So, I wrote a little drabble thingo inspired from prompt 3 at
It’s really rather hot; sweltering even and the rain that fell last Spring is only whispered about in soft, awed voices by the quiet of the lake.
Boys, boys, boys lounge about everywhere in the grass. Sweat in the dips of their collarbones and the skin above their lips. Lazy smiles and burnt chests and long limbs.
By the water, with no shade to speak of so that they both have to squint and scrunch up their faces, sits a shirtless Sirius and a sockless Remus. Their hands just touch by their sides and they share breath between them, hot air from lips.
Sirius turns and puts his mouth right up against Remus’s ear. He murmurs, “Do you think it will ever rain again?”
Remus smiles, the same slow smile that all the other boys do when they watch the girls walk by, skirts and shirts rolled up. He reaches out a hand to touch Sirius and whispers, “’Course it will. It has too.”
“Who says it has too?” asks Sirius, like he cares and doesn’t just want an excuse to graze his lips against skin.
The sun burns hotter when Remus laughs against his neck so Sirius grins too and waits for the feel of sunburn beneath his fingertips.