Happy stuff-your-face day

Nov 27, 2008 18:13

Today means yet another chance I get to NOT eat turkey :D it's so much fun being a vgetarian around the holidays.

Today also means a chance to think about who and what I'm thankful for. Despite it all, and despite how grumpy I get, there's a lot I have to be thankful about.

* My kitty, Mindy, for being a constant companion and someone to snuggle with at night.

* My mom, for teaching me that it's posible to perservere against horrible odds.

* My dad, for making me a stronger, more resilient person. (I still don't like him though).

* Kat, for giving me more love than I possibly could ever deserve, and for being my first ever girlfriend (I LOVE YOU BABY).

* Jamieho, for making me laugh all the time, and for having a surname that sounds like a pizza. LoL. :D

* katz, for being a totally sweet, totally mature, awesome young lady, who introduced me to Gram Parson.

* My dear friend Chi, for being there for me when no one else was. You've saved my life, and I love you.

* Rhea, for being my partner in J/P crime >:3

* Jiyu, for being one of the most positive people I know, and who put up with all my B.S. because she liked me. ILU <3

* Smits, for making me want to be better at drawing. Also for being really funny and mother-hen-like.

* Grots/liz, for educating me in all things George, and rekindling my love of the muppets.

* Nate, my sweet, for being a loving friend and all around supporter, and my sister in gay/lesbian rights.

* Irma, for still putting up with me after all this time, and for hanging in there even when it seemed there was no point <3

* nadia, for being one of my first friends in Chicago, and for introducing me to the Cavern Beat.

* James, aka Beatle Band george, for being totally kick ass on guitar and totally kick ass in general, and for teaching me things on the guitar. You ROCK.

* Cat, for playing off my wacky wit so well. you're awesome for such an elderly lady ;)

* My friends Amber and Turnish, for even though you're crazy christian and gets on my nerves all the time, prove that we can get along :)

* kezz, for being strong-willed.

* My sister Sara, for being my best friend EVER EVER EVER, and I'm sorry that I don't come home as often as I'd like.

* My sister's puppy, Oreo, for being CRAZY and adorable :D

* my brother, Mark, for being a sweetheart and for being positive despite what life hit you with.

* The Internet, for bringing me so many friends.

* and finally, I'm thankful to myself, for not being as big a screw up as I used to think :)

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