And just like that, P90X is on the chopping block.
Sure, I can be a revolvatory sort, but then again, sometimes the Universe speaks just as suddenly as people do. Anyway, here's where I'm at:
- Something in the last few days/workouts hurt my knee *significantly*. It wasn't anything I did (i.e. I didn't feel it get hurt), but yesterday I was sore and this morning I can barely walk. That means I missed Monday taiji! NOT GOOD! The point of the extra workouts is so that I can do MORE taiji, not less. I think I got spoiled by Chen Taiji being so incredibly difficult legs-wise, but never hurting my knees, because it does so much building and strengthening of the supportive musculature too. Figures that the X Men don't have that magic formula. ;)
- My attempt to substitute today's suggested workout with Stretch "X" failed due to a corruption in one of the files I created from the DVDs so I could play them on my media player. Not it's fault, but still annoying, and will make it so that I either have to workout tonight or miss today entirely (whch might have happened anyway; I was going to try the Stretching workout, but it may or may not have been OK by my knee.)
- I like the Lots of Workout, but having done a little more looking, I know for a fact that I can get it in less time, for less calories and with less sleep. Today I'm really feeling the cost in time of all this, and really tempted to switch to a (say) 20-minute every-morning workout that will help keep me in great shape and let me have my sleep schedule back!
- Looking at my activities, this is also feeling like too MUCH workout…I'm having trouble doing this AND Taiji, this AND underwater hockey, etc. I'm used to normally having a store of energy I can burn for certain high-octane activities, but since P90X has me burning it every day, I find myself cancelling (or not cancelling, and then sleeping a ton) way more often than I'd like. I don't want to miss the fun stuff just so I can do my daily shuffle, yo.
- Plus, let's be honest, it's not like I'm *enjoying* the XTREEEM rhetoric or constant exhortations by pumped-up white males to "Bring it". ::wince::
I need to think on it more. What it comes down to is the usual conundrum: I'd like to keep the Pros and kill the Cons. Hm, how about a shorter list to look at later, then?
- Awesome workout overall; definitely working all the muscles
- I like the workout-first-thing-in-the-am thing
- Doing P90X has a Cool Factor socially
- The "programness" of it helps keep one doing it
- Takes too much time
- Requires too much sleep (at least so far), and an annoying (but not awful) amount of calories
- DVDs are annoying, both in content and format
- Something about it is too hard on my knees, not sure what
- Heavy use of Yoga
- Forums and such are useless; I find most of the people who do this stuff irritating ;)
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