First off, HALLO to the new people on my flist from the friending meme! I really should have an introduction post thing for when I do add people from those memes, like Oliver 8| BUT IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ME FEEL FREE TO ASK
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Aaaand I might comission something to help with your trip. Even though I won't be there :[.
Yay going home!
And commission money would be so helpful ;A;
MAYBE I DONT KNOW. I kind of want to post them, but I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen them a billion times and wont be interested :c
I WOULD BE INTERESTED post them for meeeeee
Also dude HELP I came off my hiatus at XI and have NO IDEA WUTS GOING ON @_@
Oh lol. Basically THE BROTHERHOOD HAVE ATTACKED. Theres a conference and Magneto was all HI BITCHES and now theres a huge fight, and whilst that is going on, he sent people to the school to recruit Brotherhood members. AXEL WAS WORKING UNDERCOVER FOR THE BROHOOD so he's going. but yeah, that's basically what's happening now. If you like, you can hold off reintroducing the two that I know you didn't have at the institute till after all this happens, because then they can actually be HEY GUYS WHATS GOING ON without it being OOC.
OH SHIT SON. Herrrr sucks I didn't come back a little sooner 'cause I would so have had Josh confusedly join the brotherhood it's basically canon :/. But yeah I should probably wait 'til after to bring them backkk.
lying in wait. like a. waity thing.
Well Axel already has like four people following him to the brotherhood, and Josh is his friend, so he can come too if you like :D :D I COULD ARRANGE SOMETHING I AM SURE
Creeping in the shadows until the perfect opportunity to strike.
That would be awesome :D! He can come back and Axel can like swoop in while he's all discombobulated and like "wtf is going on?!" or something.
do you have your battle pose on in those shadows
Well, he should come back before the brotherhood hit because they're only going to be there for that afternoon, and Luxord has the whole school in a time bubble, so he'd already have to be there, or he'll miss out on it.
I do. It is a very manly and badass battle pose.
Lol ok then can we just pretend he came back sooner? xD;
is it really. I think I need a diagram of how manly this pose is.
YEAH that would work xD
( ... )
that is pretty manly.
We could handwave it if you like. Though I do still tag back in the evenings if I'm not too busy, so I wouldn't mind that either.
I think you mean extremely manly.
Well it's been like, forever, since I rped so I would kind of like to log it I don't get out of class until five o'clock for me tonight though lol so I guess if you were around we cld start it then? this is probably going to be very slow going haha.
I am so easily swayed by you goddammit
It is pretty epicly manly.
OKAY if I'm around I'll be up for that <3
;D What can I say I am a manipulative bitch.
Awesome. I'm excited to log with you again finallyyyyyy.
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