrings and she was so glad this wasn't a dream.

"This has happened all so quickly, and I couldn't be happier to be standing here today with the two-other people who mean the world to me." Clarke turned to her Mom and Kane. "But I haven't got any vows written..."

"That's okay, Clarke." Lexa replied. "You don't even have to say anything at all. We both already know how we feel."

Abby smiled knowing how true that was. Kane squeezed her hand.

"We've had our ups and downs but I know this will work, and it will last until our very last breaths. I never want there to be a life without you in it again. I want to always be able to give you all of my love, to be there for you in health and sickness, and anger and sadness, and whatever happens in-between know that we'll get through it and come out stronger... and in the words, you said to me that I have never forgotten; I swear fealty to you. I'll treat your needs as my needs and your people as my people."

The tears kept falling down Lexa's cheeks and she had to keep reminding herself to breathe.

"And in my own words; I will love you to the moon and back and until the end of time. I can't wait to see what our future will be like here in our home at Polis."

Lexa closed the small gap between them and kissed Clarke with all the emotions she felt. It lasted a few moments as they enjoyed this moment without caring that Abby and Kane were nearby who were clapping in joy for them. "I love you." She whispered once they pulled apart and rested her forehead against Clarke's.

"And I love you." Clarke whispered back, closing her eyes and remaining in Lexa's arms. She had always thought fairy tales were cheesy and silly, but now living her own fairy tale she couldn't be more ecstatic and over the moon. She never wanted any of these feelings to disappear.


That Evening.

Lexa paced the hall way just down from the throne room.

Everyone was gathering for her to make her speech. She was never much of a nervous person however today she was rattled by nerves. She was about to come out about her relationship with Clarke to all of their people.

As nervous as she was she knew she had to get this over with and at the end there would be a celebration.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around and motioned for her guards to follow her.

With them flanked either side of her she walked the small distant to the throne room where the double doors were pulled open.

"Rise for your Commander."

Everyone stood and as always, the feeling she got at seeing this made her feel even more powerful as she was. She could command anyone in this room to do whatever she wanted. It was a fantastic feeling.

Walking up to her throne her eyes connected with Clarke's who stood next to her Mother. They shared a small smile, nodding in acknowledgement.

Climbing the few steps she turned around and sat in her throne. She sat back, crossing her legs. "What happened yesterday was a disgrace. The Ice Nation have shown us time and again how disrespectful they are to our lands. I won't allow what happened to happen again. The lives lost of our people in that battle, the sacrifice for our land, will never be forgotten." She decided to stand then. "If anyone, and I don't care who you are; TriKru, Skaikru or Ice Nation, goes against me, tries to defy me, us-" she turned to Clarke who nodded in support.

They had talked about this, how they were going to do this.

"Will suffer the same fate as the Ice Nation did yesterday. I've proved time and time now how strong and fearless I can be, and I won't pause in taking anyone's life." She saw the flicker of shocked emotions over everyone's faces. "I don't enjoy taking lives, but I do it for all of you. I do it to keep us safe! So, we won't have to fear the Ice Nation again we will set out to their lands tomorrow and we will make sure those who are there never mess with us again. We will take whoever we need, do whatever we need, to assure our future here in Polis is a safe and peaceful one." She said, and her eyes connected with Kane's who nodded in agreement. "We are also here today to welcome back the Sky People into Polis. Skaikru have gone through a great deal to be where they are today and through all of that they've always shown constant fealty towards us." Lexa looked to Trikru members most of whom nodded in agreement before turning to Skaikru who looked appreciated and grateful for her words. "And that is why today we reunite them as members of our city, our clan once again. In friendship and harmony, we welcome them with open and strong arms into our halls and homes. From now on there will be no more betrayals, no more secrets. We work together, we plan together, and we fight together as constant allies. Together we can make our lands a better, more peaceful place. I won't lie. It will be hard and sometimes blood will have to be shed, bodies will have to lay to waste, but I don't want this to happening often. We need to have a world without violence that is always met with violence. I want a world where children can flourish without the horrors of war in the background of their lives, the horrors of losing their parents in battle." she looked to the few men and women of her clan who have lost children in horrific ways. She could see the raw emotion in their faces and she had to control her own emotion which threatened to bubble up.

As she looked around to everyone else she saw they seemed to look pleased with what she was saying. She knew that all of them didn't want the constant fighting and bloodshed, that they shared her exact views on their future.

"We also welcome back Clarke kom Skaikru." She turned to the blonde, motioned for her to join her, and her lover did so. "Legendary Wanheda, Mountain Slayer, our Ambassador and... my wife."

At her words, there were lots of shocked and surprised faces, a few gasps, and whispers but no one looked disgusted.

"Clarke and I..." she took her wife's hand who squeezed her in response. "Yes, the rumours are true. We came together in marriage this morning, and we stand in front of you to vow to protect all of you no matter what. Of course, if you don't like what you see, the two of us ruling our lands, together in friendship and love, then you know where the door is, but I truly hope you all decide to stay. We are greater and stronger together." she firmly said, and when no one made a fuss about their coming out, she was instantly relieved.

Smiling she squeezed Clarke's hand who began speaking. This wasn't what they had planned, so she was intrigued to see what the blonde had to add.

"We also stand up here in front of you all to make one final vow to one another." Clarke spoke, turning to face Lexa. She saw the surprise in Lexa's eyes. They hadn't spoken about this. She smiled as she reached out to take the Commander's knife. "We exchanged rings this morning in a private ceremony and today in front of you all we bind ourselves with blood." She said, moving the knife to the inside of her palm and cutting it into her skin. Her black blood oozed out of her. She looked up into Lexa's eyes which were full of love, awe and pride. She held out the knife.

Lexa took her knife and cut her own hand. She watched as Clarke held out her hand which she took.

"I'll stand by you always." Clarke said, gripping Lexa's hand, their blood mingling together. She then sealed the words with a quick kiss.

Lexa stared at the blonde as Clarke pulled away. She has never shown affection like this in front of her people before but in this moment she did not care that it might be seen as weak. That's how the old Lexa would have felt, loved up Lexa felt entirely different.

"I'll stand by all of you." Clarke said, turning to look at everyone in the room.

As Lexa stared at Clarke she again wondered how on earth she had become so lucky. "There is one more thing to do." She spoke, she saw Clarke raise an eyebrow, their hands still connected, as she looked over to the men at the door. "It's time for the unveiling."

"The unveiling?" Clarke asked, she'd never heard of the unveiling, watching as Lexa looked to the doors which opened as their hands dropped down between them.

"Our new addition to this Sacred room." Lexa smiled, watching as her branch throne was brought back in with the added addition of a second spot next to it for Wanheda.

"You didn't..." Clarke said, unable to believe it. She didn't expect this. There were a few whispered words amongst some of the Grounders, but nothing was said out loud.

"You're more than deserving of a seat next to me, Clarke." Lexa replied, continuing. "Like you said, I want you by my side always."

A few feet away Abby watched with so much pride as her daughter sat for the first time in their throne. In this room, she realised, Clarke wasn't her daughter, she was the legendary Wanheda that everyone looked up.

Had she been told six years ago that she would be witnessing this Sacred day, this coalition between the two Clans, and especially had she been told her daughter would marry the Commander she wouldn't have believed any of it.

They have all come so far and in that moment, it was incredibly overwhelming for her and she had tears welling in her eyes. Markus noticed and squeezed her hand, smiling happily and feeling just as overwhelmed without the tears.

To think that five years ago her daughter was grieving for Lexa, and now they were back together, in love, married, and forever smitten with one another. It was joyous to watch.

"Happy?" Lexa softly asked.

"Am I happy?" Clarke asked, shaking her head and staring at Lexa with so much wonder. "I'm ecstatic. This is... you're so perfect, thank you."

Smiling Lexa turned back to everyone from where she sat side by side with her wife, Wanheda.

"It's time for us all to adjourn to the grand hall to celebrate. It will be an event to remember." Lexa said. She couldn't wait to celebrate all her love for Clarke with those who meant the most to them.


user: pure_ecstasy6

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