“Bringing It” to Trial

Sep 26, 2011 07:10

And just like that, P90X is on the chopping block.

Sure, I can be a revolvatory sort, but then again, sometimes the Universe speaks just as suddenly as people do.  Anyway, here's where I'm at:
  1. Something in the last few days/workouts hurt my knee *significantly*.  It wasn't anything I did (i.e. I didn't feel it get hurt), but yesterday I was sore and this morning I can barely walk.  That means I missed Monday taiji!  NOT GOOD!  The point of the extra workouts is so that I can do MORE taiji, not less.  I think I got spoiled by Chen Taiji being so incredibly difficult legs-wise, but never hurting my knees, because it does so much building and strengthening of the supportive musculature too.  Figures that the X Men don't have that magic formula.  ;)
  2. My attempt to substitute today's suggested workout with Stretch "X" failed due to a corruption in one of the files I created from the DVDs so I could play them on my media player.  Not it's fault, but still annoying, and will make it so that I either have to workout tonight or miss today entirely (whch might have happened anyway; I was going to try the Stretching workout, but it may or may not have been OK by my knee.)
  3. I like the Lots of Workout, but having done a little more looking, I know for a fact that I can get it in less time, for less calories and with less sleep.  Today I'm really feeling the cost in time of all this, and really tempted to switch to a (say) 20-minute every-morning workout that will help keep me in great shape and let me have my sleep schedule back!
  4. Looking at my activities, this is also feeling like too MUCH workout…I'm having trouble doing this AND Taiji, this AND underwater hockey, etc.  I'm used to normally having a store of energy I can burn for certain high-octane activities, but since P90X has me burning it every day, I find myself cancelling (or not cancelling, and then sleeping a ton) way more often than I'd like.  I don't want to miss the fun stuff just so I can do my daily shuffle, yo.
  5. Plus, let's be honest, it's not like I'm *enjoying* the XTREEEM rhetoric or constant exhortations by pumped-up white males to "Bring it".  ::wince::

I need to think on it more.  What it comes down to is the usual conundrum:  I'd like to keep the Pros and kill the Cons.  Hm, how about a shorter list to look at later, then?

  • Awesome workout overall; definitely working all the muscles
  • I like the workout-first-thing-in-the-am thing
  • Doing P90X has a Cool Factor socially
  • The "programness" of it helps keep one doing it

  • Takes too much time
  • Requires too much sleep (at least so far), and an annoying (but not awful) amount of calories
  • DVDs are annoying, both in content and format
  • Something about it is too hard on my knees, not sure what
  • Heavy use of Yoga
  • Forums and such are useless; I find most of the people who do this stuff irritating ;)

Originally published at *Transcendental *Logic. You can comment here or there.

kungfu yay, mad exercise, better thinking

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