Wednesday Morning, Room 329

Nov 30, 2005 10:00

Draco rolled over bed on Wednesday morning feeling like he had the best sleep of his life. Those brownies sure did the trick., he thought to himself.

He didn't realize something was wrong until he got out of bed and stood up. He felt taller. Way taller. He shuffled around for a bit, thinking maybe he was dreaming. But he found his movements were less graceful and more...gawky. Then he looked down at his hands and gasped.

"Freckles." he said to himself. No. No, no, no. She didn't.

He ran to the mirror. Instead of his beautiful, blonde silky hair was a color that could only be described as Weasley orange. His Aunt had used his love of brownies as a way to turn him into one Ronald Weasley.

A blood curdling scream could be heard in the halls.

mmm brownies, jonathan, my family sucks, ew i'm a weasley, paige

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