Draco's Room, Tuesday

Apr 11, 2006 09:51

Draco had splurged this weekend and bought himself an X-Station. Well, it wasn't splurging for him but to the average teenager it was. He had left it in the box until a day where he had few classes. Partially to be a responsible student and partially becaused he was scared to death of hooking it up. He had heard rumors of video games (from Potter no less) and he was curious to see what the fuss was all about.

He opened it up and dumped out the contents on his bed. He tossed the wires aside (who needed them?) and concetrated on the main console. He sat it in front of his TV (caused he did know you needed a TV to use it) and waited for the magic to happen, excuse the pun. But nothing did. He furrowed his brow and nudged the X-Station a little with his foot. Hmmmm. Maybe you need a game to make it work., he thought.

He tooked out the games he had bought and looked them over to see which one he wanted to play. Out of Royal Hearts 2, Cirque and Absolute Twilight he thought Royal Hearts looked like the most fun because of that cute duck. So he took the game out of the box and set it on top of the X-Station.

Nothing. This could take a while.

((Door is open. But will have to sp cause I've got class. I wanted to play Kingdom Hearts and Halo so I made the...X-Station. Cause PlayBox sounded dirty.))

omg x-station?, muggles are confusing

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