Yet more of the right wing shooting itself in the foot:
Protesters hurl slurs and spit at Democrats.
Remember how the hippie assholes of the 60's are held up as objects of ridicule (and rightly so) for spitting on soldiers and calling them "baby killers" during the Vietnam War? Yeah. That.
Not that I ever really trust politicians, mind you, but I've certainly seen enough vehemence over this whole affair to find it completely believable.
On an unrelated note, I hear donut holes are delicious this season.
I also beelive that if substantiation is found, that the spitter will turn out to be a plant. There's already a two false-flag "Tea Party" efforts underway, it would not surprise me in the least if some leftoid decided to spit on some congresscritters to create bad publicity for the Tea Party movement.
I don't go in for conspiracies, because our government seems to be so consistently bad at them; it seems like someone always talks. I'm perfectly willing to believe that leftists do awful things....
I'm not willing to believe, as Congresscritter Lewis states, that this is the worst it's been in 40 years. I'm sure he's lying about that; that makes me suspect that he just made up the rest.
ETA: This does not require much of a conspiracy. Three or four people who've made careers out of ferreting out intolerance and blaming it on their opponents claim that they heard something, and there's no video. Everyone else is just repeating the story.
Except that there is a video of some of the event, and that video doesn't show any racial or homophobic slurs, or any spitting.
If you look at the video, that all happened when Cleaver went out of his way to get in the protester's face, rather than just walking where he was going.
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I have never heard anything racist on his show. I have heard him making fun of the race-grievance industry, and race-hustling politicians, but that's not racist.
This is not a "complex conspiracy". It's a hive mind at work, and not working very hard at that. There are fewer than six people who claim to have witnessed what was reported, possibly as few as three. I can easily believe that three (or five) people whose careers depend on scaring their constituents with the "racist" bogeyman might have decided that a bunch of people angry with them must have shouted something racist, then going to press with that. I particularly suspect the one who didn't say anything until later of making it all up, so he could horn in on the publicity.
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