Kyllä huomaa että on juhannus, kun mesessä ei ole KETÄÄN onlinessa.
O__o;; Ihmiset ovat kyllä meseilyään vähentäneet, mutta kyllä siellä
aina joku on. :-O
Tosiaan, kävin siellä rullaluistelemassa. Olin varmaan sanotaanko...
mielenkiintoinen näky. :'> Kyllä luistella osaan, mutta
jarruttamisesta ei puhuta. Nah. Pieni lenkki ja kyllä tuli kuuma. o_o
Vaihdoin tänne muuten nyt sen ulkoasun. Wee! Tällänen söpöilyvihree. Ja kuvakejutussa SMILE-kansikuva. <3__<3
Joo öö pölläsin itselleni Leralta (
homoprinsessa) gallupin tähän.
1. [Spell your name backwards]: Anoli ( when I was little girl I wrote my name just like that! ^_^)
2. [Where do you live?]: In my head.
3. [Describe yourself in 4 words]: idiot, small, ugly, odd
4. [Who is your worst enemy?]: myself
5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: I have a cat already, but an elk would be nice. :>
6. [What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: ...
7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: No..
8. [What's your favorite coin?]: Coin? I don't know. O_ô
9. [Wallet]: Grey. Full of money actually. ^_^ There's 500 Sweden's money (kruunua XD) now. 8>
10. [Hairbrush]: Hmm... Grey too.
11. [Toothbrush]: It's green, if I remember correctly. But I have new blue one too.
12. [Jewelry worn daily]: Umm... Nothing I guess.
13. [Pillow cover]: I can't remember... Uh yeah, there's lot of colors.
14. [Blanket]: I don't have one.
15. [Coffee cup]: I just hate coffee, but I have many cups. 8>
16. [Sunglasses]: NO COMMENT. 8)
17. [Underware]: White and red.
18. [Shoes]: I bought new black ones. But I have many of them. O_o
29. [In my mouth]: Icecream. <3
30. [In my head]: Brains (I hope o_o).
31. [Wishing]: I have many wishes, but I afraid that they won't never come true.
32. [After this]: I'll go to sauna. 8D
33. [Talking to]: With Anu, in msn.
34. [Eating:]: wood stick.
35. [Do you like Candles?]: Yes.
36. [Do you like hot wax]: Wh00t? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS? XD
37. [Do you like incense]: Well yes, but they makes me feel like I can't get my breathe. ._.
38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: Yes I do. :3
39. [Fetishes]: I really wanna know who's that perverse behind these questions. XD
40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?]: Myself? No... Maybe a new Pope. Or our school doctor. x_x
41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: Hm... Many. Antero could be one.
42. [What/Who is next to you]: My brother's desk.
43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: Too nasty question. v_v;
44. [Do you believe in love]: Yes... I do actually.
45. [Do you believe in soul mates]: Yes.
46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: No I don't.
47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: No...
48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: Yes.
49. [Do you believe in God]: I don't.
50. [What's something that you wish people would understand]: Make slash, not war. Okay, okay... I wish that people will understand that we are all different and that kind of shit.
51. [What's something you wish you could understand better]: Emotions.
52. [What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow]: Hmm... I want so many things, but let's see will them come true.
{x} Current Clothes: Jeans, black blouse, socks, underwear.
{x} Current Mood: rather good.
{x} Current Taste: rather good. :>
{x} Current Hair: looks like same as always.
{x} Current Annoyance: I don't have big ones. My dad?
{x} Current Smell: Window is open, so I smell summer.
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: be in the sauna.
{x} Current Desktop Picture: Die (OMG, WHAT A SUPRISE. 8D).
{x} Current Favorite Group: -
{x} Current Book: At the moment I don't read anything.
{x} Current DVD In Player: Good question. O_o;
{x} Current Refreshment: Fan.
{x} Current Worry: What the hell I gonna do with my life.
{x} Current Crush: ...
{x} Current Favorite Celebrity: Conan O'Brien! Die.
{x} Food: Kebab is my favourite.
{x} Drink: Coca Cola.
{x} Color: Black with white.
{x} Shoes: In downstears. 8)
{x} Candy: Pantteri.
{x} TV Show:Late
night with Conan O'Brien, Friends, Angel, Survivors, Buffy, Fear
Factor, Felicity, Will & Grace... Um, actually I don't really watch
tv nowdays. But here was few names. :>
{x} Movie: The Phantom of the Opera, LotR-trilogy, Edward Scissorhands.
{x} Dance: Cheerleadering? I don't know...
{x} Vegetable: Carrot? Is apple fruit or vegetable? XD Ok, it's fruit... Is it?
{x} Fruit: Banana. 8D Apple.
{x} Who do you like: ...
{x} Who likes you: I don't know. No one? I really hope that someone do.
{x} What annoys you: Right now... nothing. Except time.
{x} What do you want to do: Everything.
{x} Who is one person you never get sick of: Hm...
{x} Who is one person you would marry tomorrow: Tomorrow? I'm minor you know. 8)
{x} Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?: I don't know, 'cause I sleep when I sleep.
{x} What would you take if you were stuck on a deserted island? Boat.
{x} Who would you take to that island if you had to take anyone, dead or alive? ... Dead? O_o; Are you screwed-up or something?
{x} Do you like the water? Yes, but water is my enemy too. ._. I can't swim!
{x} If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? ... Too many things...
{x} Have you ever said I love you and not meant it? No.
{x} What is your favorite Sesame Street character? That pink and furry...
{x} What time is it? 08:21 PM
{x} What time did you wake up this morning? 11:30 AM
{x} Who would you trade places with for a day? I don't know...
{x} At what place are you like a kid in? Home.
{x} From what countries do the best accents come from? ...XD From England.
{x} If you could kiss one person before you die, who would it be? I don't gonna die right now.
{x} Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? Can't remember...
{x} Finish this sentence. "I wouldn't be caught dead...", ...
{x} What is the worst thing that can happen on a date? I don't even talk about that. 8>
{x} Do you regret any of your past relationships? No...
{x} Would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean? In the mountains, 'cause I probably be drown by the sea. 8>
The Last 48 Hours, Have You:
01. Cried: No.
02. Bought something: No.
03. Gotten sick: No.
04. Sang: Yes.
05. Eaten: Yes.
06. Been kissed: No.
07. Felt stupid: Oh yes!
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: Yes.
10. Moved on: No.
11. Talk to an ex: No.
12. Missed an ex: No.
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: No.
14. Had a serious talk: No comment.
15. Missed someone: Yes.
16. Hugged someone: I don't remember. o.o
17. Fought with your parents: Yes.
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yes.
Social Life:
01. girl friends: Yes.
02. guy friends: Mm... not actually. O_o I think.
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No.
04. If no, current dating partner: ...
05. Hobbies: Football.
06. Pager: ...
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: Wallflower... mostly.
08. What type automobile do you drive: ...
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: ...
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: Hmm... I can't answer straight on that. It depends.
11. Where is the best hangout: Tell me.
12. Do you have a job: No.
13. Do you attend church: No.
14. Do you like being around people: It depends.
Odd Things:
01. Who is your role model: My role model? I don't have one.
02. What are some of your pet peeves: ?
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Oh yes.
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: No...
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: ...
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): No I'm not... Probably.
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: Yes.
08. Would you rather be dumper or dumped: ...
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": Relationship.
10. Want someone you don't have right now: Yes.
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: No.
12. Do you want to get married: No... Or maybe.
13. Do you want kids: Uhm... Yes?
14. Do you believe in psychics: Sometimes.
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: No.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: Eyes?
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: Honestly...
18. Are you happy with you: No.
19. Are you happy with your life: No.
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: My sosial life and emotional feelings or something.
\'Personal Questions'/
What Time Is It Now? 10:03 PM (yeah, this gallup _really kills my time. Well no, I've done some other things at the same time.)
First Name: Ilona
Middle Name(s): Charlotta
Birth Date: 26.11.
Sex: Female
Piercings: O_o
Tattoos?: No.
Nicknames: Hmm... hirvi. XD
City/Province Of Birth: Tampere
Do You Still Live There? Yes.
Where Are You From? Finland
Height: What? Lalalalala. I can't hear you! What?
Shoe Size: 37
Hair Color? Brown / red / light brown
Hair Length? Medium? 8'>
Eye Color? Green and grey
Siblings: ?
Pets: Yes. It says kurnau.
'Last Questions'
Last Movie You Saw In The Theatre: Hmm... The Phantom of the Opera?
Last Movie You Rented: I've rented only a one movie in my life (with friends) and it was Save the last dance
Last Movie You Bought: ...?
Last Song You Listened To: Poets of the fall - Shallow
Last Song That Was Stuck In Your Head: Poets of the fall - Illusion and dream
Last Song You've Downloaded: Hmm... It was Dir en grey's
whole Withering to death -album. Yes, I'm not downloaded anything for a
while. Oh, but Nelli sended Zen Café's 1-2-3 to me some days ago.
Last CD You Bought: Zen Café - Laiska, tyhmä ja saamaton
Last CD You Listened To: Poets of the fall - Signs of life
Last Person You've Called: ...
Last Person That's Called You: ...
Last TV Show You've Watched: Felicity
Last Person You Were Thinking Of: Anu, 'cause I talk with her right now. :>
'Do Questions'
Do You Have A Crush On Someone? Why this question again? Well yes.
Do You Wish You Could Live Anywhere But Here, if so, where? In Japan, or in France.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents? I don't talk with them too much. But yes I guess. Sometimes.
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? No, I already said that.
Do You Think About Suicide? Yes, I won't never really do it. Never.
Do You Believe In Online Relationships? Yes.
Do You Have A GF Or A BF: Do I have what? O_o;
Do You Currently Love Anyone? No.
Do You Find Yourself Attractive? No.
Do You Find Yourself Ugly? Yes.
Do Others Find You Attractive? Maybe..
Do You Drink? No.
Do You Do Drugs? No.
Do You Smoke? No.
Do You Like Fishing? XD Well I never get any fish!
Do You Like Cleaning? Depends.
Do You Like Roller Coasters? Hmm... Yes.
Have You Ever Smoked? No.
Have You Ever done drugs? No.
Have You Ever drank alchohol? Yes.
Have You Ever Gotten So Drunk? No. Beer tastes so bad. >_o
'For or Against'
Long Distance Relationships: For.
High School Long Term Relationships: For.
Using someone for personal pleasure: ...
Suicide: Everybody can do what they wanna do with their lives.
Killing People: Against.
Assisted Suicide: Depends.
Skipping school: Everybody's own problem.
Teenage smoking: ...
Doing Drugs: ...
Driving Drunk: Against.
Jerry Springer: Wh0000t? XD
Soap Operas: ...For. 8D
'Best' Questions
Best Friend(s): I don't know... I don't have one really best friend.
Best Person To Talk To: Noises in my head. NOT.
Best Gum: ...Hm, hm.
Best TV Show Of All Time: Friends and Conan O'Brien.
Best Online Friend: Oh, so many. Firen, Yue, Chiaki, Lera... List is endless.
Best Thing That's Happened To You: Don't know.
Best School Subject: Art and Finnish.
Best Thing In The World: Life.
Best Thing To Collect: Receipts!
Best Color Of All Time: White
Best Piece Of Clothing You Own: Uh, my shirts? T-shirt with text 'idiot' 8DD
Best Thing To Do On A Rainy Day: Drawing, watching tv or surfing in a net. Or ran out.
Best Stuffed Animal You've Owned: I have sooooo many. 200 probably! I can't choose one. ._.
Best Feeling In The World: They say it's love.
Fav Questions
Fav Food: Kebab
Fav Song:
There's so, so many lovely songs, but I put only few here: Victoria's
Secret from Sonata Arctica, Sleep from Poets of the fall, Yokan from
Dir en grey, Nothing else matters from Metallica, Tuulensuoja from Zen
Café and so on...
Fav Thing To Do: Riding. On a horse ofcourse. XD
Fav Thing To Talk About: Die, slash...
Fav Thing To Watch: Movies.
Fav Sport To Play: Football.
Fav Sport To Watch: BORING. But ice-hockey probably.
Fav Sports Player(s): Brazil's Ronaldo
Fav Thing To Drink (non-alcoholic): Coca Cola
Fav Thing To Drink (alcoholic): Apple cider
Fav Thing To Wear: Clothes.
Fav Thing To Sleep With: Bed.
Fav Person To Talk To: Hmm... in irl... Cesilia?
Fav Thing(s) In Your Room: Window.
Fav Picture: ...
Fav Flower: Lily of the valley. Or something. I don't know.
'Have You Ever'
Have You Ever Been In Love? No.
Have You Ever Felt Completely Happy Regardless That Things Aren't So Great? ...
Have You Ever Been So Awake Yet Tired At The Same Time: Yes.
Have You Ever Read A Book That Was So Good That You Couldn't Put It Down? Yes.
Have You Even Given Or Received Flowers? Hmm... No...? I'm not sure. XD
Have You Ever Lied To Someone? Something worthless...
Have You Ever Got In A Serious Fight? No?
Have You Ever Been Arrested? No.
'How Questions'
How Many TV's Do You Have? I have 0, but in our house are... 4. Or 2 actually. XD
How Many Computers Do You Have? 1
How Many Phones Do You Have? I have 1 cell phone.
Tämä todella söi aikaani. O_o No mutta tulipahan tehtyä. :'>
Pahoittelen tökeröä englantiani, en jaksanut miettiä sitä niin tarkasti.