So Sara
, this girl that I work with (very cool by the way...and sooo cute! Don't you all think??) went to Denver over New Years.....and before she left I requested a magnet that said Denver on it. (Why a magnet, I don't know..don't ask questions) Well....needless to say, she didn't bring me a magnet that said Denver on it. But she did bring me these very unique
They're very hippie like..and I'm not sure how well I can pull them off....but I wore them for the first time today....What do ya'll think?! (Yeah I said ya'll....) And besides that, my life is boring. All I do is work pretty much and be a loser. There is a lot of stuff that I woud like to purchase right now, but I know I should be saving my money for school next year. Things on my list....A new duvet cover and sheet set, a mat for my front door (the snow gets my nice floor all dirty!!), a tshirt to go over this
I think a black 3 quarter length tee with some sort of band on it or something would be hot..I'm trying something different..and hopefully it'll work out. And I also want one of those mirror trays that you put perfume on. I think they're hot! So that's my newest wish list...and I think it's the most reasonable so I'm off to make hot jewelry..because now that I have the hook-up for sneak previews on the next hot jewelry coming up a season ahead of all are gonna be smoked by my VERY HOT style...haha!!! (Evil laugh.....)