Bunch of stuff going on right now, and I’ve got to play my public cards close for a little bit; but I couldn’t resist taking at least a preliminary step on this: I’ve been getting more polyphasic-questions emails than I can answer for a little while, and wouldn’t you know it I’m pretty good at running video-meetings. If I did a group meeting where you could ask questions about polyphasic schedules, adaptation and trickery, would you be interested?
Let me know here (at the world’s shortest survey):
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vPdKx7LkmWT7q1ZSktV22-rlvizAS7cbSfjw2ycUANU/edit?usp=drive_web We’ll talk more soon! Things are…vigorous, lately. When I can catch my breath I’ll do a proper update. :D
Originally published at
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