Tuesday Night

May 10, 2006 00:05

One of the main benefits of having a room to yourself is that you can talk to the fireplace without anyone thinking you are nuts. Which is what Draco was doing right now. Ignore the fact that he left the door open. Normally, his dorm room didn't have a fireplace but he didn't get a "O" in Transfiguration for nothing. He tossed some sparkly stuff into the fire and took a seat in front of it.

"Mum? Are you there?" asked Draco. He hoped she'd be the one to answer. He didn't feel much like talking to his aunt or uncles.

Narcissa Malfoy came into view almost immediately. "DRACO! How are you my love? You eating healthy? Exercising? You're not having relations with those mudblood girls are you?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine. Yes. Yes. And no." he says "How are you?"

Narcissa pouted and crossed her arms across her chest. "Horrible. My husband is in jail and my ungrateful son only contacts about once a month! And the last time you wrote you sounded like you were five."

"Actually, I was four." says Draco in all seriousness.

"Stop trying to be cute! To what do I owe this pleasure?" says Narcissa, using a cold tone that Draco himself used on occasion.

"New crop of students came in today. And you wouldn't believe who is here." said Draco. Narcissa scooted her chair closer to the fire. She loved gossip more than anything else in the world. Other than Cadbury Eggs. She did love those. "Who? Tell me!"

"Well, there are two people from Hogwarts. And one is Cedric Diggory." says Draco, leaning back in his chair. Narcissa's mouth dropped. "Cedric Diggory? Isn't he dead? I'm pretty sure he's dead. Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else..."

"Oh he's dead alright. But this school has some loopy time thing going on. Apparently Dumbledore made him come here before the last Triwizard Challenge." says Draco. Narcissa leaned back in her chair and put her hand on her chin. "You know, I always thought killing him was a bad move. He's so cute!"

"Mum. He's seventeen." Draco says, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Draco himself was turning seventeen soon. Narcissa pouted again. "What? I can appreciate a cute man, no matter what his age is. Cut me a break, your father has been in prison for almost a year now. It gets lonely..."

"And I'm going to have to stop you right there." Draco says, putting his hands up. He then changes the subject as quickly as humanly possible. "The other one is Granger."


"Granger. As in Hermione Granger." says Draco, already become exhausted from talking to his mother. Narcissa's eyes got bigger. "She doesn't know about the...Dumbledore thingy does she? She can't prove anything! I'll get you a lawyer! DON'T PANIC!"

"Whoa! She doesn't know anything! Another time loop thing. She's still a pain in my ass though." he says. "It will be nice to have someone to push around. I've missed it."

Narcissa folded her arms across her chest. "I don't see why you can't just kill her. She is one of the reasons your father is in jail!"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, mother. I am not going to kill her! Do you want me to have to go to another school?" Draco throws his hands up in frustration. Narcissa sighs and says "Not even as a Mother's Day present?"

"What? No! I'm trying not to do...that anymore." he says. He remembered all too clearly the day Piper made him hear the screams of his victims. He then saw the look of surprise on his mother face. "I, um, I'm strictly a torturing man now."

Narcissa shook her head. "Your father was right. That muggle school is making you weak. I should take you out of there, I really should. You need to spend a few days with your Aunt Bellatrix. If that doesn't make you want to kill someone, I don't know what will!"

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind next Parents Weekend." says Draco, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, as much as I love our chats together I'm afraid I have to go. I love you mum."

"Love you too, darling. Write me soon." says Narcissa, blowing a kiss. Draco waves goodbye before putting the fire out and turning the fireplace back into a lantern. He quickly changes into his pajama pants and turns on the TV.

mommy, granger, my family sucks, cedric, open door

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