Apr 01, 2010 13:45
All I can say is thank God it's not marching band season or else this wind would be killing me.
I have class at the local college tonight. Normally I don't mind the class, the professor is made of awesome and looks and sounds like Sean Connery, so it makes American History sound like a James Bond fiasco. But still. It's history which gets old fast, (lol) So I'll take pages of handwritten notes and not be able to focus on anything but what I'm writing down for nearly three hours. Sigh.
I also have not been able to find anything worth reading since finishing Harry Potter. So of course I've been re-reading Harry Potter, which has done nothing but inspire all sorts of distracting fanfiction ideas. I wrote about six thousand words of a fic last night. The idea worries me, 'cause the only way to get the idea I'd want across this story will span to be very long. Don't think I have much time to comit to something like that right now. If there's anything to add onto my hate-list uncompleted epic fanfiction is it.
I'm going to try to pick up a Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner tonight. It will (hopefully) get me out of my reading funk, because I can't imagine anything about Sounis and Attolia to be less than excellent.
Fare thee well.
harry potter