OOC Schedules

Jan 09, 2006 18:38

I wasn't going to jump on the whole "post my schedule" bandwagon thing but then after today I realized that I needed it for my own benefit.

Tactics of War (Mondays Block 8)

Creature Languages (Mondays Block 4, Thursdays Block 3)

Journalism 101 (Wednesdays Block 5, Fridays Block 7)

Sociology of Violence (Mondays Block 2, Wednesdays Block 2)

And like Rory-Mun I am also starting new classes this semester. But where before I had a good six hours to sit around and FH it up during the day now I have one class right after the other. I will have time between classes to post lunch and maybe do a little RP but not a lot. So just for your fyi I'm posting my availability hours during the day.

Mondays: 10:30-3:20 Class

Tuesdays: 8:30-3:45 Class

Wednesdays: 10:30-3:20 Class

Thursdays: 8:30-3:45 Class

Fridays: 8:30-1:20 Class

Fridays were always iffy for me anyways. What? I'm in college.


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