Oh What a Night

Oct 21, 2004 12:58

and oh what a night it was. yeah i definately ran down to fenway along with pretty much the entire northeastern campus and BU and probably all the rest. the entire city was out. wild, pure chaos. yeah pics on the news of the crowd outside of fenway.............i was in that. i was on landsdowne st. and could not move for the life of me. i have soooooooooo many pics, but i need to get them developed. i can't wait to see them, i hope they all came out okay. so about the riots........chaos, like i said before. we all ran outside and ran down through the fen and to fenway, while tim called, blaze called, jess called, tried to call ashley, but the circuts were busy. when i got there people were just coming out, so it wasn't too bad. then more and more people started coming, and the whole street was filled. i don't know when i have ever been in a crowd that big. i think in certain areas it rivaled the patriots parade. so we were cheering and i lost my voice and people were screaming, then people started climbing on roofs and billboards and fenway itself. then some kid either fell or jumoed off the green mosnter, came down on the cement and cracked his skull open. stupid kid. oh it wasn't top of the mosnster, but still high enough. so the ambulance had to come and fight through the crowd and i was standing right next to it when they wheeled the kid by. he held up his hand with one finger up, pretty much saying we're number one. then we decide to try and get some beathing room and fight down the street a bit more. people have signs that say matsui is ugly, a-rod sucks jeter, yankees suck, go red sox, i love boston police...........lol. so then there are these people in front of us fighting. play fighting i think but still, we said ok now we really need to get out of here. so we finally made it out of the crowd, but more people were coming. people were hanging out of cars, screaming beeping, air horns, flags, you name it, boston was doing it. there were even a few naked people running down the street, though most people who did decide on less clothing than everyone else had pants on. then once i lft, thank god, things started to get out of hand. people broke a soverign bank sign, threw trash barrels at stop signs and then the mother of them all happened. a very very nice car, that was also new, had new york plates on it. so the fans tried to flip it. when that didn't work they broke in, ripped thee doors off, lit a tee shirt on fire and lit the car on fire. this is in addition to several other small fires of i think yankee gear and such.thank god i got out of there before this all happened. i hate when people think that they have to be destructive to celebrate. this went on until about ehhhhhhhhh 2:30ish 3:00. and i heard an air horn this morning, so people are still celebrating. so due to this wild wild night, i couldn't get up for my 8am. tried, but didn't work. so i at least went to my 10:30, now my only class of the day, but it was still very very tiring, lol. at least my 8am for tomorrow was cancled, so my first and only class is at 11:45 NICE!!! well i'm gonna go, have some work to get done, then maybe off to work for a bit to try and make some money. ps. here's some pics, not mine, but you get the idea. stupid, stupid people lighting things on fire

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