Early a.m. thoughts

Apr 02, 2016 07:09

Maybe the reason I've been forced to struggle with jobs and mental health and unrealistic, unhealthy expectations from my culture my whole life is SO that I would break out of the defaults and experiment with things like alternative sleep schdedules.

(Determinism is comforting sometimes, innit?  I don't buy it for a second, but man does it make you go :happy-sigh:…the brain, it loves answers, even fake ones. :P)

Oo, time to go watch the sunrise!  I got busy from about 4am on (after aimlessly typing and surfing for a few hours), cleaning my room, making plans, playing with stuff…it feels good, and here's hoping it's a sign that the sleep-dep is burning off for real now (more substantive updates soon)…but yeah, almost missed sunrise - gotta run!

Originally published at counterclockwise. You can comment here or there.

better thinking

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