Jan 08, 2009 05:29

  • 09:39 "You can't wear a t-shirt with Arabic script and come to an airport. ...like wearing [one] that reads "I am a robber" and going to a bank." #
  • 09:41 Quote by a TSA official, still claiming there's no such thing as racial profiling...after officials & Jet Blue paid $240K in a lawsuit. Ha! #
  • 09:48 Holy crap, this is the best FF extension ever! Why didn't I know about this?! It's called "Read It Later": is.gd/ArN #
  • 09:55 @ noraknickers They also said, "Sure he has rights, as long as by exercising them he doesn't make people uncomfortable." ACTUALLY SAID. #
  • 11:57 What would aliens think of pickles? "Here, I drowned this living thing in salt and vingegar until it went all sqoshy. Eat it!" #
  • 12:06 Ooo, magic hydrogen fuel ... any of my science-types care to dispute this very awesome-sounding possibility? is.gd/eN2r #
  • 12:07 @ noraknickers If a person landed here from Mars who was more "normal" than me (& how hard is that), which of us would be the alien then? #
  • 13:23 @ h2caradvocate Thank you; I was wondering why the article didn't mention solar conversion, which seems more holy-graily than ethanol. #
  • 20:23 Argh, work ate my afternoon nap, family ate taiji and my evening one. Still not a bad day, but I'm pissed that I'll have to crash early. #
...This concludes our WTFcast for today.
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