The TSA: actually *worse* than you thought

Jul 19, 2012 06:50

Completely awesome infographic:

Image Source: FloorGem
…And two things to say about it:

1.  When people get frothy about "government spending", wastefulness, and inefficiency, why do they never seem to be talking about things like the TSA?  Why is it almost always things that support our civil rights (like universal health care and social safety-nets), or fix known problems (green energy, research programs, infrastructure initiatives) that are the targets of fiscal-conservative rage, while vastly more expensive and inefficient things that suppress rights (TSA, unnecessary foreign wars) or make problems worse (corporate welfare, oil subsidies) get a strangely free pass?  WTF???

2.  The "infographic" is such a strange animal, isn't it?  The concept that truth should be well-designed strikes me as equal parts hopeful and eerie.  It also makes me edgily excited to see what's next in the evolution of human self-education.  I do heartily approve how many/most of them seem to include a bibliography, too.

Originally published at *Transcendental *Logic. You can comment here or there.

consumer warfare, poly-ticks

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