Are you considering, planning, executing or finalizing an adaptation to a polyphsic schedule, and feeling the need for some expert assistance?
Well then, I have great news! You can now hire me for personal help with your schedule, adaptation, or really anything else. :D
…That's right, after years of offering my help for free as often as I could manage, and struggling (and failing, really) to avoid working a whole extra unpaid job, I'm finally going to take the leap and put a fair price on these services. I'm hoping this will let me transition to offering my now-pretty-darn-experienced services to as many people as I can.
I've done everything I can to make getting my experienced advice simple, affordable and flexible to everyone's needs. There are two options - click the links to read about them in detail:
1. You can quickly hire me for a
one-time Consultation, really on any topic you like. (Sure, it doesn't have to be about sleep…it's your money. Flirting costs extra though. :)
2. If you're looking for even more help with transitioning to a polyphasic schedule, we can talk about a more involved
adaptation Coaching.
I want to take this spot to thank everyone in the Polyphasic community who urged me to find a way to offer more help - I do love the work, and meeting so many amazing people! - and for all of their suggestions, opinions, questions and support. This is a really wonderful cross-section of humanity I've stumbled upon, and I'm proud to know you all.
Talk with me for 30 minutes about anything!
* Get your questions about being polyphasic answered
* Get help with choosing and developing a schedule
* Get my most recent and personalized tips for getting through adaptation, making your polyphasic lifestyle work in the real world, or just about anything else
* Your consultation is guaranteed to happen within 72 hours (3 days) of your purchase - I know the questions of sleep-experimenters are often time-sensitive.
* And best of all, you can choose almost ANY method of consultation that works for you: Text chat, phone call, video chat…I can accomodate!
The cost is just $50, and that includes some time of mine beforehand to study up on your situation, if you like - so if you're already halfway through your planning, or have special circumstances that you don't want to take up the whole conversation describing, you can (optionally) send me an email beforehand and lay it all out, and I'll come to our talk ready to dive in.
Need help really really fast? For an extra $25, you can get a consultation scheduled sometime in the next 36 hours.
Prefer text-chatting? So do I! If you want your consult to be only over text - Skype, Hangouts, SMS, you pick, as long as all I have to do is type - then you get to take 10% off, because that happens to be the easiest method for me, too. ::fistbump::
Consultation - Text Only - $45 (click this link to purchase at the discounted price) And here's the option for if you want a high-priority (within 36 hours) consultation over text-chat only:
Consultation - FAST - Text Only - $67.50 (click to purchase at the discounted price) OPTION TWO: THE COACH
I'm well aware that consultations are not going to be enough for some people - polyphasic sleep is attractive to people with intense lives and superlative goals!
So, are you serious about succeeding at your adaptation? Do you need to give it your 100%, do everything right the first time as much as possible, and have some money to throw at making that happen? For the motivated and/or under-the-gun sleeper who wants the best possible chance of a successful adaptation, it's no lie that having personal coaching through the process can be a lifesaver. Here's what coaching involves:
* Help with planning: Materials, homework, and conversations to help you get ready; help identifying and planning to meet your particular challenges; help developing a detailed schedule; and help setting up everything from alarms to wake-up calls to software to help you stay on schedule during the critical first months.
* Real-time help during your first week: Wake-up calls (a reasonable amount, please :)) daily consultations and check-ins - a whole week of support and help (and, if history holds, of fascinating and fun conversations!). I can't guarantee you'll succeed, obviously - and you should definitely have thoroughly considered whether a polyphasic sleep-schedule is a good fit for you before you move forward with purchasing coaching - but I'm a darn smart and experienced option available to give you your best possible chance, if you want it.
This can also include help setting up and using data-gathering mechanisms, for those who are interested in self-quantifying or getting detailed information on the process.
* Post-mortem and follow-up assistance: Making longer-term plans once the tricky first week is over is important: There's still finalizing your adaptation / new sleep habits, planning for possible tweaks that might need to happen, and assessing what went right and wrong with your adaptation (plus organizing any data we gathered) so that you have an even better chance of success if or when you need to change sleep-schedules again. I've found doing some kind of post-mortem assessment of my schedule changes to be super helpful for really "sticking the landing" and getting the most out of any new schedule.
The pricing for the coaching package is determined INDIVIDUALLY. For the full list of services above, which involves several hours of my time per day for about ten days, the cost is $2500 USD - but maybe you don't want *all* of those things, or maybe you want more. Everyone's situation is different, and I base the price I need on the time involved in giving you the help you want. So let's figure out exactly what those should be together. If you're interested in hiring me for Polyphasic Coaching, please
email me your details. (Serious inquiries only, obviously. Having too much email to answer is what started all this! :) )
Originally published at
counterclockwise. You can comment here or