All I Want Is You 5/?

May 03, 2017 18:57


An Hour Later.

Miranda had finally been able to get away from all who wanted to speak to her, practically begging to be put on the cover of RUNWAY. She was utterly exhausted and needed a whisky in the comfort of her home.

Just as she was about to go and find Caroline, who had been whisked away by Lady Gaga to get a close and personal VIP look before and after her performance. She felt awful knowing that the only reason the singer was doing it was to get noticed by her. She had been planning on doing a piece about the interesting and unique woman anyway, when her phone began ringing.

Raising an eyebrow she was surprised to see Andrea calling. “Hello?”

“Ummm, oh god.” Andrea said, sounding as if she had been crying. “I need your help.”


Andy couldn’t believe the situation she currently found herself in.

“What’s wrong?” Miranda asked, sounding concerned.

“I can’t tell you.” Andy nervously replied, putting her shaking hand over her eyes in embarrassment.

“Well, you've gotten this far and I won't be able to help if you don't tell me.” Miranda responded.

Miranda was right. Swallowing down her pride and knowing Doug wouldn't be back home until two more nights (he messaged her ten minutes ago to say his hot new fling is a hot shot CEO and he's flying them away to some island) and the only other person she had to call was on the other end of the phone. “I'm so sorry. I hate to have to drag you into this.”

“Andrea, what’s wrong?”

She called the older woman and so now she had to confess no matter the consequences. “I’m in the toilets.”


Well, Miranda hadn’t been expecting to hear this. “Oh?”

“Yeah…” Andrea nervously laughed, sounding like it was taking all efforts to keep herself calm. “So, ah, funny thing this… but I’m having trouble…”

Andrea paused, and Miranda patiently waited.

“You see, it seems that I… can’t pee.” The brunette whispered.

“How do you mean?!”

“I mean I can’t pee!” Andrea said, continuing, sounding hysterical now. “And my lower back hurts. I thought I was just getting my period or a flu, but clearly that's not the case and Doug’s not answering his phone which I should have expected because he’s going away with some guy, and there’s no point even trying to contact Lily because she clearly made up her mind and doesn’t want to be friends anymore, and then my Mom is all the way back home in Ohio and can’t just click her fingers and come to my rescue and so you… I don't know what to do and you were the only person I could think to call. I’m so, so sorry!”

It took her a little while to process all that she heard but when she did Miranda opened and closed her mouth. She had no idea what to say. She has never been in this kind of situation before with an assistant or a friend. Because you have no true friends who would call you in a dire emergency. She thought, but then shook herself back to the current situation. “I see.”

“Yeah, so, I… ah… don’t really know what I should do and I can’t afford a hospital bill!” Andrea said, sounding extremely worried.

Miranda began to speak. “It sounds like you might have a U-“

“Don't continue speaking!” Andrea snapped.

Miranda bit the inside of her mouth. “These things happen.”

“They don't happen to me!” Andrea said, freaking out.

“I believe you.” Miranda replied, continuing. “I thought you said you weren’t seeing anyone.” She spoke before thinking. Idiot! She chastised herself. Her private life is her own business!

“I’m not!” Andrea shrieked.

“Then… how…” Miranda trailed off, instantly confused.

“This is so, so embarrassing!” Andrea cried.

“Nothing you do could be embarrassing.” Miranda replied, concern still evident in her voice.

“You’re going to judge me.”

“Andrea… I’m a woman like you and a mother. I know that the media makes me out to be this Dragon Lady but I am far from that nor am I a judgemental person. I would never judge you. We're all human and things just happen."

“I may or may not have spent intimate time with myself in the Aurora spa the other night in Miami.”

Again it took time to process those words. Her heart raced and she couldn’t believe it. “The public spa?!” she asked before snapping her mouth shut at how judgemental she had come across sounding, but thankfully Andrea didn’t seem too phased.

“Yes, my room didn’t have a spa, and I needed to relax!”

“It should have!” Miranda responded, and would get on the phone with the hotel to demand to know why Andrea’s room was ripped off without a spa for the money that was paid.

“Well, it didn’t and so here we are.”

Miranda opened and closed her mouth. She literally didn’t know what to say other than she wanted to know if it was her the brunette beauty had been thinking about whilst fingering herself.


A Few Minutes Later.

Cheeks still red from what she’d heard Miranda pushed open the bathroom door to what was thankfully an empty and salubrious bathroom, aside from Andrea being here of course. She called out the brunette’s name.

“Down here.”

Walking down to the very end cubical she saw Andrea poke her out.

“Hi.” The brunette nervously spoke still looking stunning as always, her own cheeks red.

“How are you feeling?” Miranda asked, trying to ignore all the thoughts she still had whirling around her brain about Andrea being in a spa fingering herself with hopefully what had been thoughts about her and only her.

“Still the same.”

“And still… nothing?” Miranda questioned, watching as Andrea pulled the door fully open.

“No.” Andrea replied with frustration. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

Watching as Andrea began pacing she tried to think of what she could say to make this situation better, but as expected her mind was completely blank as this kind of situation has never happened before.

“You had to halt your evening with Caroline. Gosh, Miranda, I am so sorry.”

Miranda turned around to see the brunette breathing in and out as slowly and calmly as she could. “Oh, Caroline has been swept away with Lady Gaga for most of the night which was good because I needed to work.” She said, noticing Andrea grip onto the basin tightly. “You need to see a doctor.”

“I don’t have that kind of money.”

Miranda waved away those words. “I have mon-“

“That’s not why I called you!” Andrea snapped causing her to take a step back. She couldn’t help but smirk at the usually calm and confident woman being frantic and a little hostile. It was quite the turn on.

“Well, you don’t have any other choice because if this gets left untreated you’ll only become sicker.” Miranda replied.

Andrea looked at her through the mirror. “I am so sorry for dragging you into this mess, but oh my god I just want to rip my insides out right now!”

Nodding Miranda quickly walked over to the brunette and without thinking took her wrist, tugging on it for Andrea to follow her. “You’re seeing my doctor. I am not having some other imbecile idiot taking care of you.”

“I really can’t ask you to do that.” Andrea said, continuing, tugging her hand back and continuing to pace. “I can wait for Doug to get home.”

Miranda snorted, shaking her head. “This, what you’re doing, is only going to make matters worse.” She said however Andrea didn’t seem to listen. “Look at me.”

At her firm words Andrea stopped and looked at her with those gorgeous brown doe eyes.

“Do I look like I’m judging you?”

The brunette slowly shook her head.

“Good because I’m not.” Miranda responded, taking Andrea’s wrist once more. “Just calm down and breathe.”


Understanding what Andrea meant she nodded. “Really. I am not judging because I did far more worse things when I was your age.”

“Oooh, do tell, Priestly!” Andrea said, instantly cupping her mouth, cheeks and neck flushing a deeper red. “Oh god, I’m so sorry, that was super inappropriate of me. Clearly I stupidly had too much to drink today hence why I am in this current situation.”

“Well, it wasn’t the champagnes fault.” Miranda commented, continuing. “Nothing is ever champagnes fault.” She added, smirking, watching as Andrea’s eyes widened. She rolled her eyes. “I know what it’s like to enjoy a free bar.”

The brunette simply smirked.

“Now come on, the car is waiting for us outside.” Miranda said, tugging Andrea’s wrist once more before pulling her hand away and walking towards the back exit. “I was over this event before I even got here.” she confessed.

“I not only saw Sally Field but I spoke to Sally Field.” Andrea said in awe.

Miranda smiled as she looked over her shoulder at Andrea who continued speaking, (clearly chattering away helped keep her mind off of situations that were happening,) about who she had met and all the things she got to ask and how amazing her pieces for RUNWAY were going to be. “I’m glad to hear it.” She murmured as she opened the car door for Andrea.


Andy fidgeted in the car unable to get comfortable. The pain of needing to release her bladder becoming unbearable. “If I think this is sore I feel bad for women in labor right now. That would have to be much worse… having to push a baby bigger than a pineapple out of their va-jay-jays.”

“It wasn't pleasant.” Maranda chimed in. “But its very rewarding.” she said, as she sent off a text to Caroline letting her know that Emily was going to find her and stay with her until another car could pick them up.

"I'm the age I planned to have a baby but when I was younger I found out I'm unable to produce. Something wrong with me... down there. I got this horrible pain, and I went to the hospital and turns out I'd had a miscarriage because of a condition I have.”

“Oh Andrea…” Miranda paused, looking to the brunette.

“No it's okay. I'm okay. The fact I can't ever have children... that took a while to accept. I got all that crying out years ago. Like Mom always says it's good to talk about things, to be open and never bottle things up. I couldn't have had a baby then, I was only seventeen the age Pippa is, my sister. I had my whole career planned out. I know it's horrible for me to say, but I'm really glad the miscarriage happened because I was too young. Look how I used to dress! I was a baby myself then!”

“The clothes were awful.” Miranda commented, seeing in Andrea's eyes just how much the brunette had wanted to have her own children someday.

“I know, don't remind me!” Andrea replied, covering her face. “It was my grandma’s fault. We were practically raised by her and Gramp’s because Mom and Dad were working to keep a roof over our heads.” She paused, continuing to speak. “But I mean… Had my life plan happened I'd never be here with you.” She said, suddenly looking nervous at what she’d said. “I mean, working for RUNWAY and getting all these incredible opportunities like tonight at the MET Gala.”

“You needed the job and I had a spot available.” Miranda responded, shrugging.

Nodding they fell silent for a little while. “Can I ask you something?” Andrea questioned when the car stopped at a red light.

“If you like.” Miranda responded.

“Why do you go to the MET Gala when you hate Anna Wintour?”

“The media loves to make us both out as bad people who hate each other. We have a friendly competition with our magazines, but secretly we both know mine is the better one.”

Andrea smirked at those words.

“We get drunk once a year together and go over all things fashion. We make sure we aren't copying each other...” The older woman trailed off.

Andrea'’s eyes widened. She obviously hadn’t been expecting that. “That makes sense.” She responded, continuing. “What does she drink?”

“Whisky, like me, different brand though which I loathe.”

“Do you see eye-to-eye?”

“We certainly do. It’s fashion which we both love and adore.”

Andrea turned to watch her smiling beautifully as if truly enjoying listening to her speak.

“Though I wouldn’t go as far as to say we’re… friends.”

Nodding Andrea spoke. “You’re just people in the same industry and respect each other to be able to work together in order to make sure you aren’t stealing each other’s idea’s.”

“Exactly.” Miranda replied, and the car fell silent again.

Though a few more moments passed as Andrea leaned forward and gripped the seat in front of her and she worriedly bit her lip. God, I hate seeing her in pain. She thought, wishing she could take it away from Andrea.

“Tell me something random.” She spoke, this time asking the brunette something random as it was obvious that talking was keeping Andrea’s mind off of what was happening. She would try her best to distract the brunette beauty from the pain and discomfort.

“Bread. I love bread. And cheese. Fruit too. If I could go to France again I would spend the whole time just eating bread and cheese with the occasional fruit.”

Well, that was incredibly random. Miranda thought with a smirk, shrugging. “Why not. The French do adore their bread and cheese.”

“And champagne.” Andrea commented.

Miranda heartily laughed. “Yes, that’s a given.”

“Do you like red wine?” Andrea asked.

Miranda smirked. “I love all wine.” She replied as they continued to softly talk.

An Hour Later.

“Thank you.” Miranda murmured to the nurse who showed her where the brunette’s hospital room is. She knocked softly on the door before entering.

“Hey…” Andrea lazily smiled at her. “Don't I look sexy with all these cords and white gown?!”

Miranda was taken aback by not only Andrea asking if she looked sexy but to find the young woman hooked up to countless cords. “What's wrong?” She asked, her concern tenfold now.

“Well, this.” The brunette pointed to her arm. “Is a drip for fluid because apparently I was dehydrated, and these-“ she waved in front of her chest. “Is to monitor my heart because it is racing faster than it should. I told the doctor it's because I am embarrassed and it's due to my attraction for this person, but he wasn't taking any risks.”

Miranda licked her lips, walking closer to the hospital bed.

“But he did say that I noticed the other… problem quickly and it hasn't had contact with my kidneys yet so I'll be right as reign once I get some meds into me.” Andrea cheerfully said, looking her in the eyes. “Thank you for all that you've done tonight and for bringing me here. I'll never be able to repay you. This place is beyond my payroll.”

Miranda shook her head, touching Andrea's lower leg. “You don't have to repay me.” She said, squeezing. “I'm just glad you're going to be okay." I don't know what I'd do without you, she thought, desperately wanted to say, but remained quiet.

Their eyes connected and even though she knew the brunette was in pain Andrea continued to smile beautifully. The writer was about to speak before the door opened.

“Oh, Miranda! I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were in here!”

“I'm just checking on our patient.” Miranda said, squeezing Andrea's leg once more before pulling her arm away. “But for now I should be going. I had to leave Caroline on her own for longer than I am comfortable with.”

“Of course.” Andrea replied, nodding in understanding. “I'll see you when I see you.” She spoke the words she had said earlier that night, but this time looking incredibly tired.

“You'll be okay?” Miranda couldn't help but ask, not wanting to leave Andrea's side, hating seeing the brunette like this.

“I'll be okay, Miranda, thank you again.” Andrea replied, winking at her when the doctor wasn't looking. “The kind Doc here is about to put me on pain killers.”

Nodding, their eyes still lingering, she cleared her throat and spoke. “Don't hesitate to call if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Miranda.” Andrea responded and with that the RUNWAY editor exited the room with so many thoughts swirling around her mind. Does she or doesn't she allow herself to fall into Andrea's arms and get lost in those captivating brown eyes?!


The Next Morning.

Miranda had been about to call Andrea when the brunette beat her to it. “How are you?” She answered.

“Pain free, finally, the doc gave me wonder drugs!”

Smiling Miranda sat back and enjoyed the sound of the brunette’s voice which was back to it's cheerful way.

“I just got discharged and I... well, I wanted to thank you and apologise again about last night. That was the most embarrassing thing to ever have to ask from a boss of all people!”

“Andrea, I’ve already told you that you don't need to apologise nor should you be embarrassed. Things... happen.” She said, playing with the hem of her shirt still imaging Andrea fingering herself. “I had an... accident once with no toilets in sight and I had to call Eric, we had only just started dating, to collect me a new pair of pants and medicine to stop, well... you know.” She cleared her throat. “What I'm saying is... we all have had our fair share of moments that we can't control.”

Andrea was silent for a few moments. “I don't understand why people think you're this nasty Dragon Lady when you're the complete opposite.”

Miranda was touched by those words. “Well, actually I quite like being seen that way. It's... fun.”

“So many times I've wanted to punch people in the face with how they talk about you. They don't even stop to think twice before they speak and the fact that you're only doing your job in what is a male dominated work place.”

“You're very sweet.” Miranda replied, clearing her throat. “Well, I am pleased to know that you're alright.”

“So am I, I would have hated to have to have stayed in hospital any longer even though it was the fanciest hospital I've ever been in.”

Smiling Miranda watched as Nigel entered the outer office. “I've got to go.”

“Of course, I'll talk to you soon…”

It sounded more like a question. “Yes.” She responded and not knowing what else to say hung up the phone.



Smiling and watching as the messenger left the elevator onto the RUNWAY floor Andy would now patiently wait for Miranda's response to her flowers.


Miranda looked up when Elise entered the office whilst she was in the middle of a run-thru. “Can you not see I'm busy?!”

“You have a delivery that are to be personally hand delivered.” Elise whispered.

“Take care of this, would you?” Miranda asked, squeezing Nigel's upper arm before exiting the office to find a messenger in bike gear impatiently waiting.

“Miranda Priestly?” He questioned.

“Yes.” Miranda slowly replied looking at the flowers he held and pushed him aside so he was out of view of the occupants of her office. “You won't lose your job if you stop talking right now.”

The man simply nodded, looked at her unimpressed, holding out his clip-board. “Sign here.”

Taking out a pen of her own she signed for them. “Who are they from?!”

“Do I look like a mind reader?” He sniped.

Had it been any other time Miranda would have laughed and been impressed at those words. “Was it a brunette, pale ski-“

“Yes. Wouldn't stop babbling the whole elevator ride.”

That's my Andrea. She thought, smirking, as she signed for the flowers. “Now go before anyone sees you!”

“I'd say it was a pleasure doing business with you, but...” the delivery man trailed off.

Miranda ignored his words as she leaned down to smell the colourful roses. Beautiful. She whispered as she picked up the small envelope and pulled out the small piece of paper.

Thank you again for last night, for being so understanding and for not judging me. People really do underestimate you. You're a gem! - Andrea xx

Miranda's lips quirked and breath caught at the kisses. Knowing Elise was watching she handed her the flowers. “Do something with these.”

“Sure.” Elise said, taking the flowers and putting them on her desk.

“Make sure they're put in water.” Miranda said before she moved back into her office. “No. That is horrid. Have you not been listening to anything I've been telling you?!” She snapped as she looked to Nigel who had a slight curve to his lips. There still might be a chance after all to rekindle their friendship and with this she definitely had hope as she continued on with the dreadful run-thru.



Andy entered the assistants area, her old area, and stopped short upon seeing the flowers she had forked 20 bucks for, for Miranda because she’s worth it, sitting on the wrong desk; Elise's desk. She looked into Miranda's office where she could hear the RUNWAY editor’s voice coming from the left side of her office. “Where did you get those?!” she questioned Elise.

“She didn't want them.” Elise replied, shrugging. “Told me to take care of them.”

Andy ground down on her teeth.

“Did you need anything?” Elise asked.

“No, not anymore!” Andy loudly replied, extremely unhappy, before turning around and quickly exiting the office. That's that then. If Miranda were interested she'd had kept the flowers! Time to move on from this silly fantasy, Sachs!


"No. Not anymore!"

Miranda heard Andrea's voice over Dolce's with whom she was speaking with over the phone.

Frowning she walked over to her desk and saw Andrea flee the office. “I'm going to have to call you back.” She said as she shut her phone and began to walk out of her office to ask Elise what had happened before she stopped upon seeing the flower bouquet,
her flower bouquet, sitting on Elise's desk. Her stomach dropped and she instantly felt horrible. “I thought I told you to get those into water and bring them back to me!” She snapped as she breezed past the desks and followed after the brunette. “Andrea!” She said, the most loudest she has spoken in RUNWAY she was sure, and was thankful there was barely anyone around.

“Yes, Miranda?” Andrea asked, stopping in the reception area, not turning around, eyes glued to her phone. “I'm super busy. I need to be going.”

Miranda was taken aback by the hard tone.

“I'm glad to see you enjoyed my flowers.” Andrea sniped over her shoulder as she entered the elevator.

Miranda was well and truly speechless and has never felt as awful as she did now. “Andrea, I-“ but it was too late, the doors closed over. You've really done it this time!

The other elevator opened and the new assistant walked out. “There you are! You better have my lunch!”

The girl jumped visibly. “Sorry Miranda, no I don't have your lunch. I'll get it for you right now.”

“From that place I went yesterday with Ashley.”

“Yes, Miranda.” The girl replied, younger than what she would normally hire, pulling out her phone and hurriedly typing as she re-entered the elevator.

The editor knew that the assistant had no idea what so ever where they had gone to lunch. She delighted in this but it didn't help her mood one bit as she charged back down the hall way, causing people to trip in their steps and turn back around.


That Evening.

“Andrea!” Andy looked up at that voice, seeing Miranda breeze through the AUTO UNIVERSE office. “What are you doing here?”

“I was concerned with how quickly you left this morning.” Miranda replied. “Are you alright? The doctor didn't say anything to worry you did he?!”

“No, your doctor is great.”

“Oh, I'm glad. You've had me worried. Also, I wanted to thank you for the flowers, but you really didn't need to send me any. I gave them to Elise to put them into a vase and water for me as I had been in the middle of a run-thru and unable to do it myself. They're a beautiful bouquet. Thank you.”

Andy was shocked when Miranda's hand touched her shoulder and squeezed, lingering there. “You really liked them and you aren't just saying it?!”

“I really like them, Andrea. You're very sweet.”

Andy remained silent for a few moments, staring at her computer screen before looking up at Miranda, smiling. As much as the older woman was doing her head in she couldn’t help but to fall right back into Miranda’s spell. “You had me worried for a second there that you didn't like them and handed them off to your assistant.”

“I would never do that. Not with your flowers.”

Smiling Andy nodded. “I'm thrilled you like them. I like them too.” She softly said. “They're my favourite colours.”

“Blue and purple. Perfect match.” Miranda replied, looking at her watch. “Well, I must be going. I have a meeting with Irv.”

Miranda sounded like she wanted to groan with annoyance.

“Wish me luck?”

Andy smirked at the familiar words she used to use about her tasks that Miranda gave her. “Good luck!” She said with a wink and watched as Miranda turned, exiting the office complex. Well, aren't you stupid! Jumping to the wrong conclusion without stopping to think why they were on Elise's desk!

“You should be resting at home.” Miranda firmly said as she turned back, looking unimpressed.

“I had to finish up this article and I was closer to the office.” Andy shrugged. “The pain meds are really somethin'!”

“Hmm.” Miranda hummed, continuing to walk. “Don't push yourself.”

“I won't.” Andy replied, watching as Miranda disappeared around the corner, grinning from ear to ear.


Miranda's heart raced as she entered the elevator. It was true; she loved the flowers, they were perfect.

Sighing she leaned back against the elevator wall, closing her eyes and tried to relax as thoughts of the brunette invaded her mind.

Soon the doors reopened at RUNWAY which she breezed through and went on with her day and later that night as she began to leave when the office was empty she collected the beautifully selected roses from the kitchenette to take home with her knowing the perfect spot to put them.

user: pure_ecstasy6

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