Aye Aye Cabin- Tuesday Afternoon

Jul 18, 2006 17:48

Draco was trying to sleep through the heat Tuesday afternoon when his cell phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID and found it was a number he didn't recognise. "Hello?"

"Draco my boy! I'm using a fellytone!" said an excited voice.

"Uncle Roldolphus?" asked Draco. It couldn't be. Why would he have a phone?

"Yep! The Dark Lord sent me and Rabastan on a super secret mission! He trusts us." said Roldolphus. Draco could sense a smirk coming from the other end of the phone.

"This super secret mission involves phones?"

"You bet! The Dark Lord sent me and Rabastan out to spy on muggles and learn about their technology. Your mother mentioned that you also had a fellytone so I'd thought I'd give you a call. Maybe you could help us out-" Roldolphus was cut off by what sounded like a child shrieking with laughter.

Draco guessed that the Dark Lord probably sent his uncles on this mission so they wouldn't be able to screw anything up. Both were very capable of killing someone but when it came to thinking of and executing plans they were the last people you wanted.

"Where are you?" asked Draco when he heard more shrieking come through the line.

Roldolphus lowered his voice. Draco suspected he was trying to be sneaky. "We think we've found a muggle military base. There's tons of them placed in specific places all over the city. We've seen lots of soldiers come here for their rations. Good rations. This thing they call the Big Mac is freaking awesome."

Draco felt a headache coming on. "Wait. Big Macs? Are you at a McDonalds?"

"So you've heard of them too!"

And the headache was here. "Yes. Yes I have."

"There are more of them than I thought. Do you have any information on a Ronald McDonald? We believe he is the leader of the muggle resistance." Roldolphus asked. Draco resisted banging the phone against the wall.

"No, can't help you. Sorry. Where's Uncle Rabastan?" asked Draco. Usually Rabastan was the smarter of the two.

"He's hidden in the muggle child obstacle course. Amongst the plastic orbs."

That thud? Draco's head hitting the wall. When he felt a little better he put the phone up to his ear in time to hear what sounded like his Uncle Rabastan screaming like a girl. "ROLDOLPHUS! One of the tiny muggles hit me in the eye with a plastic orb! We've been found out!"

"Gotta go Draco!" Roldolphus said quickly. There was a click and the sound of the dial tone. Draco was too shocked to remember to hang up. He hung up the phone after he consoled himself with the fact that he wasn't blood related to the Lestrange brothers.

((This post brought to you by boredom.))

rabastan, my family sucks, roldolphus, i'm nuts, wtf

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