The challenge for the next two weeks will be Cartoon Heroes. I figured this was justifiable in that Plastic Tree has done the ending for two animes, therefore we will be using pictures that Plastic Tree has drawn for icons! Blending and all other effects (including animation) are welcome. Please read this entry carefully as there are some new guidelines to follow for this challenge.
There are obviously more illustrations out there and if you have any that are not posted here, feel free to use them :3 Screencaps of the official
OHP are allowed as well (but not the profile pictures). However, keep in mind fanart is not allowed (including your own just to be fair). If you are unsure about whether or not something is fanart, please comment in this entry with the image.
- Make the icon fresh --> Don't submit an icon you have already made
- Don't host your icon on Livejournal, please use something like Imageshack or Photobucket
- All effects are welcome.
- If you have any questions, feel free to make a seperate comment in this entry.
- You may submit a maximum of 2 icons
- All comments are screened =)
- To prevent theft, please do not show your icon anyone else.
- Deadline is Sunday June 3, 2006; 9 PM GMT. No submissions after the deadline will be accepted.
When you submit your icon, please submit in this format:
http://yoururl If you are a non-member and wish to submit an icon, please join the community and submit an icon before the deadline! Happy iconing everyone!