First off, Woohoo my uploading problem is fixed! I owe huge thanks to Nicky at
Tumble Design for this - I would never have sussed out that PHP error on my own, and Nicky did it for nothing…Thanks again!
(For the curious, my hosting ops needed to set the 'upload_tmp_dir' setting in the PHP Configuration to '/tmp'; it was unspecified, and that was causing WordPress to not find files for uploading.)
I've only got seconds before I need to run off to work (again!…sometimes it feels like I've discovered the Ubersleep of Work (UberWork?! Augh!) where it's just one long rolling…thing… ;) …But if nothing else, I wanted to post this, FINALLY, because come on, it's SO COOL that someone translated the Ubersleep book into Russian, and now I can finally post it!!
(Thanks tons to
M Ken for the translation!)
UBERSLEEP in Russian
Originally published at
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