Feb 24, 2010 14:40
I'm working on this big group project at the moment as the story artist, which I have no objections with. The thing I have an objection with is that the director is apparently a morning person, which means he's making us get up at unearthly hours, an I find it hard to function before 11am normally. And since I'm getting up early, I'm exhausted by about 3pm and usually pass out for a couple of hours in the evening. Which in turn means that I'm not really tired till about 3 in the morning and the VICIOUS circle continues. I seriously need to sort out this sleeping pattern of mine, because i'm just existing as a zombie at the moment which is not helpful to anyone, especially not when I have weight to pull in this project. Augggh ;A;
Also the latest what if Wednesday at XI had me in tears last night. 8(
buried by work,
mutant prom,
sleep deprivation,
via ljapp,
animation will be the death of me